Too Many Donuts!

Ok, so a coworker just brought in an order of literally like more than 50 donuts and there's only 7 of us that work here! It's going to be hard to say no today, but I have to! I wish they would hide them so they're not staring at me all day :ohwell:


  • linzismith
    linzismith Posts: 139 Member
    ha ha! that happened to me today too! only in my office there are 14 of us and she only brought like 12, thank god. good luck!
  • MadWorld
    MadWorld Posts: 200
    Haha. I remember those days. The pizzas, the donuts... you name it they brought it. Seems like every time there was a meeting (which was once a week AT LEAST) there had to be donuts.

    Just keep busy as much as possible. For times like this, it would be a good idea to keep some healthy substitutes in your work area (fruits, nuts, etc). If you can, chew gum. For some reason, though, gum stimulates my appetite. Weird.

    And, if you absolutely can't refrain-- have just one and work it into your cals for the day. Just remember the sugar high you'll get from it and the cravings that come from the crash.
  • MFR1974
    This time of year is the worst. At our office people send us treats from all over the country to say thank you for the services we provide. On Monday we got a huge box of very expensive chocolates. I at my chocolate chip quaker chewy granola bar that I brought from home instead. Still chocolate...just not the really bad stuff. Good luck to you today. You can do it if you set your mind to it and remember your goals!
  • dporter1183
    dporter1183 Posts: 154 Member
    Ha! my boss brought us donuts too! she bough 12, and there are six of us.......I ate my two.:blushing:
    But I'm going to do REALLY well the rest of the day. and I'm going to walk at lunch.
    It's that time when I NEED to satisfy my sweet tooth, so I did.:tongue:
  • jdavis193
    jdavis193 Posts: 972 Member
    Once you start saying no to them it will be easier someone brought in a box of doughnuts today to and it is very easy for me to say no to them now. They are right by my desk to. Stay Strong
  • jlefton1212
    jlefton1212 Posts: 171 Member
    Wow, that is a lot of donuts! I have to say that they are one of my favorite foods (fat AND sugar topped with sprinkles!) but I always try to remind myself of post donut feeling - a sugar buzz followed quickly by a sugar crash! I'm usually not very productive afterwards and they leave me hungry... it's just too many calories to still feel hungry afterwards, right?

    If you have one, just ENJOY it and don't beat yourself up. But maybe pace yourself or make it a challenge (I have to drink X amount of water before I can have my donut).
  • vanimami
    vanimami Posts: 433 Member
    I"m glad to see I"m not the only one on this boat. Well, my boss always orders donuts from this place and they gave us these donuts for free, I guess they didn't realize there's really only 6 of us here :sick: I ate so many sweets this weekend that I just can't do it! and I know (from experience :embarassed: ) that I can't just have one. If I eat one, it opens up my appetite and I can't stop. Oh and usually in addition to the donuts, they bring in pigs in a blanket that are to die for. It takes a lot for me to say no, but today I better find something else to do!!

    Madworld, I'm going to take your idea and eat sweet gum, I hope this will help me :drinker:
  • moujie
    moujie Posts: 229
    If you feel you can't resist promise yourself you're going to log it first. sometimes seeing how bad it is makes you suddenly find things like that unappetizing. of course the reverse could be true as well - you might see that it's not as bad as you think and indulge. I'm recovering from surgery right now and for the past two weeks my "exercise" was to walk from the couch to the kitchen to get a chocolate chip cookie...not my finest moments.
  • vanimami
    vanimami Posts: 433 Member
    I'm recovering from surgery right now and for the past two weeks my "exercise" was to walk from the couch to the kitchen to get a chocolate chip cookie...not my finest moments.

    :laugh: Hilarious! Well, it's hard for me because sugar is my weakness and I HAVe to monitor it, if not I gain weight VERY easily. Plus, I had enough sugar this weekend for the army! I think I got diabetes this weekend from eating all the sweets :laugh: Either way, I can plan for it, but at like 350 calories and so much sugar, it takes a lot from me on what I can eat and I don't think it's worth it. However, it's hard to say that when the donuts are JUST sitting there! :mad:
  • moujie
    moujie Posts: 229
    I hear ya! sweets are SO my weakness. It was so nice of my neice to come to my house and bake all those cookies so I wouldn't have to worry about not getting my holiday baking done since I was recuperating. Now the only question is...who is going to come over and bake more since I've eaten all of them??? :laugh: yeeshe.
  • MayLan
    MayLan Posts: 1,523 Member
    a good tip is to not sit next to the food, so that it won't be on your mind. Also, while everyone's eating maybe you can have other snacks like nuts or fruits.