#@!% Cookies!!!!

and Candy... treats of any kind!!!!!

But I sure do love this time of year!

Just gotta keep up the running!



  • angelnik03
    LOL! We had a holiday party Tuesday, Wednesday and tomorrow at my job. I'm trying to look the other way, but when I'm week I just resign myself to the elliptical after work. :grumble:

    Good luck with your running!
  • angelnik03
    AND you've already lost 36 lbs so you will do great! Congrats on the loss!
  • TaraMaria
    TaraMaria Posts: 1,975
    I feel the SAME way! That is truly my number one weakness! All I want to do right now is go into the kitchen and make a batch of sugar cookies! AND EAT THEM ALL! But I haven't had sugar for 3 weeks now...I can't start now! :o(
  • scarlo
    Wow, You are all inspirational...I ate about four cookies today some doritos and a small piece of cake.. Holiday parties two of them..........I did go to Curves......I have only lost 7 pounds since August, but I just joined this a 12/5/2009.
  • tiffanygil
    tiffanygil Posts: 478 Member
    Yes WTF why can I not pass by the holiday treats with out eating them...ugggg!
  • vhardwick
    I chose 4 days in December to be "bad". Tomorrow is one of them...looking forward to it!!!
    That way if it isn't my pre-selected day (based on parties) I won't go over my calories for the day.
    It has really helped because if gives me something to look forward to but I'm not bad the ENTIRE month.
  • VballLeash
    VballLeash Posts: 2,456 Member
    My mom makes platters full of goodies for the neighbors, so there's a huge variety out at my house, its like torture! O man and my mom is the best baker, our whole family runs, if we didn't I'd be worried lol

    ~Leash :heart:
  • TaraMaria
    TaraMaria Posts: 1,975
    Thats a good idea vhardwick! My plan was for a sugar cookie per Cmas event. Meaning I get a treat at my husband's family Cmas and my parent's Cmas! Hopefully I can stay that reserved. Haha! I'm half tempted to take my cookie, excuse myself to a bedroom, sit on the bed and savor EVERY little nibble. That is so bad...food should have this strong of a hold on me! Ha ha! :noway:
  • katenyc112
    I burned 600 on the elliptical today only to eat my weight in cookies later. I went to a holiday party and ate 3 latkes and 2 1/2 cookies.. -_- woops.
    well i guess i will just keep up my daily elliptical workout as well.
  • MadWorld
    MadWorld Posts: 200
    I hear ya! I just called my Aunt and she said she was making fudge... and she said she was bringing some to my Memaw's house at Christmas...
  • koriebrownie
    koriebrownie Posts: 23 Member
    At least we've got a jump start on all those who aren't starting until the new year!!!!

    GOOD LUCK EVERYONE! However you do it just keep doing it. A few #@!% cookies won't kill us right??
  • MadWorld
    MadWorld Posts: 200
    right on! :)