So incredibly tired lately...

AmyFett Posts: 1,607 Member
I've been counting calories for about 3 weeks now. The past 4 or 5 days, I have been completely exhausted! I'm getting enough sleep, which is unlike me. I net 1300 calories a day. I'm also hypothyroid and the fatigue is a symptom of that, but this is insane the past few days, no idea why I'm soooooo tired. Anyone have any ideas? Am I not eating enough calories or what? I really don't want to up the amount of calories because I don't want to slow down the weight loss, and some days I have a hard enough time even meeting the 1300. I just have no appetite really. I take a multivitamin every day, and for a week or so now I've been taking additional B-12. And no, I'm not pregnant, it's not that time of month for me. :laugh:


  • gogophers
    gogophers Posts: 190 Member
    "Tired" is a somewhat ambiguous term. Is it that you feel like your always falling asleep? Or are your muscles constantly sore? Do you just not want to do anything?
  • AmyFett
    AmyFett Posts: 1,607 Member
    Sleepy tired. I feel like I haven't slept in a year. I feel worse than I did when I was getting 2-3 hours of sleep a night.
  • tobielauren
    tobielauren Posts: 184 Member
    What I am interested in is did MFP give you 1300 cal per day as a goal or was that yours? I would look towards your BMR instead and see if there is a difference. If not, are you drinking enough water? Are you overdoing the exercise? What kind of job do you have, one where you are active or a desk job? Could this also be your TOM? There are many things to consider. And also, it could be the weather and the shouldn't be much to freak out about at this particular moment. I would maybe also look at what kind of food you are eating. That could make a difference.
  • AmyFett
    AmyFett Posts: 1,607 Member
    MFP said 1200, so I upped it a little. I drink at least 5-6 cups of water a day, though I don't really log my water after dinner, I thought i mentioned it's not my time of month, not pregnant. I know how I get around that time, but right now i'm in the middle of my cycle, i don't usually feel this way. Could it be that I'm actually getting sleep now? It's so odd. I stay home with my two kids and i'm in college full time, no 'job' I'm not freaking out, but I can't live like this, it's really hard to keep up with a 2 year old and 3 year old when I feel run down. My BMR is about 1700 and that's way too much for me. I have a hard time even eating 1200 some days.
  • tobielauren
    tobielauren Posts: 184 Member
    What kinds of food? Maybe you need a bit more protein? Or almonds or other nuts or something? If it is bothering you this much and you have a doctor you like and trust I would ask them
  • AmyFett
    AmyFett Posts: 1,607 Member
    I have one or two greek yogurts a day, and peanut butter a lot as well. I don't like nuts or most meats, but that's nothing new. Also, I have no insurance so I don't want to go to the doctor, which is why I was asking here to see what people might think is going on. Maybe it's just the humidity and heat lately.
  • Trishabelle12
    Trishabelle12 Posts: 145 Member
    Not eating enough carbs will make you tired. I don't know if you're limiting them or anything, but be beware.
  • mhoward685
    mhoward685 Posts: 129 Member
    1-2 pounds a week is realistic. You are weight loss is higher than that. I didn't try to look at your food diary. Are you getting enough protein? Jumping into too many changes at once can stress your body and make you tired.
  • Freyja2023
    Freyja2023 Posts: 158 Member
    I would suggest going to the doctor and making sure your potassium levels are right. If they are fine then at least you can talk about your diet and see what he/she may suggest for you. Good luck.
  • AmyFett
    AmyFett Posts: 1,607 Member
    I'm also extremely over weight too, I've lost 8 lbs in 3 weeks, that's not really too crazy, I don't think. Not right at first.
  • KirstenJJackson
    KirstenJJackson Posts: 1 Member
    Low Iron? I get really tired if I don't take my Iron Supplements - especially if you're not eating red meat.
    Magnesium - I had a patch where I lost 4 kilos (8.8pounds) in 2 weeks and I was sooo tired and grumpy with the kids - Magnesium seemed to help - hard to tell though cause it was around the same time i switched to MFP and ate more calories. (was eating 800 a day - oops!) Luckily a good friend got me on to MFP before I continued on another bad yoyo cycle! Slow and steady wins the race and gets to eat whatever she wants!
  • RuthSweetTooth
    RuthSweetTooth Posts: 461 Member
    Try to keep things within the MFP pie chart guidelines. Keep the carbs above 130, today was the only day you haven't gotten up there. Carbs give energy, to get carb energy fast, eat a piece of fruit, to get lasting energy, eat a complex carb like whole grains or beans (that's why I put beans on my nachos today instead of having two tortillas). I hope you feel better tomorrow ! Those little kiddies are probably tiring you out too. But the thyroid is whipping Lin today too, she is really tired.
  • AmyFett
    AmyFett Posts: 1,607 Member
    Low Iron? I get really tired if I don't take my Iron Supplements - especially if you're not eating red meat.
    Magnesium - I had a patch where I lost 4 kilos (8.8pounds) in 2 weeks and I was sooo tired and grumpy with the kids - Magnesium seemed to help - hard to tell though cause it was around the same time i switched to MFP and ate more calories. (was eating 800 a day - oops!) Luckily a good friend got me on to MFP before I continued on another bad yoyo cycle! Slow and steady wins the race and gets to eat whatever she wants!

