Peer Pressure



  • hjmatthew
    hjmatthew Posts: 16
    Thanks for all the advice!! I think I'll try the tonic water with a lime. They are usually fine at first, but once they get a few drinks in them, they start to pressure. I agree with a lot of you that they don't understand the drive to lose weight, or they are jealous that you are actually committing to something!

    Unfortunately, a lot of it has to do with girls, who can be catty and spiteful at their core. Not that my friends are, but I think seeing a friend get into great shape can make a few green monsters turn their heads.
  • Sharyn913
    Sharyn913 Posts: 777 Member
    Think of this:
    When a single crab is put into a lidless bucket, they surely can and will escape. However, when more than one share a bucket, none can get out. If one crab elevates herself above all, the others will grab this crab and drag'em back down to share the mutual fate of the rest of the group.

    GREAT way to look at it!
  • alexluong
    alexluong Posts: 24 Member
    i know this thread is more about peer pressure and not the alcohol itself, but here's a good read:

    alcohol won't stop you from reaching your goals! ;)
  • SilverStar13
    I second HannahOM. Get your own drink without them by!
  • animatorswearbras
    animatorswearbras Posts: 1,001 Member
    No, my friends don't pressure me to drink or eat things I shouldn't. It's actually ME who has lack of motivation when I am out w/ my friends. I'll tell myself "no melissa, no drinking... order a salad" but it usually never actually works. Im so programmed that going out w/ my friends means "party" after years of not caring about my weight that i just revert back to my old ways.

    This is me to a tee :D That's why I've only lost 4 pounds in 2.5 months with the "weekday diet" My intentions are for moderation but once I'm out it's pizza and booze, and my weak voiced diet fairy has been flicked off my shoulder into a corner, left there to fester until I apologetically grovel like the abusive partner I am Monday morning ready to rekindle our relationship.

    As for OP, there's been some good tips on just ordering diet coke and faking that it's boozles, I know it's frustrating but I bet it's because your friends think your perfect the way you are and prob to a certain extent it's the booze talking, I know it seems dishonest but it saves some light hearted ripping (I'm assuming light hearted but annoying) If it's actual bullying then yeah don't hang out with those guys. Alternatively have a word outside of the pub atmosphere? Alternatively alternatively lie that you have liver disease and drink might hospitalise you.... maybe not the last one.