Students-Lets See your Before and after (18-25)

Fathima0712 Posts: 177 Member
I am Fathima.I am 5'4 and weigh 142lbs and want to get down to around 120lbs.

I would love to see fellow youngsters who lost weight while in school or college,because i am finding it rather hard to juggle school work and weight loss and i am in dire need to inspiration and motivation!


  • WhitneyAnnabelle
    WhitneyAnnabelle Posts: 724 Member
    I am really tired right now, but I've lost 85 pounds. I more or less tell the story in my profile, and there is one 'before' face picture in my pictures. Sorry I'm lazy, haha. I'm 25 now--I started losing the weight around 22-23.
  • Fathima0712
    Fathima0712 Posts: 177 Member
    I am really tired right now, but I've lost 85 pounds. I more or less tell the story in my profile, and there is one 'before' face picture in my pictures. Sorry I'm lazy, haha. I'm 25 now--I started losing the weight around 22-23.

    Where you in College while doing this?! If so,how did you manage to juggle the hectic schedule and get fit?!
  • Dani_wants_to_be_fit
    Dani_wants_to_be_fit Posts: 550 Member
    44lbs down with studying. I never took pictures at my heaviest weight though (cam shy) but you can see the current ones on my profile.
  • Louise1247
    Louise1247 Posts: 670 Member
    allI have
  • meginki
    meginki Posts: 70
    Well, I have to say I started losing weight whilst at school, but I only ever managed the first 20-30 pounds there during my last year. And because I was around 270, they were the easiest to come off. Summer holidays are great for losing more as you don't have the stress of school, or the temptation of buying food instead of making your own!
  • Dani_wants_to_be_fit
    Dani_wants_to_be_fit Posts: 550 Member
    allI have

    Those are some amazing results!!! You look great =)
  • Kailel
    Kailel Posts: 61 Member
    If you can walk to get your groceries, do it. I lost weight in my first year because after walking for my groceries (which took 1 to 3 hours) I didn't have much time to eat them. In second and third years, I decided to bring my car because I needed more free time. I gained 55lbs in second year and stayed about the same in third year, and in fourth year I left my car behind and lost 40lbs (and the rest after I graduated).

    Walk everywhere, that's my advice.
  • lovelyworld
    lovelyworld Posts: 30 Member
    I actually gained like 15 pounds my first year and now it's the summer before my second and I'm really just trying the lose it now so I can enjoy the next year better! Too many good restraunts and vending machines at my Uni so it's hard! Plus long days, I used to just collapse when I got home! Plus alcohol is really not great for weight loss....

    Hope everyone reaches their goals, and the girl above who posted her before and after looks amazing!
  • victoria4321
    victoria4321 Posts: 1,719 Member
    I don't get why you think being a student makes weight loss hard. I lost weight in college with a full electrical engineering course load. I had classes from 8am all the up until 6pm as a freshman (with breaks in between of course). In my junior and senior year I had class until 9pm some days as well. Biggest influencing factor on my weight would be that I joined some sports in my school to make it a little more fun.

    No one says you have to eat pizza and beer all day while sitting on your *kitten* pretending to study just because you're in college. Most schools have a free gym and access to tons of activities. Go make use of it all.
  • victoria4321
    victoria4321 Posts: 1,719 Member
    Oh yeah and don't forget you already paid for all that stuff in your tuition. It's probably the most expensive gym membership you'll ever have your in whole life.
  • WhitneyAnnabelle
    WhitneyAnnabelle Posts: 724 Member
    I am really tired right now, but I've lost 85 pounds. I more or less tell the story in my profile, and there is one 'before' face picture in my pictures. Sorry I'm lazy, haha. I'm 25 now--I started losing the weight around 22-23.

    Where you in College while doing this?! If so,how did you manage to juggle the hectic schedule and get fit?!

    I was actually very sick at the time and had to take time off from college. I gained the weight from medication. I did end up working 30 hours a week and going part-time, though. I usually just went to the gym after work.
  • fels123
    fels123 Posts: 44
    Make the most of having loads of people who will want to work out too. I'm working this summer and trust me it is harder to lose weight whilst working than when you're at uni!!

