NSV - I actually did my Insanity workout at 10:45 pm!!!

kcoburn327 Posts: 111 Member
I know, I know it may not seem like much.... but....

I am a teacher on summer break and have gotten use to working out while my kids are in their room for downtime.

Today, however our schedule was completely changed and I didn't have a clue when I was going to get to workout.
We went to swim lessons and then went straight to the lake. By the time we got home (around 2) everyone was wiped out and wanted to take a nap (myself included). Next think I knew it was 5:30 and time to start dinner. Since everyone napped,I knew my kids would not be ready for bed until way after their bedtime.

At 10:30, the kids were finally settled down but my husband was getting ready for work. At 10:40, I started my Insanity workout video and got two minutes in and decided, I would just do it tomorrow. So I sat my happy little butt on the couch. My mind kept nagging me, so I got my happy little butt off the couch and turned back on the video. I had to modify a few exercises since my knees were hurting but I did it!! I loved it and I am so proud of myself for pushing through.

I know missing one day wouldn't have killed me but this is not a habit I want to get into. I want to build these goods habits now, so when school starts, I can keep going!

Thats it!


  • cmayoung
    cmayoung Posts: 38 Member
    Way to stick with it!
  • aloha311
    aloha311 Posts: 118 Member
    I actually just did the samething. My hubby is out of town and I was finally able to get all the kids to bed by 9:30 and my INsanity workout. I just couldn't not do it because I don't want to get in the habit of skipping a workout.
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