HCG is BAD!!!



  • khaapala
    khaapala Posts: 32 Member
    I just talked today to someone who was using the drops. I fully sympathize with someone who cannot lose weight any other way, but I'm still puzzled about why the HCG is necessary. Eating only 500 calories a day I think would result in weight loss no matter what. She also told me she has to drink a gallon of water a day (that means a lot of bathroom breaks?). I know that fasting (and that's what it sounds like) creates problems for me with low blood sugar, no energy, and headaches. There is no easier way for me after 40+ years of trying to lose and maintain weight loss and no substitute for self-control and forming new eating habits (sigh).
  • LovesAdventure
    LovesAdventure Posts: 66 Member
    Have you considered your weight loss is due to the extremely low calories and not actually taking the hormone?

    My thoughts exactly!
  • bradphil87
    bradphil87 Posts: 617 Member
    Im so sorry to hear about your loved one. Praying for a speedy recovery.

    That may be the worst of all the fad diets....I think you even get more cals on the cabbage soup one than that. They pray on people's desperation and it's sick. Hcg....give me a break.....if they ever come out with a "miacle cure" to shed fat trust me, the government will be shouting it from the rooftops, trying to give it to anyone they can our obesity is so out of control! you won't be hearing about it on an 90 second tv ad or from dr. Oz
  • Eve23
    Eve23 Posts: 2,352 Member
    So so sorry about your niece. That is scary indeed. Prayers go out to her and your family.
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    That sucks!

    Unfortunately there are no magic injections!
  • celebrity328
    celebrity328 Posts: 377 Member
    Thank you for sharing your story I know its painful. My hope is people who read this will maybe think twice before deciding to take this.

    I only know of one person who has actually try this method and it really seems like a duct tape approach to losing weight. He lost maybe 15 pounds but has put most/more on when he stopped the injections.
  • bluex232
    bluex232 Posts: 135 Member
    Have you considered your weight loss is due to the extremely low calories and not actually taking the hormone?
    My thoughts exactly!

    Agreed...my mom has tried the drops several times, I keep telling her that she is loosing the weight because she is only eating 500 calories not because of the drops. The thing that gets her on it is that the ones she has are supposed to suppress your appetite or whatever, basically not make you feel hungry all the time. I keep telling her that she needs a REALISTIC diet, that 500 calories a day is not realistic for the rest of your life. That of course going from 500 calories while on the drops then back to even a normal amount of food is going to make you gain at least some of the weight back. I'm no expert, but it seems like common sense to me. She has lost 30-50 pounds each time she has done it over the last few years, but she has gained it back everytime. And she doesn't eat awful, not perfect and healthy all the time, but by all means not crap all the time.
  • 20shan08
    20shan08 Posts: 219 Member
    I dont believe the hormone even does anything, it's supposed to stop hunger pains. It doesnt aid in the weight loss, eating 500 calories a day is what does it. And your only allowed to have certain foods - no carrots, but you can have cucumber. No pork, but 3 oz of beef. No grapes, but 6 strawberries. I tried it once, with the sublingual (not the injections) and I was so weak, no energy, by day 3 I quit. You're supposed to do either 20 or 40 days, then 6 weeks of maintenance. I think it works for some and not others, just like anything else. It obviously didnt work for me. But my friend lost 60 lbs on it and has kept it off for over a year. Although, because you lose a pound a day, she is now full of saggy skin on her arms, thighs, stomach.. It's not very healthy and it's banned in a lot of places. I know in Canada, suppliers have to oder it from the states, but I believe its banned there now too.
  • beckajw
    beckajw Posts: 1,738 Member
    I've never heard of HCG before..what is it?

    It's a pregnancy hormone (it spikes in a woman's body when she is pregnant). It's what pregnancy tests measure.
  • beckajw
    beckajw Posts: 1,738 Member
    My friend started taking it which made her sick so she stopped taking it!!!!

    It makes you sick for the same reason that pregnant women get morning sickness. At least that's theory of morning sickness, the spike in HCG causes it.

    I have trouble believing that it did all the other things (kidney damage) being claimed, since pregnant women walk around with a lot of it in their system. But, it shouldn't be used for weight loss. It has a specific purpose.

    That being said, most people who take HCG aren't losing weight because of the HCG, it's because of the 500 calorie diet.
  • AmIhealthyyet
    AmIhealthyyet Posts: 361 Member
    I agree, horrors stories to EVERY THING! I know many who have had great success this way! 40 days of 500 calories is not going to kill you, the idea is when done you resume adding to that in healthy amounts! People do cleanses all the time which are even more restrictive! Bottom line is it is 40 days! Not a life time of low calories!
  • 20shan08
    20shan08 Posts: 219 Member
    My friend started taking it which made her sick so she stopped taking it!!!!

