my recent trials and tribulations

So I've been away from MFP for about 2 weeks and really missed it. Things have been pretty tough lately. First our adoption fell through. We were adopting a little girl from Uganda and the agency we were using relied soley on their in-country rep who was lying about the children - some families were told they were adopting children that didn't even exist. In the end after much investigation we found out that the girl we were referred was in fact an orphan, but because his scam was falling apart around him the rep just took all of the children from the foster home. And because our agency didn't check up on the guy enough they didn't know (or didn't check to see) that he hadn't processed paperwork giving our agency custody of the children. Meaning basically that they had no true legal right to the children and therefore neither did we. So my partner and I have been grieving for the loss of a child that we thought was going to be ours. It sucks.

In the meantime, as if that wasn't enough, I had surgery 2 weeks ago for stage 4 endometriosis. they had to remove my appendix because the endometriosis was covering it and basically gluing my uterus, ovary, and small intestine together. so they've done some pretty extensive digging around inside me and I can TOTALLY tell. so I've spent the last 2 weeks recuperating and trying to get up and around and walking again - I'm not up to exercising yet but I'm really hoping to be able to do some light exercise soon. I've spent the last several days eating cookies (I know I know) and hobbling around the house. I started back to work this week, 1/2 days and I'm so glad to be out of the house and away from the cookies! And it felt really good to come back to MFP today and plug in my breakfast and see that all of my foods were still there. I know I'm going to have to watch it over the next several weeks so that inactivity and holiday eating don't get the best of me.

p.s. my partner and I aren't giving up on adopting yet...we've decided to go with a program for children who are legally free for adoption from the foster care system here in the U.S.


  • ischmelle
    ischmelle Posts: 203 Member
    Sorry to hear you are having such a rough time! Adoption is a difficult process, but I'm glad to see that you haven't let it discourage you and you are going to try again using a different way. There are a lot of children in the world who need loving parents and I am sure the right one will find his or her way to you. I wish you continued luck on your recuperation. I hope the surgery is out of the way now and you can just focus on healing and getting back to your normal routine! Best of luck! :flowerforyou:
  • cassandra1220
    cassandra1220 Posts: 284 Member
    Wow! I don't even know what to say. You are one strong lady! Welcome back here...get well, get stronger, get focused. I know it sounds cliche but 2010 IS right around the corner (and it's okay to have a couple of cookies :wink: ) Best of luck to you.
  • mrsbeck
    mrsbeck Posts: 234 Member
    Sorry to hear things have been so difficult lately. Do take care of yourself, and if you are planning to add more physical activity, be sure you take it slow and have your doctor on board. :flowerforyou:
  • Mommabee
    Mommabee Posts: 103
    I wish you all the best! I can't even imagine the way you must have felt finding out you weren't getting your child! And then surgery on top of it all, honey I'm suprised cookies was all you binged on!
    You are going to get through this though and 2010 is going to be your year!
    Stay strong, we are here for you!
  • AnneElise
    AnneElise Posts: 4,221 Member
    You are a great person for wanting to adopt and help a child that needs a family, I hope to adopt a child someday. There are plenty of children in the US that need adopted and since it sounds like you are pretty open to race you should be able to try to get one faster than some! Good luck and God Bless you for doing that!
  • princesspurple
    I have realized recently that when things look there is no hope.....something amazing happens! Get out and take a walk to release some will feel much better. It sounds like adopting from the US will happen faster, and it will be hear before you know it. Someone in my office actually just told me today about their friend who was trying to adopt and it fell through-obviously the parents-to-be were very sad. They just received a call a week ago and they are now proud parents of a beautiful little boy! Get yourself healthy and fit because you are going to need the energy to take care of a new little one:)
  • moujie
    moujie Posts: 229
    thanks everyone for the words of encouragement. I'm hanging in there and determined to move forward!