fighting through the tough times

I started on my fitness pal back in January this year, in hind sight maybe not the best time to start. I was doing well but my mum has been in and out of hospital for most of this year so have not always made the right food choices as have been visiting and worrying about her, anyway she passed away last month so again did not log my foods and did not make good food choices, my husband also has not helped in the past but he is now helping and is 100% with me on this, so I am back and hoping to re motivate myself, this is just to say that even when we get tough times and things get in the way we must still stay focused and battle through,mine is a very up and down journey with gaps in it where I have fallen but Im hoping that I can achieve my goals


  • JoniRiaya
    JoniRiaya Posts: 79
    First of all, I am sorry for your loss :( to have something like that happen at the start of yourvweightvliss journey would make it a million times more difficult. I am glad you're back and making an effort now! That is a great first step. Please don't say "I hope" you have to KNOW you can do this. It's a lifestyle change so take it slow if that's easier and just focus on one or two goals at a time. You CAN and WILL reach your goals! I am sending a friend request so I can say " I told you so" when you get there ;)
  • LesliePierceRN
    LesliePierceRN Posts: 860 Member
    I know where you're coming from.. I have two special needs kids, so I can lose myself in their care if I allow that to happen. It's actually the easiest thing in the world... and right now, my daughter is in the ICU battling for her life.. but I've been there for her strong and healthy, and I've been there for her tired and fat... Strong and healthy is much better, I've got more energy and can handle stress better, thereby dealing more effectively with her condition. That's why I work out and eat right, because the better I am, the better I am for her. Every day, every minute, you make choices. I am consious of what I'm doing, whether this is best or not.. and chose to fight for what's best despite the chaos going on around me. It's just that important.
  • Thank you both for the kind words,
  • Ladymuscles I hope your daughter pulls through
  • dawney09
    dawney09 Posts: 2 Member
    Once this break is finished next week, i am right back there with you Heather! I am disgusted with myself for allowing myself to put the weight back on after i had done so well!!
    We will get there, I know we can do it and this time with Paul and Martin behind us i see no reason why we can't!!