Need help with Daily Summary

Sorry if this isn't the place to post this. I have a question about my daily summary and if it's alright if my "Net" is negative? Today is my first day tracking all of this. Thanks for the help!


  • angieroo2
    angieroo2 Posts: 973 Member
    No. Simply put, you should be eating a lot more. You need more food in you to function and live.
  • daisy783
    daisy783 Posts: 4
    Thanks Angie. I'll try to stay close to the goals that mfp has set then. Is that how it works, they calculate what I need to lose the weight I want?
  • philipjm
    philipjm Posts: 9 Member
    try to eat close to the calories they give you and drink lots of water also watch your ratio on the wheel in the summary part and stay close to the ratios they give you. It works I have lost 16 pounds so far
  • daisy783
    daisy783 Posts: 4
    Thanks Philip.