What are your little tricks for losing weight?



  • DoingitWell
    DoingitWell Posts: 560 Member
    I do wall pushups on the job every hour.
  • Dani_wants_to_be_fit
    Dani_wants_to_be_fit Posts: 550 Member
    Here's what is working for me:

    * I've given up on diets and magic solutions - they simply don't work
    * I eat what I want when I'm hungry, enjoy it, and stop when I'm full
    * I seriously limit refined carbohydrates and try to stay hydrated
    * I try to incorporate some physical activity into my daily routine
    * I let my scale accumulate dust between weigh-ins

    ^^^ this! Very well said =)

    I've tried almost every diet out there and there is some initial weight loss but then it all comes back on. It's about adopting a healthy lifestyle. Everything in moderation and just move more.
  • argenterie
    argenterie Posts: 93 Member
    I also do that trick where I'll pre-log my planned meals, especially dinner, and then if it goes over, I'll do something different for dinner instead. I try to pre-log alcohol if I plan to go out after work with a friend and have a drink, I'll pre-log it so I have a better sense of my "free calories" for the rest of the day. I also eat veggies before each meal: like I'll snack on carrot sticks or a small salad before I eat my "main meal", so I won't be as hungry and will only eat a little bit of the more calorie-dense foods.

    I keep healthy snacks in my purse, and healthy sweet treats in my freezer (like Edy's no-sugar fruit popsicles, 25 cals each, or jello sugar free pudding snacks, under 100 cals each), so when I have a sweet tooth I can enjoy one, without needing to re-plan the rest of my meals for the day.

    And finally, I allow myself to go over some times! I just make up for it with exercise or eating a little less on the rest of the days of the week. I feel as long as my "weekly" numbers are okay, it's ok to have a cheeseburger at a restaurant or something!
  • 47Jacqueline
    47Jacqueline Posts: 6,993 Member
    Wanted to see what you have done , eaten exercises ect. that you feel has helped you loose weight or tone up . I have lost ten pounds but have hit that ten pound wall . So from what I've read its time to change things up a bit. One of the things that helped me is when I found this site if I was getting close to my calories for the day I would plug in what I wanted to eat Before I ate it and if it was to much in carb or cal I ate something else. Excited to see what you are doing . I have gone from 143 to 133 goal is 120 and toned. This year I will be 40 so I'm going for the fabulous fit and forty look. I to... have admired those girls... at the gym who are over forty and look fantastic better bodies than some 20 year olds.
  • fairc3jam
    fairc3jam Posts: 136 Member
    Honestly, there are no "tricks." A mixture of cardio and heavy weights along with a reasonable food plan. The "trick" is sticking to the plan, laying off the junk, eating enough of the right calories, walking through the door of the gym, and giving each workout all I've got. No trick about it, just life.

    I like this reply.... If only I could control my cravings for ice cream and salty foods.
  • lowpro1983
    lowpro1983 Posts: 305 Member
    This is what has helped me -

    *log calories accurately
    *eat less junk
    *drink more water (miss my sweet tea)
    *add cardio & strength (I like HIIT)
    *stay positive

    There's no magic. I've said it before & will say it again, consistency works. I have lost about 25 lbs since January. I probably could have lost more, but I'm happy with my weightloss. Slower is better. Anytime that I have lost a lot FAST, I have gained it back.
  • Nana_Booboo
    Nana_Booboo Posts: 501 Member
    I stopped dieting. I stopped depriving myself and I learned I have to eat, but eat healthier.

    I'm no longer so hungry I binge.

    I started looking for healthier choices. Have a treat once in a great while that I really want.

    I try to eat clean, unprocessed foods but sometimes that's hard.

    I try to eat as close to nature as possible.
    I use "fooducate" app to help me understand not only to the labels but the nutritional value of food

    I follow MFP and pay attention to the nutrition of my choices, I pre-log so I'm not in the "Ought oh, oh well tomorrows another day" situation.

    I look for other motivators, other Non-scale victories, not just the scale. The scale only measures your relationship with gravity, it can not measure you're awesomeness!!

    I stay within my calorie goal and get at the very least, 30 minutes of cardio in a day. Weights & strengthening a few times a week.

    I stopped setting a time when I needed to have the weight off. It's a life long journey and as long as I keep doing what I'm doing, I'll be just fine.
  • fairc3jam
    fairc3jam Posts: 136 Member
    I do wall pushups on the job every hour.

