My dog's love/hate relationship

cobracars Posts: 949 Member
My Blue Heeler is really enjoying one part of my new lifestyle, every night she gets a 1 mile walk with me.

What she doesn't like is that now I'm watching my portions I'm getting more territorial about my plate and she doesn't get the little snacks she was used to! LOL

Anyone else's new lifestyle affecting their pets either positive or negative?



  • teemiller13
    teemiller13 Posts: 317
    My two min pins are hating the fact that im cutting down on my food intake because now im so hungry that I want all the food that I get to have and they are no longer getting scraps at dinner
  • AMYJK7110
    AMYJK7110 Posts: 126 Member
    While I never used to give my dogs any scraps, they actually get them now! I'll toss them a green bean or two or a slice of zucchini or a carrot, raw, as I'm preparing. So, I'm going to say they're happier now!
  • CStone17
    CStone17 Posts: 37
    I'm still at my college home, so the only pets are my bird and my roommate's cat. The cat gets in the way all the time when I work out in the living room (Chest flies? Clearly he should help me by getting on my stomach!). I'm not sure if it's love or hate or just apathetic feline self-centeredness. My bird just gets confused when I work out in my room. She just wants me to sit still and hold her and talk to her, not jump around.

    Once I go to my family home for three weeks, though, I'll have some walking and hiking buddies! One mutt who is a bit bad on the leash but is great for an energetic companion, one Great Dane who is really skinny and scared of things but looooves going out and has the weirdest excited trot you'll ever see, and one geriatric Great Dane who's only good for short walks. And they're all big and good for defense if I hike alone, though I probably wouldn't take the old Dane. I think they'll all have a love relationship with it.
  • MissMiley
    MissMiley Posts: 49
    My two yorkies were getting to go on one mile walks with me before it got too hot outside. Planning to start that back up again in the fall. They still get a few snick snacks at the no real change there. They think I've lost it when I'm doing my Zumba workout!!
  • MissMiley
    MissMiley Posts: 49
    Options the way your blue heeled is quite beautiful!!
  • weefreemen
    weefreemen Posts: 652 Member
    My two little yorkies love walking, but not in this heat they are just too small, they do love cottage cheese and yoghurt though, so they are dead chuffed there is lots of that in the house now.
  • nannabannana
    nannabannana Posts: 787
    Well, now there is a topic we lovers of 4 legged critters can relate to. I have 2 Yorkies and 1 mini schnauzer...nope they do not get it now...they do get carrots and such, but you are right my portion controls are for Momma dn Daddy gets the extras. No hot walks for my babies. They look at me like I am crazy too, when I do Zumba, treadmill or any other things of sort. lol
    I think mine just told me they are mad at me. We had turkey cutlets and they kept dancing around the table...hehe
    My grandbabies feed them plenty...:) BTW your blue-heeled is beautiful. The other 2 ladies are my PALS...hehe