So incredibly tired lately...



  • AmyFett
    AmyFett Posts: 1,607 Member
    I;m on 100 calorie diet and use B complex vitamins, gives me energy I need to be able to do the diet and not feel tired or slugish

    100 a day?!
  • suziecue66
    suziecue66 Posts: 1,312 Member
    Do you still take your thyroid meds at the same time? Don't take them with anything else that may interfere with absorption? If you yes to both perhaps doc needs to up your dose?
  • waldenfam2
    waldenfam2 Posts: 203 Member
    When was the last time you had your thyroid levels looked at? Have you been good about taking your medication EVERY single day for at LEAST the past 8 weeks? do you wait 30 mins after taking it before you eat? Do you eat a lot of soy (soy can hinder thyroid function according to my naturopath).
    I always know when I am not right with my thyroid because of the tiredness... Good luck!

    Yep, take my meds exactly how I should. And soy is disgusting. lol..

    It sounds like it might be iron since you don't eat a lot of meat, but I can tell you when I tried to eat 1300 calories a day I was exhausted. Felt like I couldn't even exercise. So if the iron pills that hopefully you eventually find at the store don't work, consider upping your calories a little bit more, 1500 should stave of the exhaustion.
  • saraann4
    saraann4 Posts: 1,312 Member
    When was the last time you had your thyroid levels looked at? Have you been good about taking your medication EVERY single day for at LEAST the past 8 weeks? do you wait 30 mins after taking it before you eat? Do you eat a lot of soy (soy can hinder thyroid function according to my naturopath).
    I always know when I am not right with my thyroid because of the tiredness... Good luck!

    This exactly. I know when I needed my thyroid medication upped when I started to feel exhausted. Then again, I've botched my doctor and been living medication free for about a year now and feel better than ever. Currently in search of a good doctor though...

    Go to your doctor, get your thryoid levels checked (mostly likely, your medication will be upped, if not, tell your doc). Also, ask your doctor on how many calories you should be intaking.
  • twimom03
    twimom03 Posts: 19
    I just went to my doctor for the same thing. I would wake up feeling as though I never went to bed! I just wanted to hibernate and sleep for a month. My doctor sent me to my endocronologist since I also have thyroid issues and after having lab work completed, everything came back normal. I am not saying not to go to the doctor but for me, I was stressed from being in college full time, having 3 children, and working from home part time. I was low on vitamin D...I am not sure where you live but in New is common to be vitamin D deficient. Do you have any clinics where you live that charge minimanl for those that don't have insurance? .I'm sure it is nothing but seeing a health care professional will certainly give you peace of mind!!
  • Cristofori44
    Cristofori44 Posts: 201
    1. See your doctor and show him what and how much you've been eating and get everything checked. Find the money. It will be more expensive for your health to deteriorate.
    2. For now, concentrate on nutrition rather than weight loss. Get your nutrients, especially iron and Vitamin C. Veggies, fruits, whole grains, lean proteins. Hit your BMR in food consumption, which will still be less than your daily energy expenditure. When you get more energy, you can always create a larger deficit through exercise.
  • AmyFett
    AmyFett Posts: 1,607 Member
    yeah, broke means i can't buy tons and tons of food just for myself either lol! Find the money how? I have 11 bucks to my name. Last time I got labs done it was about 360 if I remember right. I can't afford that. Which is why I have no insurance, can't afford it. I know I SHOULD go to the doctor, but I can't be paying all this money, and if I don't pay, then I feel guilty about not being able to pay for what I took.
  • AmyFett
    AmyFett Posts: 1,607 Member
    I just went to my doctor for the same thing. I would wake up feeling as though I never went to bed! I just wanted to hibernate and sleep for a month. My doctor sent me to my endocronologist since I also have thyroid issues and after having lab work completed, everything came back normal. I am not saying not to go to the doctor but for me, I was stressed from being in college full time, having 3 children, and working from home part time. I was low on vitamin D...I am not sure where you live but in New is common to be vitamin D deficient. Do you have any clinics where you live that charge minimanl for those that don't have insurance? .I'm sure it is nothing but seeing a health care professional will certainly give you peace of mind!!

    Only clinic or anything of the sort I know of is Planned Parenthood lol. I'm outside a lot though, I doubt it's the vitamin D, I have two little ones too and in college full time and taking other classes too, but this is nothing new, the feeling of fatigue when i'm actually getting sleep is what's bothering me.
  • CoderGal
    CoderGal Posts: 6,800 Member
    I've been counting calories for about 3 weeks now. The past 4 or 5 days, I have been completely exhausted! I'm getting enough sleep, which is unlike me. I net 1300 calories a day. I'm also hypothyroid and the fatigue is a symptom of that, but this is insane the past few days, no idea why I'm soooooo tired. Anyone have any ideas? Am I not eating enough calories or what? I really don't want to up the amount of calories because I don't want to slow down the weight loss, and some days I have a hard enough time even meeting the 1300. I just have no appetite really. I take a multivitamin every day, and for a week or so now I've been taking additional B-12. And no, I'm not pregnant, it's not that time of month for me. :laugh:
    Cutting a lot of calories isn't going to help you since you have metabolic problems and not to much food problems. Most people who have thyroid problems shouldn't mess up their metabolism more by taking a large deficit. That doesn't mean you can't lose weight though. But many who take large deficits often complain about gaining with little food (and have a bunch of people who don't believe they're gaining on what they're eating). I had a friend that just visited from away who told me she was eating less then 1200 calories a day and gaining weight. I immediately told her to up her calories and she's been losing on 1500. We're actually talking right now about the thyroid diet. I love my carbs but apparently it's beneficial to people with thyroid problems to cut out all processed carbs and sugars. If you go to youtube and look up videos of real people with the problem you'll find that most of them who are controlling their problems with diet are eating a lot of protein, and cutting processed foods.

