Grocery Shopping



  • TaintedVampyre
    TaintedVampyre Posts: 1,428 Member
    I'd say I buy 85-90% staples when I shop, but since I like to try at least one new recipe every week I'll add on the things I need for that recipe. And even "staples" can vary. Since I'm single and live alone, it can be hard to use up everything quickly, so by the time I do I can be pretty bored with it. So one shopping trip I might pick up broccoli as my main veggie accompaniment and the next time zucchini and the time after that asparagus. If I buy them all in the same trip, it's: a) expensive and b) going to go to waste before I can eat it all. Especially since I shop once a week. I found the thing that works the best for me is to keep a running list on my refrigerator door. When I'm out, or close to out of something that I consider a staple, it gets written down. Things for new recipes that aren't already on my list of staples get written down. Then when I shop I stick to my list. It saves me money and helps me eat healthier.

    Yea, I keep an ongoing list to keep track of things we run out of. And if I find a recipe I'm interested in trying I'll throw those ingredients on to the list.
  • TaintedVampyre
    TaintedVampyre Posts: 1,428 Member
    I go to the store almost every day... I am do frazzled all the time I usually forget things ( even if they are on my list). I like going to the grocery store though. I pick up fresh veggies mostly on my trips, then about once a month I'll go on a full shopping trip buying tons of black beans, quinoa, nuts, almond milk and spaghetti sauce. Those are pretty much the only packaged items I'll eat... Besides cashew cookie larabars yummmmmm! They are so good and only contain cashews and dates, i eat them when I'm craving something BAD!

    That almost sounds more expensive then making single trips per week. But at least you do semi-plan things :)
  • determined2lose89
    determined2lose89 Posts: 342 Member
    I am a big coupon user so I plan my meals based off of sales & coupons but never skimp on the fresh produce.
  • JosieRawr
    JosieRawr Posts: 788 Member
    I'm trying to keep my shopping very basic, last shopping trip was brown rice, frozen and fresh veggie, frozen and fresh fruits, bread, peanut butter, milk, a few pack n goes for hubby's lunch(hour drive n unreliable storage so he has room temp microwavable dinners most the time till we get moved closer), chicken, beef.. I think that's about it.. I get frozen as well as fresh so that I don't have to go as often, and if I run out I'll end up eating junk, but I get the unseasoned bags that are just fruit or veggie.

    I order nuts, quinoa, and protein powder, spirulina, flax seed online since there's no health stores here.

    Basically I try to have a variety of yummy ingredients on hand at all times that I mix up in different ways n flavors.
  • TaintedVampyre
    TaintedVampyre Posts: 1,428 Member
    I generally eat the same things day-to-day, so my shopping list is almost always the same:

    Fish (Salmon, Tilapia, Arctic Char, Halibut)
    Steak (occasionally)
    Canteloupe, Bananas, etc. if I feel like it
    Frozen Spinach

    Every few weeks I buy eggs, steel cut oats, Almond Milk, coconut oil, and other staples that last longer.

    Grocery shopping is quite easy because I know I will have oatmeal and a protein shake at breakfast, an apple with peanut butter and a protein shake at lunch, a snack of fruit, and either chicken or fish (or sometimes steak) with yams and green veggies at dinner every day. I do get a lot of my protein from protein powder due to a stomach condition.

    Some people ask me if eating the same things every day gets boring, but I eat to fuel my body and not to entertain myself, so it really doesn't.

    Interesting idea. I thought we cooked things we would like so that we have the desire to eat healthy. Obviously that concept doesn't work for everybody. But I would like to know the food I'm cooking is "entertaining" therefore resulting in a content tummy afterwards.
  • TaintedVampyre
    TaintedVampyre Posts: 1,428 Member
    I am a big coupon user so I plan my meals based off of sales & coupons but never skimp on the fresh produce.

    I have NO clue how to coupon properly. I've done it a few times. Walk into Superstore and check out their coupon wall to see if there's anything I'm picking up I can get a few cents off, but other than that I don't know how to coupon lol
  • Silver_Star
    Silver_Star Posts: 1,351 Member
    I dont plan meals.

    I do have a pantry thats stocked high and a chest freezer thats stuffed full with all the basics. So go stand in front of the pantry and pick two or three main ingredients and armed with a larder full of spices from different countries....i go on a cooking adventure! :love:
  • splashangel
    splashangel Posts: 494 Member
    I grocery shop once or twice a month and I buy whats on sale. I do have regular stuff. milk,butter, rice etc. I just cook whatever I have on hand. If spinich was on sale you'll see it show up alot the next month or so.
  • pittjenn
    pittjenn Posts: 247 Member
    I plan out my meals for the week, and then grocery shop. If you haven't discovered mealfire before, google it! You import your recipes into their site, and drop them onto whatever day of the month you'd like. When you're ready to shop, you tell it you want to generate the recipes for however many days or weeks you want, then it generates your shopping list. Life changing for this busy girl, I tell you!
  • cschu544
    cschu544 Posts: 320 Member
    Since I'm on a limited budget, and rarely have access to a kitchen (long story) I try to get a lot of rice and beans and chicken & cook in bulk. I am the first to admit I'm AWFUL at trying to get my veggies in, so I've added salad to my diet as well. I exercise way more than your average person, so I'm constantly needing the protein. I try to keep fresh fruits, but it's a little difficult unless I'm going every week for them.

