A good kick in the pants! PLEASE!

Ok so here I go. I'm going to come off a little whiney so I apologize in advance. What I need though is a good kick in the pants so kick away. I've been on the diet/new life style train for a little under 2 months. Lost some but now the scale won't budge. I try not to get upset but I can't help but feel frustrated. I sometimes feel like maybe I was meant to be heavy. Now granted I'm on medicine that can cause weight gain AND a few years ago I had a hysterectomy.... but still, please someone tell me to shut up. Tell me it's only been 2 months, that I need to give myself a break, stick with it, not give up...whatever. Or give me some advise on what to do. I don't want to get so discourged that I give up. Thanks


  • soupandsandwich
    soupandsandwich Posts: 59 Member
    I hear you! I have done the same thing. I am stuck. I manage to do well for a week, and weigh myself and don't see amazing results, and get discouraged.
    I know better, and so do you.
    There is no quick fix.
    I have also wondered if maybe I should just accept myself for the way I am. But I have issues with food, that if I give up on this battle, I won't stay the way I am, but get bigger.
    I have all the excuses too. I am 48, and my hormones are not my friends right now. But what is .. is. We have to deal with it. You take medication that may hinder your weight loss? Well, you must need it, so that is just something you have to factor in.
    Keep doing the right thing. It takes time, patience, and consistency.
    You can do this. I can do this.
  • roch1972
    roch1972 Posts: 113 Member
    I have also wondered if maybe I should just accept myself for the way I am. But I have issues with food, that if I give up on this battle, I won't stay the way I am, but get bigger.

    Exactly! I'm an emotional eater.

    Thanks for your great advice and encourgement!
  • RMCoffey
    RMCoffey Posts: 27
    What are you doing for excersize? Maybe you need to up the intensity or change up your program.
  • HelenDootson
    HelenDootson Posts: 443 Member
    Mix up your exercise - easiest way to break a plateau
  • roch1972
    roch1972 Posts: 113 Member
    Truthfully, I just started to excerise consistently in the last week or so. And when I say consistently, for me that means 3x a week. Granted I keep active where I can but perhaps I need to step it up?
  • amv1023
    amv1023 Posts: 61 Member
    I have been at this for 9 months now, I have ups and downs (as does everyone) and it gets frustrating. But just keep at it and the scale will start to move again. I have logged in every single day for 266 days even though some days I didn't really want to lol. When you hit a wall figure out a way around it, change it up and figure out what is working and what is not. Don't give up and you will get to where you want to be
  • MrsSexton2013
    MrsSexton2013 Posts: 98 Member
    Have you been to your dr? My scale did the same thing. Checked my bloodwork and my sugar was "slightly" high. Apparently, your blood sugar being only slightly out of whack can confuse your metabolism. So.. I'm doing low carb and she's got me on a medication to regulate my blood sugar. Scale is now moving. (I also had a hysterectomy in March, and apparently your body just goes WHACK after that). Maybe worth a visit to eliminate other issues? And.. maybe mixing up your workout!
  • WarriorReady
    WarriorReady Posts: 571 Member
    Rome wasn't built in a day! :tongue: You have this stay consistant and dedicated to the new and improved you! You are worth this journey and most journeys have peaks and valleys! Exercise is important for sure, change it up or add to your routine. Also, are you eating too many processed foods? You are going to do amazing! Cut yourself some slack and keep moving forward! You've got this!! :bigsmile:
  • SparkleHorse224
    SparkleHorse224 Posts: 98 Member
    I hear you on this. Did you measure yourself before you started your new program? I haven't lost many pounds BUT I've lost three inches off my waist and a few inches here and there elsewhere. The scale should not be the only thing you're gauging progress by. Also, do you feel better? Two months isn't a very long time, when you consider your whole life that lead up to that. Keep working. Keep going. Like Nemo. Just keep swimming. : )
  • SammieGetsFit
    SammieGetsFit Posts: 432 Member
    Don't forget that when you drastically change your habits -- eating a much different diet, or working out more/differently -- your body can got into retention mode and hold onto water. Sometimes it takes a couple of weeks for your body to get acclimated and release that water. If you're watching what you eat and how much, and working out to the point of covered-in-sweat-sore-but-not-in-pain, then you're doing the right thing. Keep it up and your body will follow.

