need some exercise advise

I am 57years old and have a fused spine from my neck to below my ribs, 4 herniated disks in my lower back that send pain down both legs to the bottom of my feet and arthritis in my left knee that is almost ready for surgery so cardio/aerobics is almost impossible for me. Any suggestions on what I could do...especially to tighten the stomach area? I do have a treadmill but again walking fast on it is very painful. I really need some suggestions.


  • kjw1031
    kjw1031 Posts: 300 Member
    Since your medical problems are so severe and your risk of injury is high, I would seek advice from a professional. Maybe there is a physical therapist that is affiliated with a neurosurgeon or orthopedic surgeon near you who could evaluate your problems and make a plan for you.
  • femmnoir3
    femmnoir3 Posts: 4 Member