Getting up Early - Looking for advice



    DMUND Posts: 299 Member
    BUMP - I'm looking for idea's as well!
  • akaporn
    akaporn Posts: 231 Member
    0400: Wake up
    0430-0530: Exercise
    0600-0700: Drive to work (55mile)
    0700-1800: Work (office, computer screen, boring stuffs)
    1900-2100: Soccer/Running
    2100-2200 Drive home
    2230 Bed Time

    The only question is do you want it bad enough. It's your body. it's your health. I understand that mine is a little extreme. So pick something that you will be able to maintain and enjoy.
  • rakeem76
    rakeem76 Posts: 1
    There is an old native American trick that works for me... drink about 2 pints of water before you go to bed. Your body will wake you up! It also addresses staying hydrated enough :) hope this helps.
  • niclan724
    niclan724 Posts: 49 Member

    @ Nutty...What time do you go to bed at night?

    I'm usually in bed for about 10.30 - 11 the latest!

    Hmmm....that's what I've been trying to do but I keep waking up around 2:00 - 3:00 AM wide awake! Hope the Melatonin kicks in!

    My Dr. started me on melatonin to help me sleep, and I was up and wide awake at 3am everyday. Sad to say, that's the melatonin doing that.....

    Sometimes taking Magnesium with the melatonin can help you body process it more efficiently, but unfortunately melatonin has that effect on most people... I'm not sure how old your mattress is, but we just replaced ours after 8-9yrs. We had the usual spring mattress, and I realized it was KILLING my back....I hadn't gotten a good night's sleep for a while now. We went and got the new foam mattress from Sam's- like a Tempurpedic but about $2500 cheaper! It's a dream come true...pun intended. Totally made getting up earlier so much easier bc I'm actually getting a good night's sleep!!
  • PixelTreason
    PixelTreason Posts: 226 Member
    I get up at 5am to do my routine (3 days weight lifting, 3 days cardio). I was NEVER a morning person and would get up as late as possible to still get to work on time - about 7:30 am.

    You get used to it. It's tough, so tough at first but if you force yourself to go to sleep earlier, it's doable.
    Now I kind of like it. I like running in the morning when nobody is up yet and the streets are all dark. Feels like I have a secret, being one of the few people awake. :)

    Seeing the sun rise so beautifully isn't too shabby either.
  • indygal76
    indygal76 Posts: 283 Member
    I get up at 5am to run. It's much cooler for me. I then come home, shower, get family ready and we are out the door in order for me to get to work by 7:30. Good luck finding a routine that works well for you!
  • indygal76
    indygal76 Posts: 283 Member
    I run to work. I get up at 4:20am, get my stuff ready for work, walk to my starting point, stretch, and I'm running by 5am. It takes me about 50-55 minutes to run the 5 miles to work, then I shower and get in uniform, put my gear on the truck, ready to start running calls at 6:30am.

    You can do it.

    That is awesome!!!
  • mousepaws22
    mousepaws22 Posts: 380 Member
    We can't get melatonin in the UK unless it is prescribed by a Doctor- I asked for it a few years ago as I suffer from insomnia and they refused to prescribe it for me.
  • Ish1313
    Ish1313 Posts: 13 Member
    Life is hard. You have to make choices. I, obviously, have been making poor choices...that is what put me here in the first place. I have a family and a 50 hour a week job. I have decided this go around that I would make myself a priority. I use every opportunity I have to sneak in physical activity...mail box run, walk on lunch break. Start somewhere. Do what you can and dont beat yourself up over the rest. I have always been an ALL or NOTHING person, "Im going to get up at 4:30 everyday and walk." Well, after the first 2 days, I give up. Don't set yourself up for failure.
  • mojolo7
    mojolo7 Posts: 36 Member
    Find a friend (maybe even one on MFP) who is striving (and motivated) to get up and exercise at the same time. Exchange phone numbers, and try to make sure your friend is up with you each morning...we do this via text message, and it's encouraging and hysterical! Usually it goes something like this:
    Me: "Ugh. I don't wanna. Please don't make me."
    Friend: "I don't want to either, but I ate 2 pieces of chocolate cake last night, so we're doing this." (Or something to that effect.)

    By the time you're awake enough to read/send a text and try to come up with an amusing response, you're awake enough to get out of bed and workout. :-)