    Good luck! :flowerforyou:
  • Goal_Line
    Goal_Line Posts: 474 Member
    Ok....you asked for a kick in the pants. Here goes. How in the heck can you propose that you were meant to be heavy when you admit you are an emotional eater and just started exercising? Move more, increase the variety and intensity of your exercise as your body grows stronger. Eat better. Get a handle on your emotional eating - be aware of what triggers it, avoid triggers and most importantly find behaviors to replace the emotional eating - like exercise....instead of eating go for a walk.

    You were not meant to be heavy...that is a total cop out.
  • LeellenMack
    LeellenMack Posts: 141 Member
    Truthfully, I just started to excerise consistently in the last week or so. And when I say consistently, for me that means 3x a week. Granted I keep active where I can but perhaps I need to step it up?

    Just keep at it. Please remember that adding exercise or upping intensity will cause water weight gain (I went up 3lbs when I added exercise) but keep at it, be honest with your logging and it will eventually work.
  • CynthiaAnnGA
    It takes time, especially when you are older. Try to walk everyday at 3.5 for 30 or 40 min. Log everything you eat & that helps.
  • roch1972
    roch1972 Posts: 113 Member
    Ok....you asked for a kick in the pants. Here goes. How in the heck can you propose that you were meant to be heavy when you admit you are an emotional eater and just started exercising?

    love your kick in the pants! But please understand I didn't just start exercising...just started consistently exercising along with eating better. When I was younger I was a gym rat at 19% body fat. But for years I would excerise but still eat like a pig...

    As for everyone's comments: Just awesome, really. The motivation and support is wonderful. Thank you!!!
  • roch1972
    roch1972 Posts: 113 Member
    I hear you on this. Did you measure yourself before you started your new program?

    and no I haven't measured myself at all...good thought
  • Goal_Line
    Goal_Line Posts: 474 Member
    Ok....you asked for a kick in the pants. Here goes. How in the heck can you propose that you were meant to be heavy when you admit you are an emotional eater and just started exercising?

    love your kick in the pants! But please understand I didn't just start exercising...just started consistently exercising along with eating better. When I was younger I was a gym rat at 19% body fat. But for years I would excerise but still eat like a pig...

    As for everyone's comments: Just awesome, really. The motivation and support is wonderful. Thank you!!!

  • roch1972
    roch1972 Posts: 113 Member
    Oh sorry, I meant to say the kind of exercise I'm doing. I walk for 10 mins, then jog for 30 on my treadmill. Sometimes I do my imcumbant bike.
  • Timby1
    Timby1 Posts: 294 Member
    Thanks all - I needed this (and I'm not the one who posted it originally) :smile:
  • WarriorCupcakeBlydnsr
    WarriorCupcakeBlydnsr Posts: 2,150 Member
    Okay, gave you a kick on the news feed on the food side, so here's your exercise kick: you just started exercising consistently, I'm going to take a leap and say that you've been scattered about with your exercise between way back when and now, so you may be on a shelf (not a plateau, those tend to last a while) and on this shelf, your body went: "AAAAAAAHHHHH she's exercising...must convert, must convert.... fat cells must shrink, muscle must form!!!!" Like one of the other posters said here, you may be in inch loss phase instead of pound loss phase (I've had this happen to me and one time almost had a clothing malfunction-thank God I tried on my bellydance hip belt the day before the performance and adjusted it tighter, otherwise, one shimmy too many and it would have been on the floor!) I hated my scale during this time (I also was not measuring, so I didn't know that I was having non scale victories until I suddenly had to buy belts for my pants because I was beginning to look like those kids walking around with their pants hanging down and their drawers showing.

    Now, take a breath, buy a measuring tape, take a little peeky at the measurments give yourself a little time, if it doesn't clear up, you're on an exercise plateau (just learned recently there is such a thing) and it's time to mix up your exersize a little.

    You're doing good girly, don't give up the fight!:flowerforyou:
  • WarriorReady
    WarriorReady Posts: 571 Member
    What about adding a little light strength training the other 2 days a week. Also up your cardio a bit, like jog an extra 5-10mins. Do you have access to a gym? Maybe you should use an elliptical, stairclimber or bike for changing it up a bit. You can do this!!