Number crunching and my plateau.

I've been stuck at 202-204lb for months now, I was wondering if I could share some numbers and my stats and see if anyone can give me any advice?

First of all, my diary is open.

Starting weight in September 2011 was 237.5lb.
I lost the first 22lb through diet alone at university, using MFP and working in a kitchen 3 times a week.
In January I started going to the gym, using the C25K programme and using weight machines. I lifted as heavy as I could for 8 reps three times a week.
In April I did the 30 Day Shred and cut out all other exercise (still working 3 days a week).
In those 4 months of exercise I managed to shift another 10lbs and change... I now work out 3-4 times a week for an hour and I have seen NO movement on the scale apart from losing and gaining the same 2lbs of water weight over and over.

I've switched my calories up a lot during all of this. I started at 1200 and set myself as sedentary, logging my work hours as "walking" and then eating back the majority of my cals. When weight-loss screeched to a halt the first time (going to the gym 4 times a week and working 3 times a week), I upped to 1500 and ate back most of my exercise calories.
When it screeched to a halt AGAIN, I upped to 1700 and maintained my weight for about 2 months. It seems 1700 is the "sweet spot" for me where I maintain.

I've just graduated from university and am sedentary apart from working out 3-4 times a week for one hour. MFP gave me 1350cals per day to lose one pound a week. I have been sticking to this and logging and eating back exercise calories. I am still not able to get under 202lbs.

Vital stats:
26 years old

According to my body fat scales (checked a few times over the last 2 weeks)

BF: 39.6%
Body Water: 43%
Body Muscle: 56.8%

My body muscle number looks RIDICULOUSLY high, but I have measured it several times over the last few weeks and I get the same number. Is it even possible to have a body fat this high AND that much muscle?

My cardio fitness has improved a lot since I started this and I am SO much healthier. My resting heart-rate is between 56 and 61 bpm, I can run and I am stronger than I have ever been. BUT I am not losing body fat and I am not losing any weight.

Can anyone out there help? I'm at a loss. I'm never going to "give up" my healthy new lifestyle, because I love it... But when I've been so "good" for so long without even a smidge of weightloss, I do feel discouraged.


  • flisafakto
    flisafakto Posts: 143 Member
    I don't have any advice of my own to give you. I'm gonna follow this post, just because I'm interested in what people might recommend.

    I've suffered through an endless plateau too, switching up calories, exercise, everything - without any change. I've dropped about 2 kg siden February (usually gaining the weight back though).
  • determinedbutlazy
    determinedbutlazy Posts: 1,941 Member
    You're totally my plateau buddy, hon.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,669 Member
    It's possible that your actual exercise routine is one that your body has adapted to. So try changing it to higher reps and less weight for muscle endurance training and see if that causes a shift. Also make sure you keep the intensity high.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • determinedbutlazy
    determinedbutlazy Posts: 1,941 Member
    At the moment I am using an intense circuit training plan that integrates weights (I use adjustable dumbbells) and cardio in a similar way to Jillian Michaels routines. The same routine is performed three times a week then you move on to a different routine consisting of different moves to aid "muscle confusion" or whatever you want to call it. I get bored doing the same stuff all the time, and I find steady state cardio dull. When I run, I run intervals, when I am not into exercising for a few days, I still walk everywhere (I don't drive).

    I don't see how I can be 50lbs overweight, exercising and eating a calorie controlled diet and stuck at 204lbs for months and months.
  • Yanicka1
    Yanicka1 Posts: 4,564 Member
    Did you take a diet break?

    Do you measure everything you eat?

    Did you stay at the same calories level long enough to see if it is working or not? If you try many different thing at the same time and change every 2 weeks, you have no way to know what work and don't work
  • determinedbutlazy
    determinedbutlazy Posts: 1,941 Member
    I don't know what you mean by a "diet break"?

    Yes I measure everything I eat.

    Yes, I stayed at 1200 for nearly 5 months, 1500 for another 4 months and maintained at 1700 until the start of July.
  • Yanicka1
    Yanicka1 Posts: 4,564 Member
    A diet break is eating at maintenance for a few weeks to help with the physical and mental stress of dieting before lowering the calories again.

    It helped me with my 6 months plateau. If you do that be ready to deal with the bloating that come with it. It is not fat but it can be a bit freaky.

    Also maybe try low weight high rep for 2 weeks before going back to lifting heavy. I hate doing that but it helped me also
  • Tari_D
    Tari_D Posts: 121 Member
    I'm in a similar situation although working out slightly less intensely (but at least 30mins a day I'd say) and having not been stuck for that long. I'm afraid I don't have any answers but I'd love to hear more suggestions from everyone.
  • determinedbutlazy
    determinedbutlazy Posts: 1,941 Member
    Yeah, when I was eating at 1700 I was maintaining for the entire time.
  • MrsBailey149
    MrsBailey149 Posts: 248 Member
    I have a similar issue. In fact, every time I go on a weight loss kick, I stall at the same spot (187-193). I've been at this weight since March. I know how frusterating it can be.

    I have no advice that hasn't been already said since I have the same problem to fix. I've heard zig-zagging calories and switching up the workout routine helps...which I've done.