    Great idea!
  • 47Jacqueline
    47Jacqueline Posts: 6,993 Member
    I have two things that I do to help me get through the day and stick to my goal. I'm working on losing 25 pounds and getting toned so one of the things I do is to plan my exercise ahead. If I want to eat a little more then I exercise a bit more to compensate for the extra calories I'm going to ingest. I'm not crazy when I exercise - just prudent. For example. Today I'm going to the movies and I want to get a small popcorn while I watch my movie so I did a half hour on the bicycle, which came out to 200 calories. I had looked up the amount of calories movie popcorn has and it is 190 calories. That lets me eat my regular meals and also give myself a treat.

    As someone else said, I also look up the foods I'm planning to eat before I put them on my menu and if they are out of range for my daily intake then I choose something else. Losing weight for me is not being on a diet but being prudent in my intake and portion control.
  • arathena720
    arathena720 Posts: 449 Member
    * I try to prelog everything when I can. If I'm going out (like yesterday I went to a pig roast and had no idea, outside of pig, what they would be serving) I make sure to do a big exercise burn in the morning, and I keep track of everything I eat.
    * Sodas are gone except for a treat once in a while, which I plan on and log. But if you want one, plan for it and log it.
    * Salt, nothing additional outside of cooking
    * Table sugar, nope. Coffee with milk now (blech). But if you want it, plan for it and log it.
    * Very few processed foods (microwave meals)
    * Lots of fruits and veggies. I see a lot of diaries with nary a fruit or veggie on it. You can lose weight eating your 1200 calories worth of mac and cheese or ice cream every day, but you're not going to be healthy.
    * Don't deprive yourself! Work some yummy foods into your diary, just keep them logged. I'll work a serving of sun chips or a few cookies in if I want them, just plan around them and make sure there are lots of fruits and/or veggies in the other meals to balance it out.
  • brma0101
    brma0101 Posts: 2 Member
    The mystery of language was revealed to me. I knew then that
    ‘W-A-T-E-R’ meant the wonderful cool something that was flowing over my hand.
    :drinker: That living word awakened my soul, gave it light, joy, set it free.
    Helen Keller, The Story of My Life

    Ever wonder about those people who spend $2 apiece on those little bottles of Evian water? Try spelling Evian backward.
    George Carlin
  • filomenae
    filomenae Posts: 110 Member
    This is what works for me:

    - I drink about 80 ounces of water a day to stay hydrated (that includes how much water I drink at the gym from sweating)
    - I run- I hate the treadmill; running on trails is much more fun and burns more calories!
    - I am working on eating a healthy diet (in recovery for my eating disorder), which includes mostly fresh foods (I hate processed junk!) I love fruits and vegetables.. I take in a lot of protein, and I measure everything I eat to make sure it's the proper amount. Eyeballing it doesn't cut it for me!
    - I also do strength training. Weights are not your enemy! In order to get that toned, firm body you need to have muscle. Most people are fearful that they'll end up bulky, but I can assure you I'm not bulky at all and I've been strength training for over a year. Plus, muscle burns more calories than fat.

    Anyway, that's what I do.. I also take supplements such as omega 3's, calcium, and a multivitamin daily, That doesn't really effect weight loss, but it aids in general health : )
  • bump
  • czken
    czken Posts: 8
    Removed by poster. Still learning how this works. Sorry...
  • czken
    czken Posts: 8
    I sit a big glass of water by my bed. When I get up in the morning, the first thing I do is drink 16 oz of water. Then before each meal, I drink a glass of water. Sometimes you think you are hungry, but really you are thirsty!

    This is a great idea although first thing in the morning is my weigh-in time so I'd probably wait until after hitting the scale. I've read elsewhere that it is better to drink that water a bit before a meal because too much water interferes with normal digestion.
  • TXStephSki
    TXStephSki Posts: 26 Member
    I make a big jug of cucumber and lemon water each morning and drink it throughout the day. it has really cut down on my salt cravings.

    For sugar cravings, I have a stash of hard candies (my favorite lollipops are 50 calories each) and I'll have one after dinner when I want something sweet. Keeps my taste buds occupied without killing my numbers for the day!
  • DoingitWell
    DoingitWell Posts: 560 Member
    * I try to prelog everything when I can. If I'm going out (like yesterday I went to a pig roast and had no idea, outside of pig, what they would be serving) I make sure to do a big exercise burn in the morning, and I keep track of everything I eat.

    Yes I just prelogged and it has really given me a game plan for today!
  • bugabuv
    bugabuv Posts: 3
    l just wish sosmetimes l could just follow my meals and not go off track when my co-workers bring in baked goods.
  • Csitri
    Csitri Posts: 132 Member