New, but not new to the weight loss roller coaster

Hi everyone! I'm new to this site and I hope it helps keep me on track. I am a mom of 5 and my kids range from 11 yrs to 9 mos. I am going to be 39 in October and have finally said enough with my 200 lb 5'5" self! I started running in March with the couch to 5k program and have already completed 3 5k runs. Now, let me say...the first run I completed running lol! The 2nd run was a mud run and I twisted my ankle during that one about a 1/3 of the way so I completed that one walking. This last one on Saturday was a fun run called Color Me Rad and I broke my toe the night before, so I started out running and then finished walking when I couldn't take the pain anymore. Having 5 kids has done a number on my body and I am hoping to get back to a decent weight (125-135) so that I can have some excess skin remove, get away from the borderline diabetic, and reduce my blood pressure. Not to mention help out my back and knees! Oh my, I sound like a little old woman who is falling apart LOL! I can't wait to see everyone's progress, make new friends and hopefully motivate someone else out there :flowerforyou: Enjoy the rest of your day!


  • carrieblue052
    carrieblue052 Posts: 41 Member
    Welcome, well we're here for you if you need a friend add me
  • km2tzmania
    Thank you! I'm gonna need all the help I can get to stay on track. Especially since I added going back to college to my agenda starting this fall.
  • Doreen9686
    Doreen9686 Posts: 62
    Welcome aboard, feel free to add me too!:smile:
  • cindybowcut
    cindybowcut Posts: 250 Member
    You can do it. I am 43 and only 5" and use to weigh 200lbs, now a year later I am down to 150lbs. No longer on my diabetes medication and feeling much healther. I still have more to lose but haven't quit yet. You can add me as a friend also.
  • cz611
    cz611 Posts: 37 Member
    Good luck with your goals, lady! Feel free to add me as a friend....I'm on MFP daily. :smile:
  • Krissy366
    Krissy366 Posts: 458 Member
    Welcome. Feel free to add me, too.