    Good luck!!!!
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    Check out this topic:

    Helped me out with my plateaus and gave me some more direction. Lots of good advice in there.
  • tuffytuffy1
    tuffytuffy1 Posts: 920 Member
    I am in a similar boat - been stuck around the same weight since March. I think I am going to use the TDEE 20% cut formula that his hugely popular around here and see how that goes. That formula gives me 1600 calories and I do not eat my exercise calories back. Good luck!
  • DanaDark
    DanaDark Posts: 2,187 Member
    I looked at your diary and your protein intake seems a little low to me, some days very high which is good, but overall low. Try to add in some more protein overall. I like 25 to 30% protein (Yours seems to be about 15%).

    Basically, the body uses protein to repair itself and to build muscle mass. It uses energy during this time. If there is not enough protein to complete all these tasks, the energy that would have been spent, remains unused. This COULD be your problem, but I am not certain.
  • determinedbutlazy
    determinedbutlazy Posts: 1,941 Member
    I looked at your diary and your protein intake seems a little low to me, some days very high which is good, but overall low. Try to add in some more protein overall. I like 25 to 30% protein (Yours seems to be about 15%).

    Basically, the body uses protein to repair itself and to build muscle mass. It uses energy during this time. If there is not enough protein to complete all these tasks, the energy that would have been spent, remains unused. This COULD be your problem, but I am not certain.

    More protein is an interesting idea, I stick to the MFP default macros as closely as possible. I would have thought that I would still be burning fat as well as lean muscle mass if I were too low on protein?
    As you can see by my numbers, my muscle percentage is high, so I'm not losing muscle. I should be burning fat like a MACHINE, but I'm just... Not.
    I do go over my carbs quite often as I don't eat meat, only fish, so I often fall into the trap a lot of vegetarians and vegans do where they overcompensate with carbs... However I don't go over by very much.
  • determinedbutlazy
    determinedbutlazy Posts: 1,941 Member
    TDEE - 20%?

    My TDEE is 2366 - (20%) = 1 892.8

    I was maintaining for months at 1700, 192 calories extra a day will most likely do nothing.
  • Yanicka1
    Yanicka1 Posts: 4,564 Member
    I was not losing at 1500 calories. When I did bump my calories to 2000 I also maintained my weight ( minus the bloating I experienced at first) then lowered to 1700 and then started losing.

    So 1700 might not be your real maintenance.

    Oh and my ticker does not tell the whole story
  • rkr22401
    rkr22401 Posts: 216 Member
    I was in a similar boat. Lost a bunch of weight then plateaued. Upped my calories and lost some more weight then plateaued. Then I started Lyle McDonald's RFL plan and lost 6 pounds in the next five days. I basically kept my calories the same but dumped the carbs and upped the protein. Shocked my body through the plateau. I'm just starting my second week so we'll see how it goes. It's not a long-term sustainable diet (not much variety), but I see myself doing it for brief stints as my weight loss stalls.
  • rachellewirtzfeld
    rachellewirtzfeld Posts: 5 Member
    Having 70 lbs to lose, the first 20 flew off and since I have plateaued at literally every decade of weight. It is just my body's reflex to roller-coaster-it before the pounds are actually 'off.' Here is what I have found:

    1. You need to watch your carbs. Sometimes, just like calories, we have a sweet spot. Everyone is different and everyone's carb maxes are different.

    2. Dairy in not always an appropriate substitute for carbs. Milk contains a lot of sugars in one glass and cheese has a lot of sodium. You may be taking in TOO much sodium. Just another thing to keep an eye on. I follow a low carb lifestyle and when I eat too much cheese or my sodium is too high, it definitely holds me back!

    3, Try not eating after a certain time of night. I make it a habit to not eat after 5 pm. If I am hungry, I will occasionally snack on a hard boiled egg or piece of jerky - some kind of light protein to keep my belly satisfied. I find this helps me on the scale and when really committed get to the next decade.

    Now, this can be hard on the weekend or throughout the summer events...but if you can stay the course, you will see a shift. Don't get me wrong, I still ensure I get my calories throughout the day! I just make sure that they are before a certain time of night.

    Hope this helps!
  • Lulubear511
    More protein is an interesting idea, I stick to the MFP default macros as closely as possible. I would have thought that I would still be burning fat as well as lean muscle mass if I were too low on protein?
    As you can see by my numbers, my muscle percentage is high, so I'm not losing muscle. I should be burning fat like a MACHINE, but I'm just... Not.
    I do go over my carbs quite often as I don't eat meat, only fish, so I often fall into the trap a lot of vegetarians and vegans do where they overcompensate with carbs... However I don't go over by very much.

    Have you considered getting your thyroid checked?
  • determinedbutlazy
    determinedbutlazy Posts: 1,941 Member
    With the amount of weight I still need to lose, my macros shouldn't be causing my weight to screech to a halt completely. Also, there is absolutely no research that supports the myth that eating at a certain time of day makes any difference at all. I have experimented with regulating my meal times and it's made no difference. I don't "substitute carbs with dairy" if you'd looked at my food diary you'd see I don't eat dairy at all.

    And yes, I am going to the doctors to have my thyroid tested, because it really shouldn't be this difficult.