Oh help :(

Sorry to post such a selfish post just I feel like I need some advice. I have been trying hard to lose weight, so far managed 12lbs. It has been a struggle but I have been doing the best I can and making some real changes. But the last week has been going awfully, I have found it just so hard not to over eat and even binged a few times. I did it already today and am right now fighting the urge to go out and buy more junk. I have been quite bad for posting my food diary on here as it has been to embarrassinly awful. I din't know why I am having this wobble and what to do about it. I really do want to do this, it is just so hard right now. I am worried I'll gain back everything I worked so hard to lose :(
Thanks, Joselito xxx


  • bhankiii
    bhankiii Posts: 217 Member
    I can tell you what finally worked for me. I completely gave up sugar. After a day I lost all my food cravings. In the past when I tried to just cut back I always ended up sliding back into a binge. Now, I've been 7 months without a food craving. Maybe it's just me and my food issues, but if you want advice, that's mine. Try it for a couple of weeks and see what you think. But you have to be vigilant and read the label on everything you buy - if it has sugar, honey, especially corn syrup, agave syrup, maple syrup, any of the artificial sweeteners, just skip it. Limit your fruit intake for those two weeks since fruit sugars can also trigger a craving.
  • Bjcollett
    Bjcollett Posts: 1
    Sometimes you have to ask yourself, which is more important? And am i really going to let food come between me and my goals. It is a struggle everyday, but you have to dig deep within yourself and find that strength.. Nobody can do it but you! I will say when your true strength comes out it is a GREAT feeling, and keeps you motivated for the days to come. Stay strong and dont let food take over your life.. :)
  • relucas81
    relucas81 Posts: 76
    I can't imagine actually posting to my diary on a binge day.. that would be insane! There are reasons other than food/weight that you are seeking out junk food and binging for comfort, and until you identity and deal with those issues, the binging will not go away. Luckily, your intense desire to be healthy and to put this past you means that you WILL be successful :) And sooner rather than later
  • Suaso
    Suaso Posts: 48
    Check out my diary for Monday (or even yesterday)
    I almost didn't update it I felt so awful and embarrassed. But these things happen and being accountable for them helps in that you accept them and you can change them :)
    One or two (or three or four) bad days are small potatoes in the grand scheme of things.
    Find something to mentally stimulate yourself to distract your brain from your cravings.
    Also, don't punish yourself! To err is human!
  • ruthiejewell
    ruthiejewell Posts: 134 Member
    Like another poster I too had to give up sugar . . well for me that meant eating the low carb way. As soon as I eat high carb food or sugar I'm off. Usually I'm strict about it and really enjoy the food, and the absence of cravings amazes me! Recently I dined out twice though and restaurants don't cater much for low carb ( well I could have asked for a steak and garlic butter only), so now I'm fighting cravings, and like you, not winning. But what can we do? Start over eating again and put on loads more weight? Or keep getting up and trying again? I hope tomorrow I'm back on track. I hope you will be too. The cravings are so strong but we can fight! Good luck!
  • bizorra
    bizorra Posts: 151 Member
    Has the week been awful in general, and you're emotional eating? Or is it going awful food wise, and you feel you're spiralling out of control?

    If its the second one, tomorrow is a new day and a new week. Put the past behind you and start over. Plan out your food for tomorrow, pre-track it and stick to your super healthy plan. Congratulate yourself at the end and throw yourself a living room dance party.

    If it's the first one, Cry. Like, find a spot that's safe and food-free and cry hard about all the things that are making you feel awful. Then drink some tea and realise that its all going to be ok and you're stronger than the awfulness. Plan out your food for tomorrow and throw yourself a living room dance party.
  • lexoxoc
    lexoxoc Posts: 135 Member
    I post everything, even on my bad days! You have to be HONEST with yourself and just LOG IT! Although it sucks it is a VISUAL representation of you veering off course and away from your goals which can be helpful at the same time. In psychology, there's such a thing call negative reinforcers, things that are negative such as logging in your bad days that can ultimately lead to the positive of you doing better from that point forward because IT IS EMBARRASSING! You have to be real with yourself in order to change. This is a good first step, just posting on the forum! We all may be strangers BUT we are all connected to one another by our same end goals; WEIGHT LOSS & HEALTH!

    Be HONEST and transform any negative thoughts/feelings/drives/cravings into POSTIVE outcomes of change/growth/moving foward. It's MIND OVER MATTER! You can do it. You just gotta buckle down! I believe in you!
  • alladream
    alladream Posts: 261 Member
    I have noticed countless people saying that they have had a terrible week as far as binge eating and eating 'bad stuff' etc. goes, and I think it's just life: it was the dark of the moon, the weather has been severe in a lot of places, and people get stressed about many things and often reach for unhealthy habits. *shrug* It's okay to do that, and then to just plain decide to develop healthier habits for next time. I say to be compassionate to yourself, and do better next time. Oh, and I tell everyone to make sure they drink enough water--it does seem to help keep them in balance. Good luck!
  • PunkyRachel
    PunkyRachel Posts: 1,959 Member
    I post everything, even on my bad days! You have to be HONEST with yourself and just LOG IT! Although it sucks it is a VISUAL representation of you veering off course and away from your goals which can be helpful at the same time. In psychology, there's such a thing call negative reinforcers, things that are negative such as logging in your bad days that can ultimately lead to the positive of you doing better from that point forward because IT IS EMBARRASSING! You have to be real with yourself in order to change. This is a good first step, just posting on the forum! We all may be strangers BUT we are all connected to one another by our same end goals; WEIGHT LOSS & HEALTH!

    Be HONEST and transform any negative thoughts/feelings/drives/cravings into POSTIVE outcomes of change/growth/moving foward. It's MIND OVER MATTER! You can do it. You just gotta buckle down! I believe in you!

    this! I log my "bad eating" days too. It motivates me to get up and go for an extra walk to try of set it a little. I just start fresh everyday. You can do it! Stay positive and just don't buy the junk. If its not in the house you won't be tempted, out of sight out of mind.
  • C00lCountry
    C00lCountry Posts: 282
    Could just be the foods you eat.
    Keep in mind that you don't have to enjoy the food to eat it to live.
    You must eat to live though.
  • GrandmaJody
    GrandmaJody Posts: 140 Member
    I post everything, even on my bad days! You have to be HONEST with yourself and just LOG IT! Although it sucks it is a VISUAL representation of you veering off course and away from your goals which can be helpful at the same time. In psychology, there's such a thing call negative reinforcers, things that are negative such as logging in your bad days that can ultimately lead to the positive of you doing better from that point forward because IT IS EMBARRASSING! You have to be real with yourself in order to change. This is a good first step, just posting on the forum! We all may be strangers BUT we are all connected to one another by our same end goals; WEIGHT LOSS & HEALTH!

    Be HONEST and transform any negative thoughts/feelings/drives/cravings into POSTIVE outcomes of change/growth/moving foward. It's MIND OVER MATTER! You can do it. You just gotta buckle down! I believe in you!
    This is what I think also....
    I am sure that we have all had the kind of feelings that you are having...give yourself a positive lecture, a hug and a pat on the back and just keep falling forward, you can do it! :)