What is your exercise regime?

Hey MFP,

I am NOT consistent when it comes to me exercising during the week. I am all over the place! What is your exercise regime? I need some ideas. I usually workout in the AM because after I get off work I am busy and less energized to do anything! What do you suggest? Add me as a friend too, I appreciate it!


  • RMCoffey
    RMCoffey Posts: 27
    I am currently doing Chalean Extreme and I work out in the mornings. It comes with a workout calendar so you know which ones to do each day. I love workouts that come as complete programs because it takes all the guess work out of it.
  • steph1278
    steph1278 Posts: 483 Member
    Mon, Wed, and Fri- 3-3.5 miles on the treadmill(or outside depending on the weather)
    Tues-abs class and chisel class(strength training)
    Thurs- strength training and Zumba
    Sat or Sun- elliptical crosstrainer for 45 mins, strength training
    I usually have one day on the weekend as my rest day, but still try to get some sort of low impact physical activity in such as swimming or walking. I also try to take short walks on my breaks at work during the week.
  • OnionMomma
    OnionMomma Posts: 938 Member
    I lift lower body and upper body seperately. (I can't spell today...LOL)

    Today is an upper body day for me so I will do:

    Run 5 mins at 5.5mph
    Lift Biceps (2 exercises for 6 sets of 16)
    Run again.....
    Lift Trics. (same as before, e exercises for 6 sets of 16)
    Run again....
    Lift Shoulders, same as above
    Run again.....
    Lift Chest, same as above
    Run again....
    Lift back, same as above
    Run again....

    Then I do abs every day.

    Does it wear me out? Yes it does. Is it making me lose weight, yes it is. I dropped 2 lbs the first week and 1.2lbs the next (took 2 days off, wasn't feeling well)

    Lower days I alternate running with 2 exercises for each of these: Inner thigh, outer thigh, quads, hamstrings, calves. At the end I throw in some squats and deadlifts for good measure.

    I didn't start out doing this, I started out doing only aerobics classes at the YMCA.
  • MomGraz
    MomGraz Posts: 23 Member
    I am currently doing Chalean Extreme and I work out in the mornings. It comes with a workout calendar so you know which ones to do each day. I love workouts that come as complete programs because it takes all the guess work out of it.

    Just started CLX this past weekend, and I agree--having the calendar there with the schedule already decided is a definite plus!
  • I rode to the gym today ( normally take the car, due to road closures took the bike) & I swim just over a mile a day, takes me approx. 40mins. Due to injury at the moment thats all I can do. But the weight seems to be coming off at a steady pace. Hope this helps
  • ofccat
    ofccat Posts: 284 Member
    If mornings work best than stick with that. The biggest thing I have found is scheduling my workouts- writing them down on the calendar, etc. Then everyone knows I am busy during that time and I have it in front of me to get up and get moving. I vary between mornings and nights due to 3 kids. I also vary what I do. I just finished ChaLean Extreme so now my schedule is:

    Running 4-5 nights a week (sometimes 6). I run at night currently to avoid the darn heat and humidity.
    Zumba: Mon and Thursday Nights
    Strength Training: 2-3/ weel. I usually combine wit zumba days
    I also am doing Brazil Butt Lift and may do the strength on those days.
  • I am currently doing the Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred, and I tend to do that for 5 days at a time then take a day break. I also do yoga at least once a week (usually Tuesdays at 5:30 am). Lately, I have also been going for a two mile run before the shred. It's been working well for me!
  • soul_sista88
    soul_sista88 Posts: 57 Member
    Mon. -Walk and Jog a little with 2 lb. weights 30 mins in the morning (that way I am getting my strength training in too)
    -Go up and down the front porch steps lol the whole duration of a song. (Make it a long song but one that has a good beat and fast tempo. Mines is Kirk Franklin Before I Die, Tamela Mann-Take Me to the King, Anthony Hamilton-Pass Me Over, or Beyonce-Countdown)
    -Walk around at work for 15 mins (since I work a desk job)
    -Gym: Stationary bike 60 mins or more. (listening to music, talking, or watching tv makes the time just fly by) *It burns SO MUCH CALORIES*
    Aerobics for 45 mins (Sometimes weights, steps, or ball) (Only done on Tues. and Wednesday)
    Zumba for 45 mins (Only done Mon.-Thursday)

    * I usually only go to the gym Mon.-Wed.*

    If I haven't gone to the gym, Jillean Michaels 30 Day Shred, Taebo (also burns a lot of calories), and zumba videos that I find on youtube and all these are on youtube.

    Lastly, when my hair won't get messed up lol 150 + crunches.

    Usually, Sunday is my free day, but it is never too late to burn a few while watching tv.
  • yamahamamajt
    yamahamamajt Posts: 13 Member
    Right now I am doing water exercises. Monday & Wednesday I do water aerobics at the YMCA and then swim laps for 45 mins to an hour on the other days. With my knee screwed up it's about all I can handle.
  • diben
    diben Posts: 11 Member
    My goal is to workout 5 days a week, every week. I alternate spinning and running. I also make sure that I'm doing heavy weights alternating upper and lower body with 2 days of rest in between.

