Eating less than 1200 calories?

I've been eating about 460, will that slow down my metabolism?

And what about a raw vegan diet, will that help?


  • BVannillie
    BVannillie Posts: 140
    If you want some info take your pick out of the hundreds of other threads on this exact topic. Some of them are still on the first page and very easy to see.
  • Oh. Sorry, I just joined a half hour ago. *facepalm* I should have looked first.
  • geekyjock76
    geekyjock76 Posts: 2,720 Member
    That is way too low. Only reason you should be on such a low intake is if its doctor supervised but, even then, I don't believe many would prescribe that severe a deficit. Dieting naturally slows down your metabolism - its your body's survival mechanism to allow one to function using less energy and still live - but I believe going far below what your body actually needs slows down the rate even further (especially if maintained chronically).

    What are your current stats and what do you expect (hope) to get to in terms of body fat percentage and weight loss?
  • wheezybreezy
    wheezybreezy Posts: 313 Member
    Short answer: Umm.. YES. 460 is way too low.

    I don't know what you mean by "help" but my suggestion would be to stick with a diet that you can maintain for life. If raw vegan is it, then go for it!
  • yarwell
    yarwell Posts: 10,477 Member
    460 is pretty low, a decent amount of protein would take up nearly all of that.

    I doubt a raw vegan diet will give you the full range of nutrition at 1000 calories a day, but I may be wrong. 50g of protein and 20g of fats / oils are probably a bare minimum but as your diary is closed we can't see what you're eating.
  • sabusby
    sabusby Posts: 78 Member
    It will most definitely mess up your metabolism--no doubt about it.

    Registered Dietitians, members of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics would NEVER advise under 1,200. You're starving your body now and if you ever stop, the weight will come back ferociously. And it will be harder than ever to lose.
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    Yes, you should be netting .... around 1200 calories (NET). This means you add exercise calories back and eat those too (or most of them). Some very petite women can get by with less .... but 1200 is safe.

    The 1200 calories in question are needed for basic bodily function ..... heart, lungs, kidneys. Go below the minimum consistently .... and your weight loss will stall out.
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    Way too low - aren't you hungry? Tired? Eat such a low amount of calories for any length of time and your metabolism will adjust to match your intake. Low metabolism isn't what you want!

    Excellent information here:
  • krystina_letitia9
    krystina_letitia9 Posts: 697 Member
    Hmmm... I've eaten more than half of your calories today just in peanut butter! To start with, stick with the guidelines MFP sets for you until you learn a little bit more. Maybe a consultation with a dietitian would benefit you as well. 460 calories/day is hardly sustainable.
  • lizziebeth1028
    lizziebeth1028 Posts: 3,602 Member
    460 is dangerously low and yes it can totally F up your metabolism. weight loss does not mean you have to starve yourself. the most successful way to lose weight is change your lifestyle, eat healthy, eat sensibly, stay within the calorie goal that MFP sets for you and get some exercise.
  • evaker
    evaker Posts: 3
    I agree with others anything below 800 I think is dangerous. I am doing PureSlim1000 which is 800-1000 calories with their drops and feel fantastic, but I found on some days if I don't get all 800 calories in I am not feeling well and have trouble sleeping. I think you might do more harm than good to your body by straving yourself. Plus your hormones will get totally out of whack!
  • LilacDreamer
    LilacDreamer Posts: 1,364 Member
    Are you on HCG? Just wondering since HCG is a 500 calorie "diet" (if you want to ruin your body)

    Other than that I can not fathom why anyone would consume 460 calories...unless you're anorexic.

    Either way, EAT. Please.
  • 1200 is basically what you need just to sustain. I found that the more I ate, the more I would lose. Eating such low calories, could actually put you into starvation mode and you could actually end up gaining. This also could make it harder for you in the future to lose weight. I started at 1200 and slowly increased in increments of 50 and now I am up to 1400. Good luck!!
  • jaybird951
    jaybird951 Posts: 53 Member
    you will die very soon if you stick with that kind of diet and calorie intake...hopefully your brain overrules your demons and tells you to start eating may gain more weight in the long run by eating too little now..speaking from experience..
  • pastryari
    pastryari Posts: 8,646 Member
    Why are you not eating the number MFP gave you?
  • drmerc
    drmerc Posts: 2,603 Member
    Are you on HCG? Just wondering since HCG is a 500 calorie "diet" (if you want to ruin your body)

    Other than that I can not fathom why anyone would consume 460 calories...unless you're anorexic.

    Either way, EAT. Please.

    How does HCG ruin your body?
  • Well, basically, eating that low is just unhealthy, and your going to lose ALOT of Fat, AND Muscle just so u know. I highly reccomend getting out of this habbit, and eating your maitenance weight, because i was like you and im a guy, i ate about 500calories a day and after a bout 4 months i looked like a holocaust victim. I was even MORE unpleased with myself, but now ive bulked up and i look & feel so much more healthier, PLEASE take my advice!
  • That is way to there a certain reason you are eating only 460? Just seems very dangerous...
  • rainunrefined
    rainunrefined Posts: 850 Member
    I smell a troll.
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,329 Member
    unless you're directly being monitored by a doctor - sorry i dont know how else to word this - why the hell would you want to do this?!

    that's a rhetorical question by the way, i'm sure you're a lovely person and all but i just ate a 800 calorie breakfast, plan on eating another 1000 before the end of the day and i'm still losing weight, but hey if others want to starve themselves into sickness, then do you. :blushing: