why am i more hungry after eating proper amounts?

So I just had a wonderful meal, I measured it all out, eat it slower then i normally would, tasted great.

So why am I hungrier then when I started eating?

Thanks for any insight!


  • jennifershoo
    jennifershoo Posts: 3,198 Member
    Did you eat carbs? They tend to make people feel hungrier.
    Try eating more fat and protein.
  • Nos150
    Nos150 Posts: 150
    Had one chicken breast grilled

    One potato baked (in the microwave)

    one cub of broccoli.

    Eta: with a small sprinkle of cheese maybe a table spoon
  • Venus2011
    Amd make sure you are drinking plenty of water.
  • HeidiHuenink
    I thiInk it depends on a lot of things. Your body has to get used to the lower amounts of food, if you've decreased it a lot. One thing
    that helps is making sure you get enough liquids, especially water. Exercise effects it, too. Sometimes you have to just grin and bear it through the hunger pangs because they say there's a huge difference between hunger pangs and being truly hungry. I know it's not easy. Hang in there.:happy:
  • Nos150
    Nos150 Posts: 150
    I thiInk it depends on a lot of things. Your body has to get used to the lower amounts of food, if you've decreased it a lot. One thing
    that helps is making sure you get enough liquids, especially water. Exercise effects it, too. Sometimes you have to just grin and bear it through the hunger pangs because they say there's a huge difference between hunger pangs and being truly hungry. I know it's not easy. Hang in there.:happy:

    But I literally just ate. I would think that the hunger would come back sooner, but not get worse after just eating?
  • junyr
    junyr Posts: 416 Member
    I thiInk it depends on a lot of things. Your body has to get used to the lower amounts of food, if you've decreased it a lot. One thing
    that helps is making sure you get enough liquids, especially water. Exercise effects it, too. Sometimes you have to just grin and bear it through the hunger pangs because they say there's a huge difference between hunger pangs and being truly hungry. I know it's not easy. Hang in there.:happy:

    You know I'm not sure about that, for me anyway.

    I was eating much less before MFP than I am now and never was terribly hungry. After about three weeks on here, eating appropriate levels of food, I'm hungry throughout the day. My only guess is my metabolism has ramped up and is actually working as intended with the proper amount of nourishment.
  • issyfit
    issyfit Posts: 1,077 Member
    Had one chicken breast grilled

    One potato baked (in the microwave)

    one cub of broccoli.

    Eta: with a small sprinkle of cheese maybe a table spoon

    The simple carbs in the potato can make you hungry but I think it would take a few hours for the blood sugar drop.
  • felcandy
    felcandy Posts: 228 Member
    I think its a mental thing for me. before, i didnt get hungry very much but now that i count and obsess over what to eat im thinking about it all the time and it gives me cravings, usually for the bad stuff. unfortunately i dont have good willpower, but ive been good today!
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    Your diary is empty... log stuff every day from now on, and then we can see what patterns emerge.
  • serenity216
    serenity216 Posts: 512 Member
    Amd make sure you are drinking plenty of water.

    I was going to say the same thing. I tend to have more cravings on the day my water consumption is down.
  • neverstray
    neverstray Posts: 3,845 Member
    I think it's mental.
  • Christinajoey2000
    Amd make sure you are drinking plenty of water.

    I've read that dehydration symptoms can mimic hunger symptoms.

    If I feel a little hungry after eating, I have a big mug of herbal tea and that does the trick. I'm not dehydtrated though, the tea is just feeling. Tazo Passion and Wild Sweet Orange are super tasty.
  • bjlkt2
    bjlkt2 Posts: 17 Member
    Probably 80% of it is mental. You're thinking about *calorie cutting* and *restricting*. So you're telling yourself you're getting less than you need (or at least less than you're used to), "Oh, I'm eating so little," etc, and your brain freaks out and tries to make you think you need to eat more, as if you're going to starve or something if you don't.

    You won't starve. It's a hard-wired tendency in us to eat and eat and eat and store up for the times of starvation and shortage, but guess what? We're not about to run out of food in the middle of winter anymore. You *do not need* all the calories your body is trying to tell you you do. You need to burn up the extra ones you've already consumed and have sitting around in storage.

    "Never trade what you want most for what you want at the moment."
  • RangerSteve
    It's hormonal:



    Those are two of the main hormones responsible for hunger. When dieting for days straight, your leptin and ghrelin levels will adjust to make you hungrier. It's the way your body tells you that you need to eat because it's worried you're going to starve to death. This is part of the reason why many people suggest cheat meals or cycling calories to have a day or two a week where you're over your maintenance.
    ZEPHATHIA Posts: 1
    I notice this happening to me after I eat also. It got especially worse today after I ate crackers. Water helps curb the hunger pangs, but it's gotta be the carbs that make us feel more hungry after we eat. Stay strong and beat the cravings!! Good luck to all of you.
  • MoveTheMountain
    So I just had a wonderful meal, I measured it all out, eat it slower then i normally would, tasted great.

    So why am I hungrier then when I started eating?

    Thanks for any insight!

    Carbs - specifically, bread/starch/sugar type carbs. They are evil. So is sodium.
  • stardust92
    stardust92 Posts: 46 Member
    Probably 80% of it is mental. You're thinking about *calorie cutting* and *restricting*. So you're telling yourself you're getting less than you need (or at least less than you're used to), "Oh, I'm eating so little," etc, and your brain freaks out and tries to make you think you need to eat more, as if you're going to starve or something if you don't.

    You won't starve. It's a hard-wired tendency in us to eat and eat and eat and store up for the times of starvation and shortage, but guess what? We're not about to run out of food in the middle of winter anymore. You *do not need* all the calories your body is trying to tell you you do. You need to burn up the extra ones you've already consumed and have sitting around in storage.

    "Never trade what you want most for what you want at the moment."

    The best quote ever! That is just what i needed to read, thank you!
  • hesn92
    hesn92 Posts: 5,966 Member
    Well when I first started counting my calories I was hungry a lot because my stomach wasn't used to the smaller portions. I would be hungry right after eating. But after a few days/a week or so, I got used to it. Now I get full a lot faster. I was surprised when my boyfriend took me out for breakfast and I ate 2 scrambled eggs, 2 slices of bacon, a few bites of hash browns (also some coffee of course) and I was STUFFED. Normally I would've eaten all my hash browns and some pancakes.