    I was thinking low iron, I for some reason, am prone to becoming anemic. I can't find iron pills though. I've looked in 3 stores this weekend and couldn't find any.
  • AmyFett
    AmyFett Posts: 1,607 Member
    Try to keep things within the MFP pie chart guidelines. Keep the carbs above 130, today was the only day you haven't gotten up there. Carbs give energy, to get carb energy fast, eat a piece of fruit, to get lasting energy, eat a complex carb like whole grains or beans (that's why I put beans on my nachos today instead of having two tortillas). I hope you feel better tomorrow ! Those little kiddies are probably tiring you out too. But the thyroid is whipping Lin today too, she is really tired.

    Yeah, they are being pains in the butt lately, and taking care of the kittens and all that stuff. Maybe it's just life getting to me! lol. The thyroid is fun, let me tell you that :drinker:
  • RuthSweetTooth
    RuthSweetTooth Posts: 461 Member
    She's right, you are low on iron, easy fix. Take a cheap, one a day supplement with iron (not a megadose vitamin) that includes at least 50% of your iron, and that could make a difference. You can also find some of those breakfast cereals like Total or grapenuts which have alot of iron, but then you have to remember to eat them every day.

    Liver can also give you an energy boost as it is really nutrient rich in iron and B12.

    Low Iron? I get really tired if I don't take my Iron Supplements - especially if you're not eating red meat.
    Magnesium - I had a patch where I lost 4 kilos (8.8pounds) in 2 weeks and I was sooo tired and grumpy with the kids - Magnesium seemed to help - hard to tell though cause it was around the same time i switched to MFP and ate more calories. (was eating 800 a day - oops!) Luckily a good friend got me on to MFP before I continued on another bad yoyo cycle! Slow and steady wins the race and gets to eat whatever she wants!
  • AnisaMG
    AnisaMG Posts: 154 Member
    When was the last time you had your thyroid levels looked at? Have you been good about taking your medication EVERY single day for at LEAST the past 8 weeks? do you wait 30 mins after taking it before you eat? Do you eat a lot of soy (soy can hinder thyroid function according to my naturopath).
    I always know when I am not right with my thyroid because of the tiredness... Good luck!
  • Sasssy69
    Sasssy69 Posts: 547 Member
    I've been feeling the same way. Thought it was the heat because it's been very warm where I live. I went hiking today, and I got winded on a little hill. NOT like me at all. I've been feeling this way for about 4 days. When I got home, I just rested, and then started to sneeze...and my throat feels a little sore.

    Is it possible you are fighting a cold or something? I usually feel this way before my "real" symptoms show. I take Emergency when I finally figure it out - right away, then at night.

    If it persists, call your doctor.
  • AmyFett
    AmyFett Posts: 1,607 Member
    Yeah I actually was telling my hubby this is what I felt like when I was anemic before, but I REALLY don't want to spend the hundreds of dollars just to get some labs done. I looked at Walmart, the dollar store, and Target, and I couldn't find just iron supplements. But I was thinking that's what the problem was, but hoping it was just the heat and all lol. I dunno. Too much going on lately.
  • evaker
    evaker Posts: 3
    I;m on 100 calorie diet and use B complex vitamins, gives me energy I need to be able to do the diet and not feel tired or slugish
  • AmyFett
    AmyFett Posts: 1,607 Member
    When was the last time you had your thyroid levels looked at? Have you been good about taking your medication EVERY single day for at LEAST the past 8 weeks? do you wait 30 mins after taking it before you eat? Do you eat a lot of soy (soy can hinder thyroid function according to my naturopath).
    I always know when I am not right with my thyroid because of the tiredness... Good luck!

    Yep, take my meds exactly how I should. And soy is disgusting. lol..