Roller Derby Girl looking to friends on weight loss journey

Hi, I'm 42. Going through an ugly divorce. Stress has led to depression which has led to weight gain which has led to me taking a leave of absence from my favorite outlet: roller derby. I'm ready to start over and be the happy person I was last year. I miss my derby sisters and playing the game. As I lose weight, I'll get my agility and self-confidence back. Short term goal is 25 pounds lost. Long term goal is 99 pounds to get to healthy weight. Anyone out there wanting to help keep me motivated? Thanks everyone! xo


  • tmbowen12
    tmbowen12 Posts: 175 Member
    Hi there, feel free to add me. I love roller derby. Used to go and see the gals in Detroit when I lived there.
  • amyoc3
    amyoc3 Posts: 18
    i don't know much about roller derby- but i'd love to be a support for you along the way. and may be learn a little about roller derby along the way =) feel free to add me as a friend.
  • jibbala
    jibbala Posts: 76 Member
    i admie your roller derby girl bad assness! Lets support each other and reach our goals!
  • pricklysweet
    pricklysweet Posts: 3 Member
    don't know about roller derby, but do know about divorce and would love to be a support.:happy:
  • davyrockhit214
    Don't give up on derby!... People always seem to give up their major supports and coping skills right when the need them the most! I am here if you need...
  • hurwitzmm
    hurwitzmm Posts: 9 Member
    u go bad@ss! Derby should remain in your life to help lose!

    Add me if u would like! We enjoy roller derby with the Assault City team in Syracuse
  • patchesgizmo
    patchesgizmo Posts: 244 Member
    you can add me, my sister is a roller derby gal in the MPLS arena
  • _HeartsOnFire_
    _HeartsOnFire_ Posts: 5,304 Member
    Feel free to add me!
  • ScientistRuns
    ScientistRuns Posts: 6 Member
    You can add me! I don't play roller derby, but I do mountain bike and am used to the occasional big crash. I think I would love to try roller derby one day! I'm also looking for some friends to hold me accountable. Trying to make healthier food choices!
  • merd0210
    merd0210 Posts: 32 Member
    Derby is one of the biggest stress relievers and a huge motivation to get in better shape and be around a "family" do't give up! And if i recognize your logo I may have played against you a time or two?
  • CChandler81
    CChandler81 Posts: 100 Member
    I play! Sorry to hear about the stress you've been under- glad you're wanting to return back to derby. I took a month off recently and it's been hard to get back into the swing of things, especially scrimmaging. I'm taking it one practice at a time though. Making time to workout off skates and get your diet in check will help big time!
  • Abriscoe66
    Stay strong, and stay commited to this site. It will keep you on track. Diet and exercise are the key. You will look up, and the weight will be gone.
  • catslyn
    catslyn Posts: 8
    You can add me. I do roller derby in CA and I am also no young little thing. Hope things are going better for you since you first posted this message.
  • tcampbell35
    I have been there to, You can do one day at a time I am here if you need a friend.
  • 3MonkeyBoysMommy
    oooooh I think Roller Derby is awesome! I'm new here, too, and looking for supportive friends. Friend me if you like. I might not be as kick *kitten* as you, but I play with kids all day. That's pretty hard core, right? ;o)
  • moonwinkle
    moonwinkle Posts: 1 Member
    You can add me - I'm a fresh meat for Cherry City Derby Girls in Salem, Oregon. I've been on a plateau forever since joining (which hopefully has been licked - turns out I'm not eating enough), but working towards my lifetime weight loss goal. 5 down, 35 more to go.
  • carloc
    carloc Posts: 135 Member
    Add me if you like. I did the whole divorce, feel depressed, eat to much and not give a crap about yourself and am working on making all the right changes. You just need time to find all the good stuff again.
  • katekizm
    katekizm Posts: 47 Member
    Retired roller derby here. And went thru a divorce in the first year of skating. I started with Jet City in Everett, WA when it was in its infancy, then moved to Treasure Valley in Boise, ID. Retired when my mom was dying. Now remarried and an NSO. (but retiring from that this season as well.)
    After the stress of my both of my moms dying in one year, I packed on the pounds. Hitting my down slope now!!

    Add me!