Emotional Eating


Hi everyone...

I am an emotional eater and I am so crabby right now. I just need some encouragement and strength since I am at work and not with my husband or at home where the healthy food is. Not eating what I want puts me in such an irratated mood that I feel bad for everyone I work with. Please advise? Encouraging words?

Thanks everyone for everything :flowerforyou:


  • mary190136
    mary190136 Posts: 44 Member
    I feel exactly the same way. My coworkers frequently bring in treats to the office and i struggle to refrain from them. Try to remember you value yourself more than you need to eat junk food. and remember that your grace and strength as a person is proven in times of challenge. you can do this.
  • joannbrunton
    joannbrunton Posts: 93 Member
    drink some water and be happy you have a job......that's a positive thing to think about since lots of people do not have a job now. emotional eating is a problem but i know you can get a grip.....do you have a piece of fruit with you? good luck
  • Amryfal
    Amryfal Posts: 225
    hang in there! best i've got today, lol. i've been stressed/crabby all week too, so i feel ya - hard not to turn to the munchies.

    maybe take a quick break and walk it off? i dunno, i'm going to go shoot things on the xbox in a minute so i'm not thinking about the stuff that's making me emotional XD
  • nancycsel
    nancycsel Posts: 25 Member
    I'm only in the office a few times a month.. today being one of those times. After driving 1 hour in a thunderstorm, I ate 2 huge cookies a co-worker brought in... like 500 calories. I feel worse then before I ate them. Kicking myself now.
  • Angie_1MR
    Angie_1MR Posts: 247
    Go for a short walk, even 5 minutes will help clear your head!
  • starbucksbuzz
    starbucksbuzz Posts: 466 Member
    Browse this: [url/]http://pinterest.com/all/?category=fitness[/url]
    Grab some tea or water
    Think about eating healthy food when you get home, or promise yourself some retail therapy when you get out of work if you don't snack. ;)

    If I could say no to the birthday cupcakes they brought in yesterday, you can say no to snacks today!!
  • soehlerking
    soehlerking Posts: 589 Member
    I'm the same way--I have an impossible boss who stresses me out to the point of stress-eating at least once/week. I just remind myself: "I am better than this. She will NOT be the reason I put the weight back on." But you know what? Once in awhile I just let myself have an "emotional eating" day. I turn on some Grey's Anatomy (don't judge!) and eat McDonalds--that way I feel like I'm in control of my emotions and my eating b/c I've planned out what I'm allowed to indulge in. But that's just me.
  • I do the same thing! Its ok, drink some water and take a quick break just to clear your mind!
  • tgbyfield
    tgbyfield Posts: 62
    I don't have the emotional eating problem, but I do have a co-worker who eats crap all day and is like a size 2. I HATE HER! no really I don't, but it is really hard to watch her eat that stuff and never gain weight. To counteract it, I just started bringing in my own snacks to keep at work. When she is eating Doritos, I pull out my Special K cracker chips, when she is eating brownies, I grab a FiberOne Brownie Bite, if she has soda, I grab a Fuze 0 calorie water. This just helps me focus on something besides watching her eat the food I wish I could be eating. I don't know if you can bring food to work... but if you can it really helps.

    Stay strong on your weight loss journey.... just think.... you may not get to eat that food, but you will also not get to gain the weight you would gain by eating that food. That's always a plus.
  • johicks
    johicks Posts: 1,991 Member

    I am too an emotional eater. So do your best in reminding yourself- WHY you are doing this. It's just food! Right!? And you can do it!!

    Try to think of ways to be an example... bring in healthy snacks for all to share- and/or for you to grab. When my co-workers have donuts, I grab a Luna Bar. OR now I make my own NO BAKE protein bars!! This won't help today-- but in the future bring yummy tasting nutritional foods so you can say YES to yourself. I totally know when I hear NO & from myself- I want it more.

    I like the suggestion of taking a walk. Even if it's an extra trip or ten to the bathroom. Get up and move. Go stretch somewhere and take deep cleansing breaths to unwind.

    YOU CAN DO IT!!!!

    Here's a link to great and healthy recipes.

    Diet soda?
  • Cherri50
    Cherri50 Posts: 2
    It is hard I go through the work thing too but I work at a prison and can not leave my office so I can only eat what I bring in. So I wont set myself up for failure. I only bring in salad stuff or low carb, and no money for the vending machines LOL! Since I work at a desk I try to get out and walk when I can and it helps...just try to keep yourself busy through out the day. Drink lots of water, listen to upbeat music station, keep healthy snacks like carrots, celery, yogurt dip and just graze through the day eating a few bites here and there to keep your craving down. Big thing is DO NOT skip meals or eat too little cause you will lose control when you are too hungry and grab what ever is easiest! Plus it makes you grumpy which leads to depressed which leads to binge eating. Stay focused you can do this I promise! The longer you keep on track the easier it gets, the more you cheat the harder it is...trust me.
  • starbucksbuzz
    starbucksbuzz Posts: 466 Member
    Yes, chewing gum is SO helpful. haha.