Weight loss while nursing question....

I had started using MFP Winter/Spring 2011 when I reached my highest weight/size yet- 165 which at 5'5 was a size 14 jeans/pants for me and I was not happy about that. I lost 5-10lbs then ...........and then we got pregnant with baby #4 (surprise! :)) Baby was born at the end of February & I was excited to start again :)

I took it easy for the 6 week postpartum time & then started counting calories after that. I figured 1200 for me and 300 for nursing so ate about 1500 give or take ~100-200 calories each day. Happily I started dropping weight like never before- I am down 17lbs and SIX sizes! I can wear size 8 jeans again - I haven't been there since.......um..... :) But I've kind of stalled here & I'd like to lose another 10lbs or so. It's been taking weeks at a time to see even a 1lb loss and I would like to do a bit better than that lol.

I am a stay at home mom of an 11 yo, 6yo, 2yo & 4 month old. I do basic housecleaning, chasing a toddler & taking care of baby but don't have as much activity as someone who's on their feet allll day. The baby nurses ~6 times a day & get's a bottle or two when I'm out with all the kids. For exercise I work out a little every day with 20-30minutes strength training, walks to the park, or walks around big malls, etc... then I also do bigger work outs ~2 times a week at 1-2 hours long (these have strength, cardio & self defense training with my husband).

So my question is .....Am I stalled because I'm still eating too much or not exercising enough? Or am I'm not eating enough? It seemed to be working well for the first 2 months but the last month++ hasn't done much at all.


  • Kathy53925
    Kathy53925 Posts: 241 Member
    This is a tough one. I really think you need to ask a nutritionist because you are breastfeeding. It's a tricky thing to diet and breastfeed.
  • 3foldchord
    3foldchord Posts: 2,918 Member
    my doctors always told me NOT to diet or try to lose weight while breastfeeding, just eat healthy and let nature do it's thing. work on the weight afterwards if needed.

    I ate like CRAZY while BFing, round the CLOCK- and still llost weight, though, so I dunno....
  • JanSmelly
    JanSmelly Posts: 143 Member
    If you give or take 200 calories, then you are down to 1300 calories. That is not enough for a breast feeding mother. Your milk may not be compromised (for now), but you are taking from your body. Ideally you should be taking in 300-500 additional calories with a net calorie total of at least 1800. IMO your first thought should be a healthy milk supply and a healthy body, not dropping all the weight so fast.
  • calebsmoma2000
    calebsmoma2000 Posts: 7 Member
    I certainly wouldn't want to do anything to compromise breastfeeding & so far it has been going great there. I had asked my doctor about exercise & diet at my 6 week appointment & she wasn't terribly helpful. She said it was fine to do both but didn't offer specifics numbers or anything so was curious if others knew anything :)