


  • I drink beer for a couple reasons.

    1. I like the taste of beer far better than that of hard alcohol. I was a beer critic for two years at my old student newspaper.

    2. Hard alcohol mixed with anything is a sugar hangover waiting to happen.

    3. Beer actually fills me up. It makes me feel less hungry than when I drink hard alcohol. I'm not sure if I'm alone in this feeling. But as long as I'm actually drinking in moderation, I'm usually fine filling myself up on beer.

    Yes, I know beer will let you pile on the calories if you're trying to "really" drink. But, if you have 2-3 strong beers, you can feel really nice and keep within a 500-600 calorie range.

    I find 2-3 strong beers always lead to 6 or 7 more beers
  • ssilvey726
    ssilvey726 Posts: 107 Member
    Also, as Hunterkiller said above, it's best to just eat a little bit lighter during the day if you think you're going to be drinking. It's surprisingly easy to cut 300-400 calories over the course of a day, so that when you do drink, you're not taking a huge hit on calories.
  • AmyDewTupper
    AmyDewTupper Posts: 5 Member
    Hey guys! Just wondering how you all stay in caloric control when you're out at a bar or in a setting in which alcohol is being served...I like to go out with friends maybe every other week and I was wondering what types of drinks are out there in which I can have a couple and not completely massacre my progress for fhe week, and I know there is isn't really a "healthy" alcohol beverage out there, but was just wondering what you all think!

    I'm cutting back drastically on my alcohol consumption because it is a huge reason why I am 50 pounds overweight. I'm trying for 3 or 4 drinks a week and what I've found is pretty good is the low-calorie beers out there - Michelob Ultra Light and Molson's Canadian 67.
  • _Ben
    _Ben Posts: 1,608 Member
    Really, you need to steer clear of fruity drinks and mixs, and go straight for the liquor. For me personally, most the time I plan ahead and eat extremely healthy the day of and the day before, just to essentailly save up on calories, but the other is I have learned what drinks get me to my goal quicker. If Im looking to get drunk, Ill do maybe 2 boiler makers, which is about 3-400 calories, which is a lot, but thats all I need for the night. Otherwise, Id just say make sure you are not drinking too often (once a week maybe) and you dont really have to worry about splurging
  • ClairBears84
    ClairBears84 Posts: 531 Member

    The next step though is to deal with the munchies that alcohol brings on....maybe fit a lock to my fridge!

    i definitely need a lock on my fridge after a night of drinking!

    OH ME TOO! and they should shut MC donalds down if I have been out drinking! Its terrrrrrrible! so I am laying low for a while