    Absolutely second walking to get groceries. You'll also buy less as you have to carry it home :)
  • Slimmasaurus
    Slimmasaurus Posts: 141 Member
    I don't get why you think being a student makes weight loss hard. I lost weight in college with a full electrical engineering course load. I had classes from 8am all the up until 6pm as a freshman (with breaks in between of course). In my junior and senior year I had class until 9pm some days as well. Biggest influencing factor on my weight would be that I joined some sports in my school to make it a little more fun.

    No one says you have to eat pizza and beer all day while sitting on your *kitten* pretending to study just because you're in college. Most schools have a free gym and access to tons of activities. Go make use of it all.

    I personally find it hard because all my friends and housemates are drinking all the time and eating pizza/takeaway. Even though I'm Captain of the cheer team and stay very active, I find it hard to stay on track because almost every social occasion involves alcohol. I don't know how it works in the US but over here in England the university gyms are just as expensive as private ones, and very busy. It's intimidating, and it's difficult to work up the confidence and motivation to get going.

    As for healthy eating, no one else in my house is interested so I buy all my own groceries. Some weeks I just can't afford it because it's not great value cooking for one!
  • victoria4321
    victoria4321 Posts: 1,719 Member
    I don't get why you think being a student makes weight loss hard. I lost weight in college with a full electrical engineering course load. I had classes from 8am all the up until 6pm as a freshman (with breaks in between of course). In my junior and senior year I had class until 9pm some days as well. Biggest influencing factor on my weight would be that I joined some sports in my school to make it a little more fun.

    No one says you have to eat pizza and beer all day while sitting on your *kitten* pretending to study just because you're in college. Most schools have a free gym and access to tons of activities. Go make use of it all.

    I personally find it hard because all my friends and housemates are drinking all the time and eating pizza/takeaway. Even though I'm Captain of the cheer team and stay very active, I find it hard to stay on track because almost every social occasion involves alcohol. I don't know how it works in the US but over here in England the university gyms are just as expensive as private ones, and very busy. It's intimidating, and it's difficult to work up the confidence and motivation to get going.

    As for healthy eating, no one else in my house is interested so I buy all my own groceries. Some weeks I just can't afford it because it's not great value cooking for one!

    The gym memberships on campus are free for students at the university and colleges over here. For eating I usually ate at school so while there were tons of unhealthy options we also had healthy foods available too. Every social event also had a lot of food and alcohol too so while I did drink I didn't eat much at parties. They were always late at night anyway so its not like I was starving. I also had to pick and choose the days I can drink because I had 6am practices and couldn't do that with a hangover.
    ATOLLIT Posts: 149
    I'm studying at the moment, and while it is easy to put on weight (which is why I need to lost it now!) it is not really that hard to lost it either. I find it much harder when I go back to my parents' house, because while I'm at uni I can make decisions about my own food, grocery shopping etc, but when I'm at home I eat whatever mum cooks, and she buys wine all the time.

    I'm studying medicine and have exams this week, but I still found time to go for a walk yesterday, and a run both days before that. Not having time is a bit of a cop-out - it can be hard while you're sorting out a routine but once you've been there a month or so fitting in exercise shouldn't be a problem.

    I live in England so I do have to pay for gym membership, but near big universities a lot of them have student rates which, while still expensive, are affordable if you seriously want to fit them into your budget.

    The alcohol is fattening and very tempting when everyone is going out drinking all the time, but that's where willpower and making your own decisions comes in - only drink once a week or restrict yourself to one or two each time and adjust your calories from food accordingly.

    I don't have any photos sadly, not ready to take "after" ones yet! But I have lost a stone in the last 3 months, whilst revising and stress-eating chocolate, so it's definitely possible!
  • camrunner
    camrunner Posts: 363
    I didn't do a very good job of taking pictures to document my progress, but I started when I was in high school and lost ~150 lbs within the first two years. That was actually the easiest it's ever been for me. I just didn't bring any food or money to school, so eating wasn't an option. I also took a gym class so I was able to get an hour of exercise in most days during school.