    Here's the last few days & this week:
    Friday: off
    Saturday: 3 1/2 mile run and lower body weights.
    Sunday: 60 minutes of spinning and upper body weights.
    Monday: Run 3 1/2 - 4 miles
    Tuesday: 45 minutes of spinning and lower body weights.
    Wednesday: Run 3 1/2-4 miles and upper body weights.
    Thursday: off
    Friday: 45 minutes of spinning and lower body weights.
  • natalie412
    natalie412 Posts: 1,039 Member
    Mon, Wed, Fri - Kettlebell workout at home (Lauren Brooks Kettlebells for Women book) - usually in the late afternoon or early evening (usually @ 30 min workouts)
    Tues, Thurs - run around 5 miles - early morning
    Saturday - longer run - 9 miles this weekend (training for 1/2 marathon) - early morning
    Sunday - frequently a liesurely bike ride with family - afternoon\evening

    What really got me started and addicted to working out was doing Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred, and then Ripped in 30. After\during that, I started Couch to 5K, and discovered my love of running, and also kettlebells.
  • Bubbas12
    Bubbas12 Posts: 79 Member
    I'm doing C25K 3 days a week for my cardio. The program gets me half the distance of the path I take so I walk the other half. For my strength training I use Supreme 90 Day and follow the calendar that comes with it.
  • mogletdeluxe
    mogletdeluxe Posts: 623 Member
    I would totes survive a zombie invasion on the basis of my cardio frequency...

    Give or take the odd session here, but typically:

    Monday - one hour zumba, one hour zumbatone (currently covering a class at the moment, so just zumba)

    Tuesday - one hour zumba

    Wednesday - one hour zumba

    Thursday - one hour zumba, one hour zumbatone

    Friday - one hour zumba, one hour circuits

    Saturday - day off if I'm cream crackered; or hitting the gym for treadmill and weights or a kettlebells class

    Sunday - one hour zumba.
  • taylor5877
    taylor5877 Posts: 1,792 Member
    Run either 1 mile at as close to a sprint as I can, or 2-4 miles every morning.

    MWF (usually) I do a back/bicep, chest/tricep, or lower body/shoulders workout (one of the 3 once a week. I mix up what day of the week).

    Back workout:

    Deadlifts: Warmup then 5x1
    One arm rows: 3x8
    Pullups: 3xmax (can be 5-7 depending on what I do first in the workout)
    preacher curls 3x8
    reverse curls 3x8
    Reverse Fly's 3x8 (upper back but mainly a rear delt excercise)

    Bench press 3x5-8
    Incline DB press 3x8
    Dips 3 sets
    tricep extentions 3x8
    tricep curls 3x8

    Squats 3x3-8 (varies) this doesn't include a warmup set, intermediate set and heavy warmup sets.
    Leg Extensions (2x8 one legged, and one set both together) I'm right leg dominant so I usually do more weight with my left here
    Seated leg curls 3x8
    Arnold Presses 3x8
    Lateral and Front raises DB 3x8
  • debrussell
    debrussell Posts: 10 Member
    I do a 1-hour deep water fitness class at the YMCA every morning and then walk 20-30 minutes once to twice a day. I'm frustrated that I can't do high impact exercise anymore due to having both knees and a hip replaced last year at age 42. I used to step aerobics and Pilates, but those are both out of the question now. I'm so limited - I can do pool exercise, bike, some weight machines, and walk. It doesn't seem like enough, but I don't have a lot of choice.
  • heatgal976
    heatgal976 Posts: 53 Member
    Cardio is 3 times a week and that consists of at least 2 miles of running or more. Just started strength training twice a week with one day being upper and the other day being lower body. I go three of the days at lunchtime, because there is nobody in the gym at that time. Any other days are either on Saturday or Sunday in the late afternoon due to less people also.
  • filomenae
    filomenae Posts: 110 Member
    The gym is a little over 3 miles from my house, so on some days I run to the gym going on the main streets. Other days, I take the 4 miles through the wood trails to the gym. When I get to the gym, I use the weights for about 45 minutes, then I do a 10-20 minute cardio cool down on the Arc Trainer.

    There are times where I just drive to the gym, use the Arc Trainer for 45-50 minutes, maybe the treadmill (but I hate the treadmill), and then weights.

    There are also times where I do a bit of yoga in the gym! Remember to stretch : )
  • kaervaak
    kaervaak Posts: 274 Member
    MWF morning: Stronglifts 5x5
    A workout: Squats, Overhead Press, Deadlift - accessory work: Chinups, hanging leg raises
    B workout: Squats, Bench press, bent over rows - accessory work: Dips, Cable rotations

    TR evening: Fencing practice 1.5 hours, mostly practice bouting this summer
    W evening: Volleyball 1.5 hours
    F evening, Sun morning: Tai Kwan Do practice 1.5 hours

    Everyday: Bike to and from work 2 miles each way, bike to and from gym, 2 miles each way