question about BMR

I'm 5'8 34 years old 193 lbs. Lost 15 lbs so far.

My goal weight is 170. I have it set up to lose 1.5 lbs per week and it says I should eat 1490 calories a day. I put 0 in for exercise, but I play hockey 2-3 days per week and usually lift 3 days a week. Not going to lie, I often go over the 1490 by a little and sometimes by a lot.

When I go to other websites and put in all the same info it says I should be taking in 2110 in order to get to 170 lbs. it says the same amount of calories if I want to maintain weight at 170.

what am I missing?


  • GauchoMark
    GauchoMark Posts: 1,804 Member
    the rate that you will lose weight is probably different. It is true that if you know how many calories you need to eat in order to maintain your goal weight, that you will eventually get to your goal weight, but how long it takes might be a while.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    Why would you put in zero for exercise if you are actually exercising several times a week?
  • mjpisat
    mjpisat Posts: 46 Member
    because i think "eating back your exercise calories" is BS.

    If I take in about 1500 calories a day and exercise i've been losing weight. If I boost it up to about 1800-2000 I don't. Not only that I have no real way of tracking how much I burn during working out.
  • tehzephyrsong
    tehzephyrsong Posts: 435 Member
    Acquire a good heart rate monitor, wear it while playing hockey and lifting. BAM, you've got a reasonably accurate way to estimate the calories you burn exercising.

    Why do you consider "eating back your exercise calories" to be BS? As long as you stay under or at your limit, even with the exercise cals added back in, you'll still lose weight. You'll still be leaving 500-1500 (depending on what you've got your goal set to) calories unaccounted for food-wise each day. It'll still work; eating your limit, period, and disregarding exercise calories just means you'll lose the weight /slightly/ faster. And you'll probably feel like **** on days you work out if you do that, because your net is going to be much lower.
  • mjpisat
    mjpisat Posts: 46 Member
    I shouldn't have said that about BS.

    Here is the deal. I lost 15 lbs. and want to lose 15 more. The thing is that I pay hockey three days a week. Once is a game so that's intense, the other two are less intense. An adult clinic and practice session. Both are around an hour of working out but less intense than the game.

    Then I lift three days a week. I want to keep on the calorie deficit, but I think I'm going to burn out. I had mfp set up to lose 1.5 lbs per week which is around 1500 calories a day without putting in any exercise. i don't put exercise in cause I dont' know how much I burn.

    Should I bump it up to like 1800 a day or maybe 1800 on the days I play hockey but keep it at 1500 the days I lift? Not sure what to do.
  • mcarter99
    mcarter99 Posts: 1,666 Member
    It's not that important what you do, as long as you keep a deficit (under 2100ish, it sounds like). If 1500 is burning you out, try 1800 the days you feel burned out or all days or hockey days or whatever.
  • kittyhasclaws
    kittyhasclaws Posts: 446 Member
    BMR is what you should consume in a day just to keep your body functioning if you weren't even getting out of bed. You need to consume more than that, but less than your TDEE (Total Daily Energy Expenditure) in order to create that deficit for weight loss.
  • Vonwarr
    Vonwarr Posts: 390 Member
    Other websites tend to be factoring in your activity level. MFP expects you TO LOG IT and EAT IT. You're using half the tool and calling the other half BS. :huh:

    1.5 pounds a week is an aggressive goal, especially as you get closer and closer to your goal weight. That's a 750 calorie deficit, PLUS any calories you burn from exercise. There's a good chance your net calories are low on some days, especially your game day or on lifting days.

    You have to have a deficit to lose fat, but you need to fuel your body for performance. You might do better with a less aggressive deficit. Just some food for thought.

    Edit: Your maintenance calories are 2250 from a rough calculation... 1800 wouldn't hurt. You could eat 1800 and your exercise calories, and you'd still be on track to lose a pound a week. If you're unsure about exercise calories, just underestimate the calories you burn (I sometimes cut up to 25% off of the number MFP gives me) and only eat back some (I tend to eat back roughly 50-75% of exercise calories).
  • mjpisat
    mjpisat Posts: 46 Member
    Maybe i'll switch it to lose 1 lb per week which is around 1750 carlories a day and add back 200 the days I play hockey. I'll see how that goes.
    Edit: Your maintenance calories are 2250 from a rough calculation... 1800 wouldn't hurt. You could eat 1800 and your exercise calories, and you'd still be on track to lose a pound a week. If you're unsure about exercise calories, just underestimate the calories you burn (I sometimes cut up to 25% off of the number MFP gives me) and only eat back some (I tend to eat back roughly 50-75% of exercise calories).
  • Vonwarr
    Vonwarr Posts: 390 Member
    Sounds like a great idea. Hope it goes well and that you aren't so hungry/wiped out after exercise! Rock on. \m/
  • mjpisat
    mjpisat Posts: 46 Member
    do any of you have any type of estimate of how many calories I may burn during a game? for example, the games are 17 minute periods. this week we only had 3 subs. i would say I played about half the game, 25-30 minutes. it's basically HIIT for 30 minutes that you're out there.
  • GauchoMark
    GauchoMark Posts: 1,804 Member
    hockey is in the MFP exercise database. Not sure how accurate it is, though. For me, it show 60 minutes is 718 calories, but I think that accounts for me being 6'1" and 198 lbs.