August House Cup Workout Competition

cpk44 Posts: 33 Member
This is a new idea of mine. I've been needing some motivation to work out lately. I'm very competitive so I figured a little friendly competition would get me motivated to work out.

The Basic Idea:

I've made a google spreadsheet document with a segment for each day in August. Once August starts, at the end of each day, each person will put in the number of minutes they worked out that day. The document will do the math for you, and tell you the total number of minutes you've worked out so far in August. That way you can keep track, and compare yourself to the others on the spreadsheet.

BUT THATS NOT IT! If you decide to join, I will also assign you a house. Because I love Harry Potter, I've stolen the four original houses and they are Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, Slytherin, and Gryffindor. The total number of minutes that everyone in, say, Hufflepuff, will be the house total. So if person X has worked out 200 minutes and person Y has worked out 350 minutes and they are the only ones in Hufflepuff, the Hufflepuff house total will be 550 minutes. At the end of the month, the house with the highest number of minutes will win the house cup.

Basically, it's a fun, motivating competition. I don't know if anyone is actually interested, but hopefully people are! I promise to run the spreadsheet and stay on top of that, as well as work out!

- Either send me a message or reply to this forum and then friend me. Please only join if you think you will participate for the whole month.
- Requests to be included in specific houses will be taken into consideration, although eventually I would like an even number of people in each house
- If you are really good at using Google Docs, please let me know because I am terrible with a computer and the document right now is pretty basic

Although we wont start until August, here is a link to the document if you want to take a look:

Message me/ reply to this post with any questions, comments or concerns.




  • cait58
    cait58 Posts: 19 Member
    This is the greatest idea I've ever heard! I would loooove to do this. Friending you now :)
  • elliott82
    elliott82 Posts: 156 Member
    Oh me!!! Harry Potter and working out!? YES. Friending now.
  • jnhu72
    jnhu72 Posts: 558 Member
    Sounds like fun, friending you now!
  • cpk44
    cpk44 Posts: 33 Member
    Hopefully more people will join!!
  • Willbenchforcupcakes
    Willbenchforcupcakes Posts: 4,955 Member
    Sounds like a fun way to stay challenged in the August heat:)
  • Rukadare
    Rukadare Posts: 101 Member
    Totally going to join! :D I love Harry Potter!
  • kayleanah
    kayleanah Posts: 5 Member
    I'm in!
  • 139pilotwife
    139pilotwife Posts: 235 Member
    OK I'm in - love a good competition. I'll send a friend request & take a look at the spreadsheet...some knowledge of how they work & formulas.
  • ALW65
    ALW65 Posts: 643 Member
    My MFP friend let me know about this challenege - I'm no Hairy Potter fan, but I'm certainly a fan of exercising more and losing weight! Please add me in and pretty please put me on a team with 139pilotwife - we've never met in person but will be running a 5K together in November. How cool is that to be able to run with someone from MFP?

    I'll pull down the Google spreadsheet - I've never used theirs before, but I figure it can't be much different than Excel.

    Thanks for coordinating this OP!
  • lottabottle
    lottabottle Posts: 36 Member
    yes please I would love to be involved in this challenge, 2 stone to lose and need some serious motivation at the moment
  • ShyannexParker
    ShyannexParker Posts: 2 Member
    Oh I love Harry Potter this sounds so fun! I'm in!
  • cpk44
    cpk44 Posts: 33 Member
    Would anyone be interested if I started a chat room for this competition, just so we could all talk and get hyped up about competition?
  • sarahrobin
    sarahrobin Posts: 138 Member
    I saw House Cup and had to click. I love Harry Potter and I love this idea! I would love to join!
  • Rukadare
    Rukadare Posts: 101 Member
    Would anyone be interested if I started a chat room for this competition, just so we could all talk and get hyped up about competition?

    I definitely would be! :) I'd like to get to know everyone a bit better, especially because the competition doesn't start for a while.
  • annieu613
    annieu613 Posts: 143 Member
    This is awesome! I love HP!
  • kerry2285
    kerry2285 Posts: 10 Member
    Hiya, I'm just starting back at the gym and would like to join too. A bit of extra motivation! :o) I do also love Harry Potter!
  • pvesey
    pvesey Posts: 55 Member
    This is great...please count me in. I'm encouraged by two of my MFP friends..ALW65 and 139pilotwife. If possible, could you put us in the same house. OR...maybe separate houses would be good for competition. What do you think? I'll just leave the decision up to you. Great idea...even though I'm not a HP fan. Anything to get and keep me motivated. Thanks so much! Chat room sounds great too. I will try to get on to the document and I will send you a friend request.
  • 139pilotwife
    139pilotwife Posts: 235 Member
    Would anyone be interested if I started a chat room for this competition, just so we could all talk and get hyped up about competition?

    Sounds like a good idea!
  • cpk44
    cpk44 Posts: 33 Member
    Here is the chat:
    it probably won't be very active since there are so few of us and we'll be going on at different times
  • cpk44
    cpk44 Posts: 33 Member
    I've started a group for the competition. Everyone please join!