stuck in a rut - big fat rut

im new (kinda) to mfp. been on here for almost a month and i am just now getting into the forums. it seems to help. I NEED THE HELP!! in this past month i lost weight and gained it then maintained it and long story short...i havent lost any weight from my SW.

SW 184LBS - june 24th
CW 184 LBS
GW 130 LBS

im 5'5 and aquired all this extra weight from pegnancy. i probably dont eat the best i could and i deff dont work out as much as i should. i need motivation to get off my butt and get moving. my diary is open and i can handle criticism. i already know i can work on things.

id love to gain friends who are in the same boat as me. ex - new mom, early 20s, struggling with weight loss, not too big on working out lol i cant seem to find anyone in the same stage of life as me. **sigh**


  • ErinRibbens
    ErinRibbens Posts: 370 Member
    I was where you are a year ago...both my pregnancies I gained too much, despite trying to exercise and eat right. I had a hard time getting the weight off at first but gradually it started coming off and now I am 10 lbs below my pre-pregnancy weight.

    Are you nursing? I am one of those unlucky ones that can NOT lose weight while breastfeeding.
  • ErinRibbens
    ErinRibbens Posts: 370 Member
    Looks like you have your diary set to friends only.
  • RitaMarie88
    RitaMarie88 Posts: 43 Member
    I was where you are a year ago...both my pregnancies I gained too much, despite trying to exercise and eat right. I had a hard time getting the weight off at first but gradually it started coming off and now I am 10 lbs below my pre-pregnancy weight.

    Are you nursing? I am one of those unlucky ones that can NOT lose weight while breastfeeding.

    im not breastfeeding. it didnt work for me. i wouldve loooved too tho! i just need to find the energy to get out n about. my little bit of free time is spent making baby laugh lol
  • foraubs
    foraubs Posts: 263 Member
    No one can give you the motivation -- you have to muster that from within yourself, regardless of potential positive outside influences. I also don't think you're going to find anyone that will support you in not getting moving.

    You've identified that you don't eat as well as you could, you don't move as much as you should, and you're too busy with baby.

    My suggestion? Make a conscious effort to eat better, at least one meal a day and get out for a walk. Find an activity that you enjoy, involve your baby in it and let go of the excuses.

    Positive? You haven't gained since your SW, so make an effort and get out there! Anything anyone says about your diary -- regardless of how you handle criticism -- isn't going to help --- You know what you need to do. Do it!

    Wishing you the best. It's not always easy, but it gets easier with time. You have to want it. You may be struggling because it seems like you're not trying.

    Good luck moving forward! :)
  • tammyandzach
    tammyandzach Posts: 922 Member
    I was 265 at the end of my 3rd pregnancy. I started my journey at 253. I am now 204. I have found that the challenge groups help me the most. I am a part of one that is starting a 6 week challenge on Tuesday. Check it out.
  • lpappas76
    lpappas76 Posts: 2
    Ive been working at this for a little over a month and can relate to your frustration. Just keep working at it and you will get there!
  • RitaMarie88
    RitaMarie88 Posts: 43 Member
    i know its possible!! and most importantly i know i can do it. i just have to find something that works for me. what can i say...i love to eat lol walking has been a major thing for me. walking with the baby and on my lunch breaks seems to be a good start so far