Over 40 and need to loose 100+ lbs ...Oh My!

Hello MFP community. This is my first time ever starting a post but have been so inpsired by what I have read from others I thought I'd give it a shot. Okay, so I started my lifestyle change about a month ago and so far so good. But, i have a long, long way to go and can use some support. As I look out over the journey ahead it is a bit daunting - I need to loose 150 lbs and I want to do it without surgery. I have tried and failed before but this has to be the time I stick! I am over 40 and ready to get my life back. If you have over 100 lbs to loose or just want a buddy to go on this journey with, lets be MFP friends and spur one another on. Who's with me?


  • mmreed
    mmreed Posts: 436 Member
    Hello! Welcome to MFP!

    MFP is a really great resource to keep you focused and connect you with a wealth of fitness resources and like minded folks.

    1. Log your foods every day - don't skip days, or parts of your day. log everything!
    2. Analyze each day - see where it went good and where it went bad - too much fat? maybe too many carbs? over the calorie limit? Identify and plan how to correct it for tomorrow.
    3. Reach out to the community with questions or advice needs.
    4. Build a network of friends here!
    5. Above all, do not believe everything you read here. There is a lot of great advice, but also some misleading and hype type advice. Part of getting fit is educating yourself in aspects of health and fitness. Make sure any questionable advice is looked at with a scientific eye and look for facts, evidence, and most importantly real world proof.
    6. You are more than a number. Sometimes the scale may not say what you hoped - thats fine. weight loss is not a straight line declination. Its a bumpy line that drops over time. Don't let single day numbers get your focus away from term based results.
    7. Vary your exercises. Your body forms memories and can slow down how it burns fat and builds muscles. Keep it confused! Hit it hard with cardio styles. Build lean muscle to burn even more fat.
    8. and above all - take your photo now! You will want to look back and have a starting BEFORE picture to proudly display along with your series of PRESENT or CURRENT photos during your transformation and continued lifestyle of fitness.

    I welcome you, and anyone else out there to add me as a friend. I have made fitness and health my passion and love the idea of folks joining me in my new lifestyle of being fit, healthy, and most importantly - HAPPY!.

    I'm here to support and motivate!!! I find my own success comes easier when I help and fuel other folks success.

    and remember - most folks care more about the quality of fuel they put in their lawn mowers than the fuel they put in their bodies. Don't be one of those people. Whole foods. Natural foods. Intelligent choices.

    Fit for life,
    Mark M. Reed
    aka Marc Mayhem - Fitness Blogger, and Motivator!

    Add me as a friend and take part in my daily fitness discussions, tips, and commentary on MyFitnessPal!
  • ohnogogo
    ohnogogo Posts: 110 Member
    Hi and welcome! I too am over 40 and want to lose over 100lbs and am down 32lbs so far. Doing it and doing it right is definitely going in with the mindset that it is indeed a lifestyle change. Good for you for recognizing that! I will be sending you a friend request, please add me if you would like.
  • bago08
    bago08 Posts: 360 Member
    im with you.. I just turned 40 and I am destined to be thin for the first time in my life. I will lose 100 lbs
    Im here for you..This is day 5 for me but use me as a resource as needed.
  • TillyGuernsey
    Hi, I'm 41, looking to lose 70-80lbs. Happy to support each other
  • sherrihawthorne
    sherrihawthorne Posts: 2 Member
    Hi. I turned 40 in June & decided it was time for a change. Add me as a friend and well take this journey together. I weigh 399.2(down 9 pounds). I want to get at least to 250. We can do this.
  • chelle866
    chelle866 Posts: 53
    Hiya :) welcome and good luck :D xx
  • hyop001
    hyop001 Posts: 4
    Thank you for your thoughtful reply....great tips. Sending friend request now and look forward to the continued dialogue.
  • carsuelor
    carsuelor Posts: 1 Member
    I am also 42 and want to lose 70 lbs. I just joined this site a few weeks ago and am following the couch to 5k program.
  • Kacibird71
    Kacibird71 Posts: 3 Member
    I'm with you! I am in the same boat! You are doing better than me. Good Luck! Welcome! We can do this, new healthy lifestyle!!!
  • Liasings
    Liasings Posts: 150 Member
    Hi! I'm over 40 :glasses: and will lose over 100 lbs before I am done. I have lost 56 lbs since January and 16 since joining MFP in May. It's a lifestyle, not a diet and I'm doing better some days than others. I try to make healthy choices and it's becoming more automatic with each day.

    Let's encourage each other and dance into our new lives.:flowerforyou:
  • melonsss
    melonsss Posts: 144 Member
    Hi, I am aged 46 and have over 100 1lbs to go. I find losing the weight as one gets older quite difficult but I am not going to give up. feel free to add me.
  • debrussell
    debrussell Posts: 10 Member
    I'm looking at 100 pounds as well. I just returned to MFP in one last ditch effort. It just keeps getting harder and harder. I've always been a member at a gym and am very good at going 4-5 times per week. I have fought inactive thyroid for years, but still keep with it at least to try and keep my insides healthy (I have excellent cholesterol and blood pressure). Last year I had both knees and a hip replaced so I was at a standstill most of the year while recovering. I've been back to regular exercise since the beginning of the year, but I'm so limited in the exercise that I am able to do now with all the joint replacements. Pool, biking, walking, and some weight machines are about it. I do a 1-hour deep water fitness class at the YMCA most days and walk my dog for 20-30 minutes one to two times per day. The rest of my day is spent at the computer doing medical transcription.
  • cindys0417
    cindys0417 Posts: 1,151 Member
    Good Luck! You have come to the right place...This is a great inspiration place. Everyone is so nice and everyone is losing tons of weight and getting healthy. Thats why Im here. Good Luck!
  • shendric62
    shendric62 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi. I'm 49 and need to lose well over 100 pounds. I've lost weight, like you, many times...this past time I lost 120#, and gained 40 of that back after exhausting my thyroid. (Synthroid is my new friend!) I am back at it this week, and am determined to lose to the point where I am comfortable being active doing things I enjoy, from hiking to sex. Where vanity never motivated me to lose the weight, the very real fear of being immobilized by my weight has proved a huge motivation. I'm glad I have good company for this journey. I promise I am here for the long haul, and here for you if you need support or encouragement. "Together we can do what we could never do alone." Thank you for being here.