    Not sure about the credentials of some of these guys but these are the links I'm currently looking at: <-Some guy with thyroid problems <-maybe contains a book you should look into getting. It also mentions how low cals tend to not work and if you google low calorie diets and thyroid problems you'll find people recommending against it.<- "Prolonged caloric deprivation, as with an extremely low-calorie diet of extended duration, can cause symptoms that might appear to be akin to hypothyroidism, such as the inability to lose more weight, fatigue and heightened sensitivity to cold." <-mentions a bunch of thyroid problem research with diets

    The problem with searching for solutions to this is you have to sift through a bunch of drug pushers lol. Anyway my advice would be cut out processed foods, eat at least .8g/kg of your weight in protein plus more if you're exercising (1.8g/kg), and start using coconut oil (there's a lot of mention of coconut oil on the thyroid sites I've looked on but I'm not exactly sure why so you should look into it before you do it).
  • AmyFett
    AmyFett Posts: 1,607 Member
    well, everyone is different and i'm not eating less than 1200. I'm netting 1300. I don't feel my tiredness is from my thyroid issue, it just came on very recently. I'm not really dumb, not saying you were calling me dumb, lol but i'm just saying. I do know about my issue, i know how and when to take my meds, i know i should go to the doctor to get regular blood work. I also have nearly 100 lbs to lose too, so that makes a difference. Someone who's only 20 lbs over weight won't really lose weight as fast as someone as fat as I am.
  • Merrysix
    Merrysix Posts: 336 Member
    Are you someplace really hot? The heat has exhausted me over the last few weeks. Then I slept 10 hours on Sat. and it cooled down and I feel better. Did you try sleeping. No kidding. I never sleep enough. I need 7 hours a night and I only get 6 cause I get up at 6 am and always go to bed too late. Oops. I'm going to bed right now!
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,554 Member
    Yeah I actually was telling my hubby this is what I felt like when I was anemic before, but I REALLY don't want to spend the hundreds of dollars just to get some labs done. I looked at Walmart, the dollar store, and Target, and I couldn't find just iron supplements. But I was thinking that's what the problem was, but hoping it was just the heat and all lol. I dunno. Too much going on lately.

    Honestly, if you are feeling tired all the time and don't know why, spending money on medical tests would be a much better way to spend your money that taking a guess at which supplements you need and spending money on those.

    For one thing, you won't know if you get it right, you might just be creating very expensive wee. For another, its going to take a whole lot longer to work out the source of the issue if you just work your way through different supplements.

    For me (a few years back now) the issue was Vit B12 - but I really don't suggest you load up on every single supplement, much better to get a test and medical advice so you know whether is is a deficiency and can do something constructive about it.

    Good luck.

    Aaah, just saw your post about having to pay for medical tests and how expensive they are. Damn, that doesn't happen here (Australia).
    I would still try to get to the doc as soon as you can and in the meantime, maybe look out for a bargain priced multivitamin - but it still seems as though you could waste a lot of money and not get good results that way.
  • Prudiddy
    Prudiddy Posts: 262 Member
    Hi I've been going through the same thing. I can hardly stay awake through the day, I was going to make a post too, but decided to work through it. I have also been having a hard time doing workouts. What I did notice was when I up the protein and started eating more almonds, this all began. I'm on a multivitamin too and noticed no change. My sis told me about the iron thing, so I'm going to get the iron supplements in hopes it will help. I feel like I have slowed all the way down to. Just not sure about the thyroid issues though, I have to pay for all the test myself. So that's on the to do list next. Good luck and try the iron.
  • Phaedra2014
    Phaedra2014 Posts: 1,254 Member
    Sleepy tired. I feel like I haven't slept in a year. I feel worse than I did when I was getting 2-3 hours of sleep a night.

    Are you taking a multi-vitamin daily?
  • CoderGal
    CoderGal Posts: 6,800 Member
    well, everyone is different and i'm not eating less than 1200. I'm netting 1300. I don't feel my tiredness is from my thyroid issue, it just came on very recently. I'm not really dumb, not saying you were calling me dumb, lol but i'm just saying. I do know about my issue, i know how and when to take my meds, i know i should go to the doctor to get regular blood work. I also have nearly 100 lbs to lose too, so that makes a difference. Someone who's only 20 lbs over weight won't really lose weight as fast as someone as fat as I am.

    Not calling you dumb at all. Glad your using net though its still a little low (though I would have to know your stats better and you would have to eat less then your calculated tdee to lose but probably not not that much). I net 1650 to get to goal. If I had a thyroid problem I would gave lost a lot more slowly. Tiredness could be do to lack of cals/vitamins/macronutrients/micronutrients...anything really. Hard to pinpoint. What are you keeping track of?

    If you dont mind sharing whats your height weight age?
  • PatriceMG
    PatriceMG Posts: 232 Member
    If you think it's iron you need, here is a website for the top 10 best iron-rich foods...