
reallytrying2 Posts: 8
edited September 18 in Introduce Yourself
This is my 3rd wk on my fitness pal, and I love the site. However I have not dropped a lb if anything I gained 1. I feel great and I am very conscious of what I eat more so know than ever. I do cardio 5 days per wk for 60mins and after cardio I do free weights 30 mins 5 days per wk. For the last 3 wks I have been eating the sugguest 1,200 cal to lose 2lbs per wk, and the numbers are not going down. So now what! I don't want to give up I love to excersie and eat.


  • This is my 3rd wk on my fitness pal, and I love the site. However I have not dropped a lb if anything I gained 1. I feel great and I am very conscious of what I eat more so know than ever. I do cardio 5 days per wk for 60mins and after cardio I do free weights 30 mins 5 days per wk. For the last 3 wks I have been eating the sugguest 1,200 cal to lose 2lbs per wk, and the numbers are not going down. So now what! I don't want to give up I love to excersie and eat.
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    are you eating 1200 calories plus your exercise calories?
  • jacbac
    jacbac Posts: 12
    you may not be eating enough food
  • cheermom11
    cheermom11 Posts: 393 Member
    Are you drinking enough water? It really does make a difference.
  • CrystalBella
    CrystalBella Posts: 848 Member
    Sounda like starvation mode.. I hit that.. it sucked.. You have to eat those calories you burn off... also drink 8 - 10 glasses of water... Oh yeh and if you are doing strength training that gains muslce and muscle weighs.. fyi.
  • trish01
    trish01 Posts: 9 Member
    you could be gaining muscle as you are losing fat....muscle just weights may want to measure yourself and count inchs lost for awhile...i just talked to a trainer about this same problem today
  • mickie
    mickie Posts: 183
    You are gaining muscle! (muscle weighs more than fat). Make sure you are EATING your exercise calories!
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    Here's a post you may want to read if you haven't already. The less you need to lose, the less agressive your dieting should be.
  • nbarucci
    nbarucci Posts: 1 Member
    Are you eating foods high in sodium? That could cause you to retain water which might explain why you're not budging. Watch your sodium intake and drink 8+ glasses of water. Hope this helps!
  • yes
  • do you know how many times i have heard that. how can i tell if i am eating enough? i am so afraid that i am going to gain even more weight.
  • i drink the deer sports bottle h2o while i am on the stairmaster, and then when i go to work i refill that up, and then when i get home i will have a 16oz of h2o during dinner. and that's my h2o consumption for today.
  • i feel like if i eat those calories i burned off i am eating to much.
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    do you know how many times i have heard that. how can i tell if i am eating enough? i am so afraid that i am going to gain even more weight.

    Here's the deal: enter all your stats into MFP and do what it tells you to do. Trust the system, and you'll find that it works. Please take into consideration the fact that if you don't have very much weight to lose, you will NOT lose 2 pounds a week, in fact you'll be lucky to lose 1/2 a pound a week, so it's best to enter your goals accordingly.

    Report your intake honestly (watching your portion size) and do the same with your exercise.

    Oh, and FYI, if you're in starvation mode at this time, which it sounds like you might be, when you up your calories to a normal amount, you will probably gain a few pounds. This is your body re-adjusting. You must continue to eat the higher calories until your body adjusts, then these few pounds will drop off, and most likely take their friends with them. An even better plan is to start eating the higher level of calories, and not weigh yourself for a month. After a month of the proper amount of calories, then weigh yourself.


    Sorry if this sounds opinionated or bossy, but this is all based on my own personal experience, so I know it's true.
  • edyta
    edyta Posts: 258
    1200 calories may be to little for. The amount of calories you have to eat before starvation mode is different for everybody. Small and thin people may go to 1000 and taller may need to have more than 1500. For a tall man it can be 2000 (I remember Banks saying this was his minimum).

    You can estimate your calorie needs by using a heart rate monitor or go and test you body fat % or try some website ex.
    Than create AT MOST 500 calorie deficit (because you only have 13lbs to lose, read the post Viviakay mentioned).
    2lb/week is definitely to much for you.

    You definitely gained muscle mass. Also remember that womans body holds a lot of water in certain days of the month.
  • ok i bought a heart montior i am just waiting for it to come in the mail. i am going to start using my portion control dishes for the 100th time, and really stick with it. i have gain a few lbs this wk and i am hurting emotionally like cazy. this is my 4th wk and i am going to do my best to hang in there. oh i didn't excersie today and i won't be able tomorrow i have to go in early for work. i feel so guilty about not being able to excersise.
  • FitJoani
    FitJoani Posts: 2,173 Member
    did you previously lose wt before joining? If so you may have hit a plateau it sucks but you will break out of it
  • beep
    beep Posts: 1,242 Member
    do you know how many times i have heard that. how can i tell if i am eating enough? i am so afraid that i am going to gain even more weight.

    Here's the deal: enter all your stats into MFP and do what it tells you to do. Trust the system, and you'll find that it works. Please take into consideration the fact that if you don't have very much weight to lose, you will NOT lose 2 pounds a week, in fact you'll be lucky to lose 1/2 a pound a week, so it's best to enter your goals accordingly.

    Report your intake honestly (watching your portion size) and do the same with your exercise.

    Oh, and FYI, if you're in starvation mode at this time, which it sounds like you might be, when you up your calories to a normal amount, you will probably gain a few pounds. This is your body re-adjusting. You must continue to eat the higher calories until your body adjusts, then these few pounds will drop off, and most likely take their friends with them. An even better plan is to start eating the higher level of calories, and not weigh yourself for a month. After a month of the proper amount of calories, then weigh yourself.


    Sorry if this sounds opinionated or bossy, but this is all based on my own personal experience, so I know it's true.

    This gal knows what she is talking about. Measure yourself as well, and quit weighing. Start monitoring the measurements.
  • Today I decided to get rid of my self-defeating attitude and work the program and do my best to be self motivating.
  • rethun01
    rethun01 Posts: 167
    I think a HRM would really help you while you're at the gym. I have a lot of friends who complain about not losing weight and that they are at the gym every night for an hour. When I've gone with them I've realized they are not putting in effective cardio. They'll get on the eliptical, or the bike, or the treadmill with a magazine because they want to be distracted. But the thing is, you won't push as hard if you're trying to read because pushing yourself means you're probably bouncing around more and can't read. My gym has TVs on the cardio equipment, but even then you can watch people and they tend to slow down while they're watching a show.

    I've started doing interval training instead. I put my iPod on shuffle and I adjust my speed, pace, and incline to the song that is on. This keeps it interesting each work out because songs will be in a different order. Plus I'm concentrating on when the song changes, or when the chorus is going to start so I can do a sprint during the chorus, and the time flies by. And serious interval training is so good for you. There have been a couple of times that in the 30 minutes I did on the treadmill, I burn the same or more calories than my friend who was read and on a machine for 60 minutes.

    Its not just about going to the gym and saying you did the work. You have to get your heart rate up so that you're burning fat. Then if you're eating the right foods and the right number of calories, you'll see the change.
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