    It makes you sick for the same reason that pregnant women get morning sickness. At least that's theory of morning sickness, the spike in HCG causes it.

    I have trouble believing that it did all the other things (kidney damage) being claimed, since pregnant women walk around with a lot of it in their system. But, it shouldn't be used for weight loss. It has a specific purpose.

    That being said, most people who take HCG aren't losing weight because of the HCG, it's because of the 500 calorie diet.

    Pregnant woman have natural hcg in their bodies. The artificial hormone taken by mouth or by injection is not quite the same.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    Just an fyi for all of you who want a 'quick fix' with HCG injections. My niece has been using it, with her Dr's blessing, has lost a lot of weight, looks awful and is now in the hospital, seriously ill. She is peeing 'black stuff' and may have kidney damage!
    Your health and your life is more important than getting a quick fix. Please, please, do not use this stuff or any other 'fad' diets. You won't be able to maintain your weightloss and learn the right way to be healthy unless you do it right, with MYFITNESSPAL!

    What about the liquid drops they sell at drug stores? Is it the same thing?
  • beckajw
    beckajw Posts: 1,738 Member
    My friend started taking it which made her sick so she stopped taking it!!!!

    It makes you sick for the same reason that pregnant women get morning sickness. At least that's theory of morning sickness, the spike in HCG causes it.

    I have trouble believing that it did all the other things (kidney damage) being claimed, since pregnant women walk around with a lot of it in their system. But, it shouldn't be used for weight loss. It has a specific purpose.

    That being said, most people who take HCG aren't losing weight because of the HCG, it's because of the 500 calorie diet.

    Pregnant woman have natural hcg in their bodies. The artificial hormone taken by mouth or by injection is not quite the same.

    Pretty much it's exactly the same thing. Just like insulin diabetics take is made in a lab and not exactly the same as the insulin created in your body.
  • LizL217
    LizL217 Posts: 217 Member
    I agree, horrors stories to EVERY THING! I know many who have had great success this way! 40 days of 500 calories is not going to kill you, the idea is when done you resume adding to that in healthy amounts! People do cleanses all the time which are even more restrictive! Bottom line is it is 40 days! Not a life time of low calories!

    You know what you don't hear many horror stories about? A balanced diet with proper nutrition while getting a moderate amount of exercise! How novel!
    The HCG diet is designed to make money off of people who are frustrated with weight loss by promising them fast results through a synthesized hormone that the consumer doesn't actually understand. When these people finally see results (mostly from the fact that they've lost more muscle than fat through the 500-calorie diet) they think they've discovered the magic cure. Then they go back to eating normally and their metabolism is now slower, so they gain it back. Then they have to do the HCG diet again, and the vicious cycle begins.

    40 days of this CAN do serious harm to your body, not only because of the hormone itself but because a 500-calorie diet does not give a human being the nutrients it needs to function, especially if said human being is also exercising. It also causes your metabolism to slow, making your maintenance level of calories even lower when you go back to trying to eat normally. And starting the HCG diet once often leads to repeat use, causing more and more harm.

    Eat good clean food, get plenty of protein, consume naturally-occuring vitamins and minerals, drink water, and move your body from time to time. These things will make you feel good and look good. The HCG diet just makes you feel like crap and then you've wasted all your money on a fad diet.
  • 33neenaj
    33neenaj Posts: 306
    This is old news
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    Yes. We know . I'm sorry about your niece.
  • BeautifulScarsWECHANGED
    Sending Love, Light and Prayers to her and your family.
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    Just an fyi for all of you who want a 'quick fix' with HCG injections. My niece has been using it, with her Dr's blessing, has lost a lot of weight, looks awful and is now in the hospital, seriously ill. She is peeing 'black stuff' and may have kidney damage!
    Your health and your life is more important than getting a quick fix. Please, please, do not use this stuff or any other 'fad' diets. You won't be able to maintain your weightloss and learn the right way to be healthy unless you do it right, with MYFITNESSPAL!

    What about the liquid drops they sell at drug stores? Is it the same thing?

    No those are homeopathic and not the same as shots you'd get from a doc. HCG shots have been shown to be not at all effective for weight loss and the drops even less so
  • odusgolp
    odusgolp Posts: 10,477 Member
    If I'm not mistaken one form of HCG has been banned by the FDA, but I don't recall which...
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