Cant maintain my weigh

Hi Guys,

It seems I can not maintain my weight. So this is my vicious cycle. I will lose weight and get to 55kg( which is my weight goal) and once there I might drop a little extra and get to 54kg. And when I hit that mark my weight goes up to 58kg or something. So my question is how do I keep my weight at 55. cause 54 is a bad number for me and this up and down is no fun at all. Please help!!!


  • Amyeeeeeee
    Amyeeeeeee Posts: 93 Member
    OMG Butterflybe you look amazing. I would not worry about a pound or 2 or even 3. YOU LOOK AWESOME and thats all that matters!!!! Me Ive been struggling for years after a nasty divorce and losing my mother. I am not about to let weight get the best of me! I graduate cosmetology school in 9 weeks and I am aiming for some 150's range and no more 200+. Good luck
  • km2tzmania
    First, you look fabulous! Second, many things can cause you weight to fluctuate. Salty foods, time of the month, not enough water, too much fiber. Weigh yourself at the same time in the morning without clothing and before eating or exercising so that you get the most accurate weight. I think you are being a bit harsh on yourself, it is totally normal! Good luck!
  • lwoods34
    lwoods34 Posts: 302 Member
    Maintaining your weight, I believe, it alot tougher to do than to lose weight. But with maintaining your weight, you should give yourself a comfortable weight range to stay in. Keep in mind that your weight is NOT going to stay the same every single week. That is what maintenance is week you might go up 1 lb and then next week you are down 1 lb. One week you might be up 1.5 lbs and the next down 2 lbs. That is why you should have a range. I have been maintaining my weight since the beginning of March and my range is between 122-125. Some weeks I stay around 124, and some weeks Im right at 125 and then there might be a week or two that I am at 123. If you go or up or down 2-3 lbs you are still maintaining your weight. But say for example if I start to creep above 125, say I go to 126 for 1 week and then Im up again the next week and go to 126.5-127....then I take a look at what Im doing. I look mostly at what Im eating and then make the necessary adjustments to get my weight back down to that comfortable range. I might drop my calories by 100-200 and cut back on sodium and drink more water. Maintaining is all about trial and error and figuring out what is going to work for YOU and YOUR BODY!

    To maintain my weight I am eating 2400-2500 calories and if I needed to lose weight, I would eat 2000-2200 calories. But you have to find what works for YOU!
  • Butterflybe
    thanks Sungurl but thing is right now being at 55 ist my feel good pill. Shallow I know but it does it for me when I am feeling stressed or sad. So if my weight is going crazy and I am stressed its not a good combo.

    losing a loved one is never easy, my condolences to you. I am sure you will get to 150. and you will look great at graduation even if its not your target weight being closer is always great. . :)
  • Butterflybe
    wow Iwoods you look amazing. Well usually my range is between 54 and 56 so now Im at 58 which is 2kgs more than the normal range.

    Km I do weigh myself everytime at the same time and sometimes use a measuring tape and the numbers on the tape have also increased.
  • lwoods34
    lwoods34 Posts: 302 Member
    So if my calculations are correct you are usually between 118-123ish lbs and right now you are around 127ish. Okay, so what you need to do to get back to your comfortable range of 118-123 is adjust your food! Maybe cut back on a few hundred calories without starving yourself of course and make sure you are drinking a ton of water and limit the amount of sodium you are taking in and in a few weeks you should be right back at your comfortable range. Its not shallow of you to want to be at a certain weight! I know how you feel!

    If your measurements have gone up as well as your weight, then you need to look first at how you are eating and make adjustments from there!
  • Butterflybe
    thanks I will. Will do that and will see how it goes.
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    Hi Guys,

    It seems I can not maintain my weight. So this is my vicious cycle. I will lose weight and get to 55kg( which is my weight goal) and once there I might drop a little extra and get to 54kg. And when I hit that mark my weight goes up to 58kg or something. So my question is how do I keep my weight at 55. cause 54 is a bad number for me and this up and down is no fun at all. Please help!!!

    The human body fluctuates daily.
    I'll hit 140lbs on some days and 134lbs on others.

    Just stay healthy and eat at or about TDEE.
    Get a Fitbit and eat all cals burned.