  • MDamoun
    MDamoun Posts: 33 Member
    Dear Sister Fatima,

    I believe Ramadan is the best month to start looking into the changes as one has said small steps makes big difference down the road.

    Excluding reason for being on the heavy side due to any medical reason; One type of abuse we do to ourselves is to inflate ourselves in order to hide behind the proctective shell which we intentionaly or unintentionaly creat for ourselves.

    Being child we most of the times act too childish and worst part we keep adhere to it even we grow out that stage not realizing that in fact we are hurting our own being.

    Nothing is magic and we need to understand that we have invested a big chunk of time and negligance to ourselves which make us look what we are today and it's gonna take sometime.

    Going through your profile the good news is you have the keys i.e. Realization and Target while there is just plain motivaton and implementation left to your success.

    As what I have learned there are 3 things which will make big difference to one's physical outlook on which you have 100% control.

    1) Your type and amount of solid -semi solid intake
    2) Your type and amount of liquid intake
    3) How much physical movement YOU made for your body to sweat (at least for 10-15min stright).

    Rest there is no way I can agree with you that you can not spare or buy 30-45 odd mins from your 24hrs time to have even indoor physcial activity. For every Salah or food break you take just engage yourself with light stretch or light exercise for 5 mins.

    During Ramada just make sure you have plenty of water to be hydrated before fasting and avoid the feasting when breaking the fast. Eat healthy and eat in protions instead of one go.

    Final latch to sucessful result is "be presistant" no matter what.
  • NoMoreJellyRolls
    Im a full time student and mom of 3. After I had my youngest daughter, Feb 2010 I hit my highest weight ever of 350 pounds. I have lost 15 since MFP, but before MFP I lost 60 pounds. 75 pounds since may 2011, with school and kids. I do what i need to, to get it done. I get up at 4am to go to the gym, while there I study, read, or "speak" my paper by putting ideas on my small recorder then I come home to type it. I have school @ 9a until 3-5p depending on the day/class.

    Rearrange your "free" time, If i can do it... anyone can!

    Good luck
  • apedinger
    apedinger Posts: 57
    23 here....

    Started at 275

    currently at 208

    goal of 175




  • aimeekaye26
    I was 19 when I started my weight loss. I did the Atkins diet for about 2 years and went from 225 to 160 (65 pounds) and stuck there for a while. Here's my Atkins before after (didn't do the best job documenting this).

    (not sure how to imbed, hope that worked)

    This is a semi-before and after as you see. The start picture I wasn't at my absolute heaviest, it was taken the summer after I graduated high school.


    This is me at my heaviest (on the vacation where I realized I needed to lose weight) and the day I started Nursing School (the lightest that Atkins took me) from about a size 18 pants to a size 10.

    Okay so halfway through nursing school, I was maintaining but I met a girl that was really into fitness and she told me about insanity so I did insanity and lost 20 pounds in June of 2011, down to about 145. Here's the best I have for after on that:


    I sincerely wish I'd taken measurements, etc. I was more just working out for the stress relief, nursing school was hectic and crazy.
    After nursing school I did regain weight, only about 15 pounds but my size 6 jeans don't fit and my 8 jeans are getting really tight and uncomfortable, I am opposite of a lot of people in happy times I gain weight and in stressful times I lose weight - I got married and I'm super happy now but I'm learning to balance myself out of school/stress/in happy times.

    Now I'm doing turbo fire and I have only done a week and I lost an inch off my waist and one and a half inches off my hips. I'm really excited about it. Just for fun, here is a progression picture from (sort of) beginning to end)

    (here's the link for that photo, because it's stretching the bandwidth

    The first is about 3 months after I started Atkins, the last was after finishing insanity. My husband (boyfriend then) gained weight in the middle photos, but lost it with the treadmill [=

    Sorry this was long, I just have lots of pictures and I'm pretty proud, I worked my butt off literally. =D
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