I want to lose 5kg in 2 months :)

Hey guys :) So, I have a ball coming up in a couple of months... The only problem is I bought a (lovely!) dress for it a little while ago, and now, due to a combination of eating too many delicious treats and not doing any exercise, the dress no longer fits... Oops!

When I bought the dress, I was 48kg, and now I'm 53kg... So, I want to lose 5kg. (Don't worry, I'm a shortie, only 153cm, so I'll just be going from a BMI of 23 back to my usual 21). Is 2 months a realistic time frame? Any special tips? Anyone want to join me?

(It's okay if you don't. I'm really just posting this here for accountability, because I know if I don't, it'll be too easy for me to just not bother). Thanksies muchly! :)


  • geco1983
    geco1983 Posts: 16 Member
    Hi there!!

    I think 5kg (about 11lb) for 9 weeks is realistik - but you really have to be strict!!

    I want to lose about 12kg to reach my beloved BMI of 20. I'm close to 5'8'' ;o)

    If you like, you can add me for motivation and support! I just started the c25k-program - maybe you want to join?
  • icecle
    icecle Posts: 47 Member
    I have much more to loose :) But it can be good as an intermediate goal...

    I'll join!!!
  • Fat_to_muscles
    That's when I'm going on holiday and I've been stuck at a plateau for ages, so I'll join you and give it my best shot! :) Feel free to add me.
  • fiddlefiddle19
    Hi there! We have the same goal and we are of the same height. I will add u :D
  • ILoveFroggies
    ILoveFroggies Posts: 120 Member
    Fantatic, thank you very much for the replies!

    Shall we have weekly weigh-ins? Say, every Sunday?

    We can also post any difficulties we're having (e.g. in deciding what to eat, in motivating ourselves to exercise, etc), then help each other brainstorm solutions.

    All the best, everyone!
  • ILoveFroggies
    ILoveFroggies Posts: 120 Member
    Oooooops, sorry for the lack of updates. Was on a camp without internet access for a week or so.

    Well... I'm still 53kg. Hahahahahahah. Oh well. :)
  • jessthornton7
    i think it is very realistic! i lost four kilo's in five weeks without dieting or working out. i was in a place where i had to eat the food i was given and work on the land! if you stay focused then anything is possible! here's a great youtube channel with amazing work outs to help you : http://www.youtube.com/user/blogilates?feature=g-all-u
  • icecle
    icecle Posts: 47 Member
    After a marriage and a week of no control i gained something! UFF :(

    Let's start again :)
  • ILoveFroggies
    ILoveFroggies Posts: 120 Member
    Let's start again :)

    Hahahah, okay! Deal!! :D
  • kjbombshell
    I am with you, I have my wedding coming up and I want to be trim taught and terrific! 5'7" currently 63kg and aiming for 57 by my wedding day (10/11/12). Add me if you like and we'll smash this goal together!! :)
  • leahartmann
    I´m in! I feel very stupid asking this, but how does it work? I have never been in a group before and don´t know how to do it. Sorry for sounding stupid....! :embarassed:

    I´m 5´4 and right now 69 kg (152 pound.) I have been on a plateau almost all the time I have been on MFP, but I really want to break it. I´m starting today, august 12´th.
  • MuddyEquestrian
    MuddyEquestrian Posts: 366 Member
    sounds reasonable, i'm in! and yeah...how does this work haha
  • s89s
    s89s Posts: 8 Member
    I'm aiming for 5kg in 2 months too.
    I've just completed week 1 of insanity today - (i've done 2 weeks of the program before but had to take a few weeks off and so have restarted)

    I haven't weighed in yet but from what I've heard, it's more about toning than weight loss.

    How are you planning on going about dropping the 5?