Advise please- motivation

Hi All,

In the past i did very well on Slimming World and Weight Watchers however since the plans changed i stopped doing so well. So i gave it a rest and have now put on about a stone and a bit. I really dont want to be an heavier.

Im trying to get into a routine of doing spinning and circuit classes at the gym, which goes very well except when work gets in the way!! :)

My problem seems to be the food, i just cant stop eating at the moment. I joined MyFItnessPlan and i seem to stick to it for a bit and then I blow it!

I currently have 1600 calories a day which i know i can do, it just seems to go wrong when i get home from work and i just want to snack!

I need to get my motivation back as i dont want to become 2 stones heavier.

Any advise? xx


  • TheRealParisLove
    TheRealParisLove Posts: 1,907 Member
    It's hard to say because your food and exercise journals are locked. Are you doing any weight/ resistance training? Putting on more muscle will help you to burn fat more efficiently.
  • mellabyte
    mellabyte Posts: 193 Member
    If you snack as soon as you get home and you know it, how about distracting yourself?

    Find something to do, when you get home. If it's just an unwarranted urge to snack: go for a walk, tackle some chores. Plan to-do or activity lists for after work that will tide you over to dinner time. If it's actual, legitimate hunger: drink a big tall glass of water. Wait 15 minutes. Still hungry? Have a small healthy snack: small handful of nuts, fruit, greek yogurt, etc - followed by another big glass of water. Wait again. If you're _still_ hungry after that, maybe consider reviewing your diary to see if you're eating too many empty and/or non-filling foods. Or eating enough depending on how much you burn exercising. (Opening your diary to MFP will help others provide advice.)

    This tends to work for me.
  • rachs201230
    Thanks for your reply, i havent really been keeping a note on here of everything, so its probably not a true reflection.

    I havent done any dedicated weight/resistance training for a while. I guess circuits does do an all round training programme with squats etc
    I try and spin 3 times a week, its not always possible.

    What would you recommend for burning fat. I carry most of my weight on my hips and upper legs.

    thanks again.
  • megleo818
    megleo818 Posts: 595 Member
    Try going for a walk as soon as you get home from work. Go straight to your closet, change out of your work clothes, put on some trainers and go outside. You'll get a hundred or so extra calories to "spend" for every half hour you walk, and you'll switch-up your snacking routine. Plus, you'll have done something good for yourself (yeah, it's not spinning, but it's not eating a packet of crisps, either). One good thing often leads to another, so setting up your evening in a positive direction from the start can't hurt.

    I know it sounds stupidly brainless, but it really does help!
  • msredd82
    msredd82 Posts: 3 Member
    I understand where you're coming from. In the past, I'd also lose weight,get comfortable with it-then end up blowing it as well! Something did change in me this time around though. I lost 50lbs last yr.,but gained 20lbs back after a stressful work environment. I'm staying committed this time-but,my motivation is NOT wanting to reverse all the hard work & sweat I put into the weight loss. Whenever you feel yourself about to eat the "wrong" things,think about all the hard work you've put in:smile:
    Also,try to fill your house/fridge with healthy snack,so when you get that urge after work-you'll be snacking-but on healthier things.
    Also,don't look at exercise as "I gotta lose weight",look at it as your time to yourself,to clear your mind. That helps take the stress & pressure out of exercising just to lose weight.
  • rachs201230
    I will open my diary, when i start to write everything down. Im off to the US tomorrow for a week and once im back im going to really crack down on this!

    thanks again for replies.
  • puddy29
    puddy29 Posts: 77
    it ok to snack but it's what you snack on that is the issue. try to change some of your snack grab a piece of friut or some celery sticks or a yogurt. I know I know easier said than done but at least try it this way if you have to have a snack it something calorie friendly and low in fat.
  • rachs201230
    Thanks everyone.
    It all common sense stuff really, its just having the motivation. I must say it definately helps writing a note on here and speaking with people, its the first time i have been on these boards and its great to have the support.

    Even though im off to the US, i might still try and track as i think that can be a start to my new me... rather than an excuse to have more snack and put on more pounds!

    Thanks guys. Its nice to have some support.

    Am keen to know what sort of excercise helps burn fat quickly. :)
  • anunley1
    anunley1 Posts: 35 Member
    Definitely some sort of circuit training. I recently discovered the biggest loser DVD's and they are awesome for this. Jillian Michael's Shred is only 20 min and you will feel it. The whole thing is geared to burning fat FAST!. Also, buying a medicine ball (like a 6 lb) and doing a DVD - like Gin Miller's ab workout is really effective as well. Good luck!