Water, Water, Water!

rosemh83 Posts: 18
edited September 20 in Food and Nutrition
Why is it so hard for me to remember to drink my water? I'll drink diet soda, tea, but I never seem motivated to simply drink some water :(. Any tips on how to reach your daily water intake? I know this is a big key for me when losing weight! Helped me in the first round (68 lbs). Thanks!


  • MariSama44
    MariSama44 Posts: 340 Member
    I used crystal light single serve packets to wean myself off of soda at work and instead drink water. Now I just go for water without even having to flavor it. It seems like you want some type of flavor in your drink. My favorite crystal lights were the strawberry one and the orange one. Try that and carry a water bottle with you, that helped me too.
  • Mindful_Trent
    Mindful_Trent Posts: 3,954 Member
    I try to remember to drink a glass of water anytime I'm around a sink - I'll drink a glass when I brush my teeth in the morning, when I'm cooking dinner, doing dishes, etc. I keep a glass by my bathroom sink, and I'll usually have a water glass out near my kitchen. I've found random "reminder" sticky notes put up in places where you will see them and be near water (bathroom mirror, fridge, etc.) can help too. Also, it's easy to make it a habit to drink a glass with every meal - associating drinking the water with something you do regularly helps make it easier to remember, and that's at least 3 glasses a day there.

    Drinking teas or the flavor packets (like Crystal Light, which the previous poster mentioned) can help if you don't like to drink plain water. (Just make sure you stay away from 'flavorings' with sugar in them.) Personally, I love drinking plain water - it's just a matter of remembering to do so.
  • Rdahl2
    Rdahl2 Posts: 90
    I started carrying a 1liter water bottle with me at all times. There's 4 8oz. glasses in a liter. I try to drink at least 1 and a half of those a day for a total of 6 glasses.
  • I have stopped buying soda for at home. It forces me to drink water as there is nothing else (except Koolaid for the kids). My kids have also started drinking more water because of this.
  • I find that making sure I drink a glass of water when I get up in the morning gets me off on the right foot and having another glass of water right before I go to bed sends me off the same way. I generally only drink water, save for a couple cups of coffee in the morning and a glass of warm milk in the afternoon.
  • LOL!!! I just shared this in a thread I started. I have a favorite cup(s) I keep on my desk at work, and nothing goes into it but water, and I refill everytime I eat a snack or something. And given that I eat breakfast, 2 snack and lunch at work, I get a least 4 10 oz servings at work. It helps with hunger drinking every time you eat something too.
  • cds2327
    cds2327 Posts: 439
    I just have it in my head that I don't get to drink anything else like crystal light or whatever until I have had my three bottles of water for the day. I spice up my water by adding cucumber slices (sounds sick, but tastes good!).
    I have a "bubba keg" that i can carry anywhere with me (fits in a cupholder in the car too). they have them at walmart for 5 bucks.
  • AshleyTaylor2017
    AshleyTaylor2017 Posts: 155 Member
    I use the bubba keg as well. Mine is 32oz and fits right in my cupholder of my car. Plus it keeps my water cold for up to about 5 hours!!! I am trying to get better about drinking water. I make myself get up 10 mins early and the first thing I do is go downstairs and grab a glass of water and sit for a few minutes. It's usually quiet and lets me wake up plus I've got one glass down before I leave the house!! I work in a hospital--so sometimes it could be a while before I sit down...but I have been trying to take a drink everytime I walk by my computer before moving on to the next patient. I have also started trying to aim to have my 32oz gone by one and the second 32oz gone by 7. I get off work at 8. It's still hard for me to usually get this much water in, but the days I do I drink 72oz!!
  • Flavoring packets are good, just make sure it's the sugar free.
    I have a 24 oz Nalgene bottle I take with me everywhere. I try to fill it up at least 2x a day and then drink a glass before bedtime and that will usually give me my intake for the day.
  • Awesome suggestions everyone. Thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! One day at a time, one glass a time :). Best of luck to you all! Keep up the great&motivating work!
  • rheign
    rheign Posts: 56
    The scale really helped me remember to drink my water. Not seeing the results simply because I didn't consume enough water was enough for me, LOL.
  • aopigirl595
    aopigirl595 Posts: 1 Member
    I keep a 16 oz bottle with me at all times. it goes home every night to be refilled with the yummy filtered water at my house and I fill it at least once every day while at work. I keep it right by my monitor so I am constantly reminded to drink it. It works really well.
  • iTim__
    iTim__ Posts: 6,823 Member
    @Rose - First "hot" picture. :) Next, I drink water first thing in the morning, it has become a habit. And doing that has really made a difference. Also, drinking water after working out or after a meal (or before even better). What I'm trying to say, make it part of what you do so it becomes a habit.
  • I keep a couple cases of bottled water right at the front door and take a few when I leave. I keep a 2.5 Gallon jug on the Kitchen counter for easy access and as a reminder. I also keep a 2.5 Gallon water jug at my desk at work. Sometimes I'm too busy to get up and get some and then when I finally do get a minute I might not remember so this works for me. I also do the first thing in the morning and last thing at night too.
    It's only been a week so far but I've been able to get in 10-12 cups per day this way without any real effort.
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