Insert foot, whats YOUR moment (Or your childs)

Marcillene Posts: 484 Member
What is something 'memorable' or 'embarassing' you or your child has done or said.

Heres one for me:

My son was 14 months old (Now is almost 15 months, so not that long ago.) We went out to eat at a VERY busy chinese restaurant. We saw he had been dropping piles of food on the floor, so me and his Dad bent down to pick it up with a napkin. To our HORRIFIC discovery, there was some food, but most of it was PILES of poop that ran UP his back, out of his diaper, ALL OVER the highchai9r and landed in piles on the floor. WHAT DID HE EAT AT DAYCARE! It was a disaster, but he smiled like nothing was wrong! I got so embarassed hoping nobody smelt, or saw it since EVERYONE around was eating. We wrapped a blanket around him so it didnt fall anywhere and since he was wearing light tan shorts (Go figure). I made his dad go tell the folks at the counter that we needed something to clean up crap. I could not stop laughing because of embarassment!


  • Fairysoul
    Fairysoul Posts: 1,361 Member
    We were at village inn and my 5 year old daughter blurted out "Look mom she is really fat", she heard us and made a comment, and I was sooooooo embarrassed.
  • likearadiowave
    likearadiowave Posts: 445 Member
    wow ... that's a really "****ty" (pun intended) story ...

    But kind of funny also. :)
  • melindenmark
    melindenmark Posts: 279 Member
    this was not embarrassing for me, but when me and my sisters were little my mum had a friend over for coffee, just as they where sitting down to chat my sister asks in a nice loud voice "mum, why does Bevely have a moustache"

    hehehehe kids are great!!
  • XXXMinnieXXX
    XXXMinnieXXX Posts: 3,459 Member
    sooooo many with my step son as he has aspergers. He is very blunt and loud about his opinions of others. there is literally not a day goes by when i don't want the floor to swallow me up! lol. you get used to it over time... x
  • kariebo
    kariebo Posts: 101
    last week my family met an old friend at a restaurant... I have 3 kids, a 5 yr old,a 3 yr old and a 4 month old. Towards the end of the meal my son stands up and says... mom I have to poop!. So my husband takes him. They are gone for FOREVER. then my daughter says .. mommy i have to poop. So my friend, seeing that I have the baby, offers to take her... they too are gone for FOREVER. Then my son and husband come back and hes trying to tell me something but its too noisy in the restaurant. So he sucks in some air and belts out "MOM I NEED SOME TUMMY MEDICINE CAUSE IT WAS REALLY HARD TO POOP AND IT HURT ALOT" and my husband was like SHHHHHH and I tried to explain that we dont talk about that at the table. Then my friend came back with my daughter... and my friend (who is in her late 20s) goes "MAN< YOUR KID POOPS A LOT" .. and my daughter goes.. "YEAH MOM I POOPED A LOT!".... so apparently everyone had a good (or not so good) poop and it was broadcast to the entire restaurant... I did not look up from the table to see who was staring at my lovely, pooping, family.
  • starcatcher1975
    starcatcher1975 Posts: 292 Member
    When my oldest son was around 2 we were in a grocery store parking lot and he saw a red truck and said it was his daddy's truck. I told him it wasn't and he yelled at the top of his lungs in front of a large group of people walking into the store that I didn't even know who his daddy was. All I could tell the people staring at me was that I definitely did know who his daddy was, lol.

    This wasn't really embarrassing to me but I did almost pee myself laughing when my ex husband and I met at a hotel and I decided to get all movie romantic on him by sprinkling rose petals on the bed. He had to call the front desk and ask for new sheets because apparently rose petals will stain white sheets if they're crushed/rolled around on and I was worried they wouldn't be able to get the stains out if we waited until check out time to tell them about it
  • Marcillene
    Marcillene Posts: 484 Member
    this was not embarrassing for me, but when me and my sisters were little my mum had a friend over for coffee, just as they where sitting down to chat my sister asks in a nice loud voice "mum, why does Bevely have a moustache"

    hehehehe kids are great!!

    Oh man, my little sister did the same thing, except, my mom had 4 girls so we were in chaarge of holding the twin little sisters hands while grocery shopping. The very blunt young twin decides to scream and point (She may have been 3 or 4) "LOOK AT THAT BIG FAT LADY!" my mom did not hear her since it was us girls sitting at the cart. LET ME TELL YOU, that lady hauled her fanny over and screamed my mom a new one telling her she needs to whip her kids a**! She said she was so embarassed and caught off gaurd!
  • Marcillene
    Marcillene Posts: 484 Member
    When my oldest son was around 2 we were in a grocery store parking lot and he saw a red truck and said it was his daddy's truck. I told him it wasn't and he yelled at the top of his lungs in front of a large group of people walking into the store that I didn't even know who his daddy was. All I could tell the people staring at me was that I definitely did know who his daddy was, lol.

