Would like to have a stronger support group...

I use to use MFP all the time but really had no support groups so kind of stopped. But I am back after losing 9 pounds by myself just to gain half of it back by myself.... I am almost to my ideal weight but still need a lot of toning and not really sure how to do it to where I get the best results without hurting myself lol. Anyway I am hoping to have a better support group this go around and help support others on their journey as well.......


  • RobynMWilson
    RobynMWilson Posts: 1,540 Member
    Hey...welcome back! Toning will make all the difference in the world! Sending a request now...
  • shoesalwaysfit
    shoesalwaysfit Posts: 48 Member
    Good for you losing 9 pounds! The last few seem to be the toughest.