ED recovery

is anyone recovering from an ED and trying to gain weight instead of lose it? I can use some support and friends!(:


    wow yes we all have some stuggles not happy in our skin.. well really disappointed abotu what my dr had to say she put me on wieght lifting limits.. I cant lift over 35 pounds like what does she know she concerned about me hurting my brain. ill listen though lol she went to school longer than I she also put me on a combo bp med now that is half water pill I am not feeling this at all water pills are hard on your body but once again ill take her adva as long as i sont satrt feeling weird
  • emnk5308
    emnk5308 Posts: 736
    I'm not...I just had to say good job on coming here to gain! =) I've seen a few people trying to lose weight that were already on the low end of healthy.. it isn't good =(
  • filomenae
    filomenae Posts: 110 Member
    I'm in ED recovery, but I don't need to put on weight anymore. I am here for support! : )
  • Tender78
    Tender78 Posts: 119 Member
    Ok, I must not be on the same page. Not trying to be funny or smart but I see ED and my first thought is erectile dysfunction...I'm really guessing that's not what y'all are talking about.
  • Tender78
    Tender78 Posts: 119 Member
    Oh, duh. Nevermind, I think I just figured it out.
  • dlaplume2
    dlaplume2 Posts: 1,658 Member
    Just stick to it. There are people here trying to gain weight for one reason or another. Most people here are just trying to get to a healthy weight and live a heathy lifestyle, so don't discount them just because they are trying to lose. Eating disorders are just like any other addiction, you have to fight it every day. Just take it one day at a time, and many best wishes to you.

  • janessafantasma
    janessafantasma Posts: 312 Member
    I'm not in recovery, but I have a history of disordered eating and I'm trying to lose weight the healthy way after gaining a significant amount due to health issues, anyway, I like giving support where it's needed :)