How to safely exersize with angina

Looks like I have brought this on myself with years and years of horrible eating and lack of exersize. I want so much to go back in time and change it but I can't, all I can do now is be the healthiest me I can. I suffer pain, tightening and dizziness when even walking at a moderate pace and it scares me so much. Does anyone else have angina or has suffered a heart attack? and if so, how do you exersize? I need help here. thanks :)


  • mandyw30
    mandyw30 Posts: 73 Member
    I feel you need to do this under the guidance of a doctor.
    Over here they run rehabilitation programmes, that include exercise classes for those that have had a heart attack or suffer angina.
    When I read the title of the post I was going to suggest walking bu you've said even that brings on tightness. I'm assuming you've had this all thoroughly checked out by a Dr?
  • Treesy72
    Treesy72 Posts: 230
    I have a lot of tests coming up to see what type it is and such. I know I need my doctors supervision through this now :( but I was hoping that there may be others on this site going through this as well.