    Oh man, I would be embarassed but laughing so hard! The things kids say.
  • Diary_Queen
    Diary_Queen Posts: 1,314 Member
    It was right around Christmas time and my boys were getting close to 2 years old. They had been in speech therapy for a good 6 months and only the oldest could really speak, but boy did he!!! They both had that throwing up/diarreah virus and the smallest of my twins had started throwing up blood. Long story short, the oldest twin was being a pain in the butt since he was feeling better for a bit so we went for a walk around the ER. A very sickly looking older woman was brought in on a stretcher and the EMTs were doing her check-in when Lucas yelled "Momma, why does that old grandpaw look dead?" I was mortified!
  • beach_please
    beach_please Posts: 533 Member
    Last summer I was interviewing potential babysitters. I wanted the kids to be on their best behavior so the sitter didn't seem overwhelmed by watching three energetic boys at once. They were out in the backyard playing with their dad while I talked to her in the house. I'm going on and on about how great they are, telling her they're well-behaved little gentlemen. I lead her out to the backyard so I could introduce them. As we step outside, there is the 4-year old totally naked from the waist down peeing in the grass. The best part was he got this huge dimply smile and waved to her and yelled "HI!", while midstream.

    When she just laughed, I knew I'd found our babysitter.
  • vaderandbill
    vaderandbill Posts: 1,063 Member
    5 year old son to our waitress, My mom had a baby when are you having yours. nope, not pregnant!
  • Marcillene
    Marcillene Posts: 484 Member
    It was right around Christmas time and my boys were getting close to 2 years old. They had been in speech therapy for a good 6 months and only the oldest could really speak, but boy did he!!! They both had that throwing up/diarreah virus and the smallest of my twins had started throwing up blood. Long story short, the oldest twin was being a pain in the butt since he was feeling better for a bit so we went for a walk around the ER. A very sickly looking older woman was brought in on a stretcher and the EMTs were doing her check-in when Lucas yelled "Momma, why does that old grandpaw look dead?" I was mortified!

    I literally LOL. Haha.
  • Kebby83
    Kebby83 Posts: 232 Member
    My five year old told her whole daycare mommy is pregnant and when I got back from work I kept getting congratulated and I didn't know what for until the 3rd or 4th teacher because I just wanted to go home and kept saying "thankyou" lol. I figured my kid was the genius that day, little did I know...

    ETA - not pregnant.
  • Marcillene
    Marcillene Posts: 484 Member
    My five year old told her whole daycare mommy is pregnant and when I got back from work I kept getting congratulated and I didn't know what for until the 3rd or 4th teacher because I just wanted to go home and kept saying "thankyou" lol. I figured my kid was the genius that day, little did I know...

    ETA - not pregnant.

    HAHA I wonder where she got that from. Lol. kids are funny.
  • jb852013
    jb852013 Posts: 116
    Once I was leaving a restaraunt and as we were walking by tables where people were eating poop started running down my kiddos leg. I had to get him to the restroom quick. It smelled and was pretty embarrassing. Hopefully no one saw.
  • sheila569
    sheila569 Posts: 269 Member
    My daughter when she was around 8. School picture day - she had a pair of open toe sandals on. The teacher said "your sandals are really pretty" she said "thank you - they're my camel toe sandals". The teacher was hysterical, including when she called me later to tell me about it. My daughter overheard my mother-in-law say someone had camel toe at a party so she thought her PEEP TOE sandals we're called CAMEL TOE's. :laugh: :laugh:
  • Cindy311
    Cindy311 Posts: 780 Member
    While waiting on my husband to come out of a shop recently a little boy got out of a van and ran inside to lady. A few seconds later a second little boy ran out of the same van into the store. My five year old in a loud voice looks at me and asks "Mommy, is that a clone?" The boys were identical twins dressed exactly alike, lol!!!! There was a gentleman in the van and as we're leaving he has the biggest smile on his face. It wasn't really embarrassing, just funny :laugh:
  • robinhardysmall
    robinhardysmall Posts: 246 Member
    My niece~ while we were at the beach ~ sitting by the pool~ "Ant Robin~ she is so fat she can hardly walk"~ in a voice loud enough to where this lady just looked over and showed her disgust at the comment- unknowingly did the child know her "Ant Robin" used to be much bigger and I so felt for this lady trying to be active.
  • choochoobell
    choochoobell Posts: 147 Member
    When my son was around two, we were at a restaurant and an older man with a hearing aid was sitting at a table next to us. My son noticed and said "Look! that man needs to clean his ears...he has a BIG POTATO".
  • Sharyn913
    Sharyn913 Posts: 777 Member
    I am potty training my 3 year old and reward him with M&Ms for going peepee and poopoo. We went to Kohls last week and after I went to the bathroom, he got all excited and congratulated me for going pee pee in the potty and asked out loud if I would like an M&M. Few days later went back to Kohls (running shoes BROKE!) we go to the bathroom again, and he sticks his head under the stall to the woman next to us and says "Hi! My name is Joey!"