eating while bored

I looked for a recent thread on this, and didn't find one. I'm having trouble losing weight/maintaing the weight that I have lost because of mindless eating. I'm looking for suggestions on how to distract myself from grabbing a handful of m&ms (yes..I will go to the store for junk if it's not in the house..not a matter of not going to the store. Don't recognize I do it til I'm a half box of crackers in..). I'm not hungry when I do this.


  • zerok00l
    zerok00l Posts: 1
    I would do the exact same thing. I put all the junk food in one cabinet and put a picture of myself at my heaviest with a note that say's "Are you him or someone better". I then put a note on the fridge that says "Fruits/Veggies inside here". I keep lots of mini carets and celery and have started to much on those. I found it easier to replace that habit with healthy stuff. Hope that helps.
  • butterflylover527
    butterflylover527 Posts: 940 Member
    I do the same thing! I try to keep myself busy outside of my house and I try to keep healthy snacky foods around
  • kateanne27
    kateanne27 Posts: 275 Member
    I count out servings of whatever before I start eating, then put the rest away. I don't buy chips or crackers generally, but might like some if the rest of my family is eating them.
  • I drink diet pop until my stomach hurts, sounds silly but at least you wont feel like snacking :) Or sugarfree gum, you can't eat if you're chewing already :)
  • JoniRiaya
    JoniRiaya Posts: 79
    I think it helps to have fruits and veggies cut up for easy eating. A lot of times when I go for the junk food it's because I'm bored or super hungry and want something right away. By having the healthy stuff readily available it curbs my eating junk out of boredom or after I munch on that I'm no longer starving and can make healthier choices.
  • erin023
    erin023 Posts: 123 Member
    I work a desk job so I'm terrible for this. Usually if I have diet pop around I'll just sip on that instead of snacking. Yes, I know diet pop is bad for me. Otherwise, I keep fruit & vegetables around so at least I have something healthy to snack on. Gum & hard candies work good as well.
  • Wonderob
    Wonderob Posts: 1,372 Member
    Sounds strange but I'm most bored, thus susceptable to snacking, when I'm driving. Of course I'm concentrating completely but I do a lot of motorway miles and find myslef constantly reaching for sweets, snacks, energy drinks!

    I have simply swapped these for healthier choices in the car
  • GingerMN
    GingerMN Posts: 1
    Planning ahead works best for me. By planning my meals and snacks and trying to stick to set times for each, I'm less apt to eat on a whim or during my most vulerable times for giving in to cravings or boredom eating. If I'm bored I choose from a list of activities I've already identified to combat boredom. That's the plan anyway. The trick is sticking to the plan.
  • 47Jacqueline
    47Jacqueline Posts: 6,993 Member
    I have this problem and I talked to my nutritionist about it. Sometimes I keep opening and closing the refrigerator like there's going to be something I've missed in it, lol. I try to get out if I can. One thing I do is an extra exercise session, which helps me get away from the fridge and changes my outlook for a while. It it's not too hot I might go to the library and pick up a DVD. I'm job hunting and it gets really boring after a while. Exercise is the best for me. I'm not a walker because I hate aimlessly meandering around so I sometimes try to come up with an errand to do to get my mind off food - that way I have a destination and I don't mind walking there. I'm lucky to live in a city where there are places to walk to.
  • mielchat
    mielchat Posts: 41 Member
    Having chewing gum or water near me always helps.
  • Eisskween
    Eisskween Posts: 84 Member
    I keep a big bottle of water, some sugar free hard candies, and fruit for these occasions. I used to eat out of boredom too. Now when I recognize it, I chug some water, eat a piece of candy or fruit, or just do some exercising and it passes :)
  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,145 Member
    I chew a lot of gum or, at least, I did. I can get by with 4-5 sticks/chiclets these days.

    What works for my husband is having things pre-portioned. That way, he can eat the whole bag/package and not feel like a guilty monkey.
  • cinsuccess
    cinsuccess Posts: 333 Member
    I keep a 32 oz bottle of water on my desk at work. When I'm bored, I grab the bottle and sip away. This makes sure I get in enough water every day and keeps me away from snacks. I also plan out my meals and snacks as much as possible. Another trick I use is to "earn" a special treat 1-2 times per week. If I don't go over my calories or if I do an extra exercise session, then I've earned a treat. I can have something I really love even if it's bad for me. I find that I go for the junk food less often because I really want to earn myself something really yummy, like a piece of cheescake.
  • alpha1029
    alpha1029 Posts: 139
    I keep my hands busy and try to do things that would be inconvenient if trying to eat. I play video games, fold laundry, paint, browse Pinterest. If that doesn't do it, I chug water or go out for a walk. I have found myself watching A LOT less TV because it is so hard-wired into my brain that TV time is snack time.
  • linda1243
    linda1243 Posts: 166
    I keep busy-work around. Saturday and Sundays are hard for me because I am home all day with easy access to food. So I have a box of filing stuff I can work on, an art project, some crossword puzzles, I try to do some cleaning every Saturday and Sunday, will go for a walk, etc. I think you just have to be busy.
  • MaraDiaz
    MaraDiaz Posts: 4,604 Member
    I've started to buy only boring food and keep the rest out of the house, that way, I don't turn to food when I'm bored because it's not snacky, entertainment food, it's just roast and burgers, eggs, and steak.

    But if you're going to go to the store for it, ouch! That's rough.
  • perfect10isha
    perfect10isha Posts: 200 Member
    I second keeping healthy snacks around, like grapes and carrot sticks, that will keep your mouth busy and you can snack away without worrying about the calories. Or try gum. I know when I get bored its like my mouth is bored too, so I keep it busy by chewing gum or sucking on a piece of hard candy (jolly rancher). Get a real sweet gum thats super juicy and it should at least tire your jaw out and keep your mouth busy enough long enough for the moment to pass.
  • linda1243
    linda1243 Posts: 166
    I keep my hands busy and try to do things that would be inconvenient if trying to eat. I play video games, fold laundry, paint, browse Pinterest. If that doesn't do it, I chug water or go out for a walk. I have found myself watching A LOT less TV because it is so hard-wired into my brain that TV time is snack time.

    omg, pinterest!!! Good way to keep busy. although hours will go by before you know it.
  • kittybear86
    kittybear86 Posts: 341 Member
    I used to eat when I was bored,but ever since joining this site and reading the success stories,I now have the power to stop.It's not easy,but try to think of a favorite hobby you like to do that could take your mind off of food.I hope that helps a little.
  • Trojanlc75
    Trojanlc75 Posts: 12 Member
    "Unless you will eat vegetables, you are not hungry, you are just craving"

    I am a bored/stress eater. I have been known to eat an entire pizza in one sitting.
    I am doing HMR and one of this philosophies is... eat as much as you want, just make sure its good, filling low calorie foods.

    I still eat entire things in one sitting. Now its just a head of cauliflower, not proud, just a little gassy.