Wake up Call for my coffee



  • moochachip
    moochachip Posts: 237 Member
    They have a sugar free french vanilla/hazelnut variety at the grocery store. That is what I use. It's 20 calories instead of 40. I don't pour much in (it doesn't need much) and add some splenda.
  • Masq
    Masq Posts: 191 Member
    Target has an Archer Farms brand sugar free coffee syrup with zero calories. It comes in vanilla and caramel (possibly others) and adds a ton of nice flavor.

    ^^ I use this too. I add one tablespoon of regular International Delight coffee creamer for about 35 calories and then I add a bunch of sugar free coffee syrup for the rest of the flavor.
  • hollyNhollywood
    hollyNhollywood Posts: 426 Member
    After starting to log here, one of the first changes I did was to stop drinking milk with my cereal & coffee (at least while at home, if I get coffee out I do drink skim milk) and stop using creamer. It not only saved me a lot of calories, but greatly reduced my sugar levels too.
    I was also using a sugar free vanilla creamer in my coffee. Now I use unsweeteened vanilla almond milk for my coffee (& my cereal).
    And I sweeten with pure via individual packet.
  • guineebrat
    guineebrat Posts: 23 Member
    i use silk soy creamer with a sprinkle of cinnimon or nutmeg try to get away from those creamers that are high calories i also bought cinnimon sticks put those in to sometymes good luck maybe vanilla drops ? have a great day
  • MsMartyMac
    MsMartyMac Posts: 33
    The closer you get to your goal the more you have to shave off your calorie intake. That is how I came to drink my coffee black. That and we didn't have any creamer at school that day. As a fifth grade teacher, EVERYONE wanted me to have my coffee..lol SO I made myself drink it black (It was that kind of day) and low and behold It wasn't half bad....now I only drink my coffee black.
  • UrbanRunner81
    UrbanRunner81 Posts: 1,207 Member
    I know I can drink black coffee if the coffee is really good. So I spend extra money on coffee to get the good stuff, grind my own beans, but a little stevia in it and drink it black.
  • stephmo86
    stephmo86 Posts: 45
    fat free half and half, splenda, and if you're craving more sweetness, sugar free DaVinci flavors. I'll sometimes put some SF hazelnut in my coffee.
    And I'm a serious coffee fanatic.
  • muddyventures
    muddyventures Posts: 360 Member
    I use sugar and milk, but am cutting back and I am now down to two cups most days and one cup others. I also have cut my drive through espresso habit way back. I made a goal to try and not drink my calories. I thought, do I really like coffee or do I like sugar and creamer? I am hooked on coffee becaue I like sugar and creamer so trying to break the habit will save me a ton of calories.
  • Amryfal
    Amryfal Posts: 225
    i have half-and-half in my coffee and i will never give it up, lol - i make room for it in my calories for the day.

    sugar-free flavoring syrups are an option.

    here's a tip from the espresso world: add a few grains of salt to the brewing coffee. i don't mean dump in tablespoons or even a pinch - just a single tiny dash from the salt shaker. i know it sounds weird, but it will counteract the bitterness and make the taste very smooth. the coffee will NOT be salty unless you added way too much, and it will not noticeably affect your sodium for the day.

    ETA: buy whole beans and grind your own. old coffee is more bitter than fresh.
  • nxd10
    nxd10 Posts: 4,570 Member
    I thought I couldn't drink black coffee until I bought better coffee beans.

    And I really love tea. Two calories!
  • netchik
    netchik Posts: 587 Member
    Curious that everyone is intent on doing something to their coffee to make it taste better. Why drink it if it doesn't taste good the way it comes? I get enhancing the flavour of something (like ketchup on fries, Sweet Chilli on gyoza) but you wouldn't buy something if you didn't like the way it tasted in the first place, surely?

    Maybe you're drinking the wrong coffee. Don't get me wrong - I like coffee, and I like it with milk and a little sugar. But I'm gonna enjoy that sucker and just include it in my calorie burn rather than have a sub-standard product that's lower in calories. I've had a few coffees that are delicious black, too. Is it about the caffeine hit?

    confused.com :)
  • skonly
    skonly Posts: 371
    I am trying to slowly get off the creamer. It's like a drug addiction. I am actually measuring now. I did good today, just 5 tbsp's. Too much but it's less than usual. I'm going to try unflavored low calorie creamer and put a drop of banana extract or some other flavoring and see how that does. I was really surprised when I started tracking calories how much the creamer affected my daily total. Most people have to give up potato chips, cookies, desserts. Then there are those of us who are flavored creamer addicts. lol.
  • lhill_388
    lhill_388 Posts: 1
    Why does your trainer want you to cut back on dairy?
  • IsleEsme
    IsleEsme Posts: 175 Member
    I slowly switched to fat free powdered creamer but it still is loaded with calories/sugar. I don't do flavored creamers at all. I need the regular cream and sugar in my coffee. I can't do "fake" sugar-it's TO sweet. I'm going on the hunt today for new creamer with less sugar. Gonna try the cinnamon thing too!
  • RoboLikes
    RoboLikes Posts: 519 Member
    Land O' Lakes Mini Moos - individual creamers, only 10 calories per container.
  • Chryskk
    Chryskk Posts: 22 Member
    I ditched flavored creamers entirely and now I drink flavored coffee instead. Most have the same calories as regular coffee.

    I have a Keurig so I can have a variety of flavored coffees. Delicious!
  • tabnmyq
    tabnmyq Posts: 10 Member
    Being someone like myself, I love my coffee sweet. I used to use the regular coffee mate flavors too. But what I like to do now is use the Silk light vanilla soy milk and the Torani sugarfree syrups. The milk is only 70cals per 8oz and no cals to the Torani. And if I am having a really sweet tooth day I add a teaspoon of splenda. Cut those coffee cals way down :) Good luck
  • calitravelingal
    While I don't mind making major changes to my life in order to reach my goal, I have decided that there are 2 things I just won't give up. Flavored creamer is one of them. I only drink one small cup of coffee per day, during the winter when it's cold I'll drink tea the rest of the day. I've tried the fat free and sugar free varieties of creamers and it just didn't do it for me. I have cut down on how much I use, but have no intention of making myself into a black coffee drinker. I used to just pour it til it looked good, but now limit myself to 3-4 tbsp. I log it every morning. Sure 4 tbsp is 140 cal but I don't drink soda, and rarely drink anything that has calories in it so this is my treat. I believe that you can't give up everything becuse then you'll be miserable. Isn't the whole point most of our weightloss journeys to be healthy and happy? I say use your creamer! If the calorie intake bothers you that much, take a 20 min walk around the block to cover them!
  • beachbebe
    beachbebe Posts: 47 Member
    Fat free half and half or non fat whipped cream over HOT coffee in am. For latte, mix 3/4 coffee, w/Stevia pkg and vanilla, add nonfat milk and a few ice cubes, if desired, and top w/ non fat whipped cream. Try Chai tea as substitute for coffee sometime.
  • Rhondavous64
    I also watched that episode of the Doctors and tried the cinnamon...Couldn't do it. So next time I go to the store it will have to be almond milk for me...maybe with a touch of Cinnamon?