Anyone else out there on Day 1?

Well, technically that's not true - I've been signed up to myftinesspal for a while now but have found that I've not really stuck to the diet propelry.

Following the ending of my relationship recently, I've decied to take my life into my own hands and start again. I've signed up for a half marathon in October which I am already training for and am starting my preivous hobby of kick boxing tonight (after a four year break - gulp!).

I am really determined to do it this time - not just to lose weight but to generally get healthier. I've realised that although I eat resonably well, I do drink a bit too much which I've decided to nip in the bud.

Would like to meet some others on here who are also just starting out for a bit of moral support!


  • warezWally
    warezWally Posts: 18 Member
    Hey kirkyloon86...

    I'm on Day 2 technically, but have not filled anything in apart from a glass of water. :D

    Similar situation myself, been swimming a few times a week now and have my Gym induction tonight :D

  • Barbie0909
    Barbie0909 Posts: 13
    I have been signed up for a few days- did follow the program before but going to try to stick to it this time. I also have recently had a relationship end and have decided to focus on excersise and healthy eating to start taking control back of my life! Joining zumba, starting a running program and very determined to stick to MFP. Feel free to add me or message for support and motivation!
  • rhiannan1991
    rhiannan1991 Posts: 12 Member
    Me! lol

    (but technically... I'm 2 hrs and 25 min into my second day :P)
  • alankcman
    alankcman Posts: 2
    i was on MFP a year ago and last 30pounds, and have just started a fresh account today to finished off what i never did before :)

    Kick boxing very good for all round cardio / conditioning. when I started up kickboxing after a 6month gap my legs were sore for 2days after :P
  • ladyshellbelle
    ladyshellbelle Posts: 98 Member
    Me too..back yesterday after a few months break and ready to shift this weight :) enjoy x
  • kirkyloon86
    Even thought I didn't follown MFP, I did manage to lose 10 pounds at hte beginning of this year so that I'm now in a healthy BMI, but ideally would like to lose another ten.

    I think the reason I didn't take it too seriously last time was that I was in an unhappy relationship,s o was comfort eating and drinking too much vino.

    However, I am really determined this time - it's time to take care of myself for a while and ot be a bit selfish :)
  • Barbie0909
    Barbie0909 Posts: 13
    Even thought I didn't follown MFP, I did manage to lose 10 pounds at hte beginning of this year so that I'm now in a healthy BMI, but ideally would like to lose another ten.

    I think the reason I didn't take it too seriously last time was that I was in an unhappy relationship,s o was comfort eating and drinking too much vino.

    However, I am really determined this time - it's time to take care of myself for a while and ot be a bit selfish :)

    I hear you on the comfort eating and drinking too much vino- and completley agree that being a bit selfish is fine for a while! My thoughts are very much alike!
  • AshleyMustLoseWeight
    AshleyMustLoseWeight Posts: 10 Member
    My day 1 !! lol
  • 00Melyanna00
    00Melyanna00 Posts: 221 Member
    I started yesterday but did nothing except for logging my food and exercise.
    Name's Chiara, from Italy, looking for friends to share successes and shoulders to cry on in case of failures. :)
  • drhishamnaseej
    Me, Hisham, I tried many different diets and another software, success but fail again... I really wish to proceed forward and maintain my self with this amazing website... glad to have you around
  • AmyDewTupper
    AmyDewTupper Posts: 5 Member
    Me! Looking forward to supporting each other and others here. Bring it on!:happy: And I'm looking for tons of friends here, too. So friend me, please.
  • danielle_holly
    Day 1 for me!! it's time for me to just stick out the exercise and stop eating the foods with ingredients i can't pronounce :-)
  • Maryam027
    Maryam027 Posts: 1
    Im on day 1 and super nervous. Fingers crossed and hoping that i'll consistently follow my schedule... ahhh!
  • jaymartin1978
    jaymartin1978 Posts: 23 Member
    I signed up for MyFitnessPal 3 days ago but today is my first day actually logging on. I had lost 40 pounds and somehow gained it all back so I was looking for an app that I could track all of my eating. I know that I eat without thinking about it but when I write it down I am more aware of it and am in more control,
  • kateadrianne
    kateadrianne Posts: 20 Member
    hi everyone! :)

    this is my day1 here in myfitnesspal. :) i started going to the gym last week. I hope we all achieve our goals. :) if you want a weight loss buddy, just message me. thanks. :)

    goog luck to all of us. :)
  • womensch
    womensch Posts: 2
    Officially, I'm on day 2. I signed up last week, but I only managed to stick to the plan at breakfast - then by lunch I'm stuffing my face again. Hello all!
  • magdalena1976
    magdalena1976 Posts: 12 Member
    Wel, I have been here many times, then left, came back, left.... In the past it has helped me loose over 30 lb, now I am back to loose a few more hopefully... It is day 2 for me! Started Monday:)
  • dalgal26
    dalgal26 Posts: 781 Member
    Oh how I remember DAY1!

    It was the beginning of my awesome journey. I was a little scared, a little excited and not too motivated. I really wondered if this was going to work.

    Last Friday I celebrated my 1 year anniversery here and I could not be happier.

    Use the tools, make great supportive friends, and you will succeed.

    Wishing you great success in your journey to a new you! Just remember to enjoy the ride! :flowerforyou:
  • BeSkinnyBeStrong
    Let's call this day 1 of round 2. I'll ease my way back into this.
  • kaybeau
    kaybeau Posts: 198 Member
    I have been an on and off member since 2009 and its lovely to see you making a difference on your first day. I have signed up for the london marathon next year and can't run (well just did a 5k this morning all of three miles!) its going to be great getting back to kick boxing and keep in touch I wanna know how it goes.)