Looking for New DVD Workouts

I have tried the gym, but I get bored with the same routing of the elliptical and treadmill. Recently, I unburied by workout DVDs..and VHS...and am starting to enjoy the variety in my workout. But now, I'm getting bored with the same two workout videos. I'm looking for suggestions for a good cardio workout in about 30 minutes. Any suggestions?


  • CrystalT
    CrystalT Posts: 862 Member
    I just bought The Biggest Loser Boot Camp and I love it. I've heard that most of the BL DVDs are pretty good, but this is the only one I have.
  • jdavis193
    jdavis193 Posts: 972 Member
    I have the firm sets and it comes with a variety of videos its alot of FUN i have seen great results with them.
  • renee22
    anything w/ jillian michaels -

    30day shred is ~22min - includes 3 levels so you can always mix & match

    no more trouble zones & banish fat/boost metabolism = all circuit training & options to only include the ones you want or have time for

    BL power sculpt - more strength training than cardio but can complement any cardio workout - also has 3 levels so you will never get bored!

    those are some of my favorites - i love to mix & match all my workouts too!
  • applepie
    applepie Posts: 105 Member
    I have the Walk away the Pounds dvd's. I agree with you..it's hard to NOT get bored, but..I love these. I've been using them for almost 2 years and haven't gotten bored yet. Switch it up. I think that's key. :D Can't wait to hear what everyone else uses.
  • Lisa0711
    Lisa0711 Posts: 1,405 Member
    I have to agree with the previous posts. I have about all the Jillian Michaels/Biggest Loser DVDs that are made, and they're all great. You can customize them to make them longer or shorter. The Firm is also really good.. I have quite a few of those DVDs as well. Jari Love is great for strength, and I've found those to be aerobic too, so they're a good mix for sure. Women's Health DVDs and TaeBo are good too.

    Those are my favorites. I've been working out at home with DVDs for almost 2 years now, so I have a pretty big selection. Good luck!!
  • ducky5m48
    ducky5m48 Posts: 50 Member
    i love the 10 minute solution dvds. they are awesome. my favorite is hot body boot camp and i also like the belly blaster.
    good luck!
  • aabelein
    aabelein Posts: 379 Member
    i love the 30 day shred by jillian michaels!! i want to buy the banish fat boost metabolism. most of her dvd's are only 10 bucks at wal-mart too!!
  • Lauralovesmfp
    Lauralovesmfp Posts: 270 Member
    Kelly Coffey-Meyer has some great 30 minute workouts. I love the kickboxing, plyo and bootcamp ones. Each dvd comes with two workouts and the kickboxing has a great 14 minute ab bonus. The bootcamp has a bonus stretch. I use them again and again.
  • Jb27
    Jb27 Posts: 71 Member
    I agree with everyone , anything with jillian michaels is great, I have been doing the 30 day shred and i love it, I started it before i joined here and have already lost 14 pounds in 3 weeks and an extra 4 since i joined last week
    Good luck!
  • caseybreunig
    caseybreunig Posts: 21 Member
    Thanks for all the great recommendations! Looks like I'm heading to Walmart after work today...