    It is quite difficult for me. If I don't grocery shop, to save money, I end up eating badly or out often. But if I DO shop, I find excuses to eat out anyway.. I'm the worst. lol
  • jesss5885
    jesss5885 Posts: 187 Member
    i typically buy the same stuff all the time because i eat a lot of the same...

    i buy whole chicken breasts (family pack) and slice them into individual portions, marinate, and put into freezer bags.
    i always have ground turkey in the freezer for meatballs, meatloaf, or a meat sauce
    i also always keep whole romaine hearts, shredded mozzarella, shredded cheddar, shirataki tofu noodles, BRUSSEL SPROUTS (so much brussel sprouts - i probably go through 2 lbs a week), frozen spinach, frozen cauliflower, frozen broccoli, eggs, greek yogurt, and turkey cold cuts.

    i find i do a bigger buy every 2 weeks and then fills with fresh produce in between
  • Kitten2629
    Kitten2629 Posts: 1,358 Member
    Every two weeks..

    I buy the basic staples. They can pretty much go into anything including new recipes.
  • AZDizzy
    AZDizzy Posts: 434 Member
    I pretty much eat the same stuff all the time, so my grocery list could be laminated! I shop twice a week so my fruit and produce doesn't spoil.
  • MrsCCWoods
    MrsCCWoods Posts: 142 Member
    I plan all my meal's and shop once a week if i need something
  • Merrysix
    Merrysix Posts: 336 Member
    I buy staples about once a week, and always make sure I have on hand salad stuff, and lite salad dressing, and certain low carb fruits (apples and green pears), and frozen vegies without any salt or sauces, greek yogurt, etc. I buy a lot of greek yogurt and frozen strawberries with nothing added. I make up salads and keep them fresh by putting damp paper towel in bottom of plastic container which keeps them crisp. If I come home from work too tired to think about preparing anything, I just microwave birds eye steam fresh vegies (with nothing added) and eat with low fat cottage cheese and freshly ground pepper. I don't like to cook very much, but it works out OK if I have staples around. My husband makes a big pot of fabulous ratatouille very week and that is good. Also, I buy skinless chicken breasts and cook them 4 at a time, and sometimes fish and cook and keep in the fridge. Simple does it for me. I don't need too much variety or fancy eating. I keep 100 cal sandwich thins in freezer. Also buy egg beaters since they are eaasier to keep than eggs.
  • lkm111
    lkm111 Posts: 629 Member
    I plan out my meals for the week, and then grocery shop. If you haven't discovered mealfire before, google it! You import your recipes into their site, and drop them onto whatever day of the month you'd like. When you're ready to shop, you tell it you want to generate the recipes for however many days or weeks you want, then it generates your shopping list. Life changing for this busy girl, I tell you!

    Ooh! Great tip, thanks!

    To the OP: I shop the sales, if it's a really good one I stock up. I usually have meals in mind, but sometimes I find a new recipe to throw into the rotation. Sometimes I've been super organized only to have my week blow up for some reason and then I'm stuck with food that ends up going bad, so I've never really found an ultimate, foolproof answer.
  • TaintedVampyre
    TaintedVampyre Posts: 1,428 Member
    I plan out my meals for the week, and then grocery shop. If you haven't discovered mealfire before, google it! You import your recipes into their site, and drop them onto whatever day of the month you'd like. When you're ready to shop, you tell it you want to generate the recipes for however many days or weeks you want, then it generates your shopping list. Life changing for this busy girl, I tell you!

    Thanks for the suggestion. I've never heard of this website so I'll definitely be looking into it.
  • Kalynx
    Kalynx Posts: 707 Member
    I tend to just throw in a bunch of basic ingredients. I agree with the above poster, if I plan meals ahead of time, most of the time I don't feel like it later.

    I saw once on a similar thread that a good idea is to plan on two menu items with at least one ingredient the same. Its helped me a lot!! Also I really research a new food before I try it in recipes, and plan on at least two I want to experiment with first - wikipedia is great for that!! Fun to read about each food item and learn how its grown or where its originally from, how those cultures appreciate using it - before I even search for recipes online. Also recently discovered that searching for "BEST RECIPE CORN SOUP" or whatever will bring me great recipe ideas quickly!!!
  • giftieetcetera
    giftieetcetera Posts: 96 Member
    I stick to a list, except that I buy whatever other fruits and veggies are in season. I add staples (eggs, bread, onions, potatoes, milk, etc.) to the list when we run out. Otherwise, I make a menu for supper only. Lunches are salads or leftovers or something from the freezer. I try to do at least one freezer meal a week (roast or chicken in a crockpot or a lean chili or something) and freeze it in individual portions for lunches. I shop once a week, though I will be moving to an every other week list instead with a fruit/veggie run in between.
  • LittleNicci
    LittleNicci Posts: 284 Member
    Im allergic to a lot of foods so I stick to these:
    chicken, turkey, pork, salmon, tilapia, eggs
    all kinds of veggies and all fruits except oranges (frozen and fresh)
    cheese, milk, cottage cheese, greek yogurt
    whole wheat bread, sourdough bread, whole wheat tortillas

    We go to Aldi's once a month, if I need something random or run out of something, luckily there's a grocery store about a mile from our house :-)