Tell me it gets better!

I'm 30 days in again with MFP. I bike, walk and/or elliptical for 30 minutes daily as exercise. I started the 30ds DVD just recently (4th day). My muscles are so tired, almost weak feeling. I'm not sore really, just kindof exhausted. I try to put my all into the workout but I'm not able to put as much effort into it as I was before. I am so exhausted when I'm done I have no energy for a while. Should I take a rest day? (which is hard b/c I'm so active). Or should I try a protein shake or something along that lines before/after working out? IDK, I feel like such a slug when I'm doing these workouts.

Should I just tough it out and it gets better? Any suggestions?


  • giftieetcetera
    giftieetcetera Posts: 96 Member
    Maybe not a rest day, exactly, but change up your workout. Try 30 DS every other day and do something less taxing in between, until you work up to it. It's better than stopping altogether, you know?
  • diannethegeek
    diannethegeek Posts: 14,776 Member
    Without seeing your diary it's tough to give specific advice.

    Yes, you should take a rest day or at least a lighter day about once a week to let your muscles heal.

    Make sure you're eating enough to fuel your workouts and particularly that you're eating enough protein. MFP sets their default a little low, I think.

    Make sure that you're staying hydrated.

    It does get easier as you build up your endurance, but you don't want to push your body too hard.
  • iWaffle
    iWaffle Posts: 2,208 Member
    My muscles are so tired, almost weak feeling. I'm not sore really, just kindof exhausted. I try to put my all into the workout but I'm not able to put as much effort into it as I was before. I am so exhausted when I'm done I have no energy for a while. Should I take a rest day?
    I normally take at least 2 days off a week where I don't do any cardio or strength training. It's good for you to rest. I know you think that a day lost is wasted time but tell me what's better. 7 days a week of half-@ssed workouts or 5 days a week of amazing workouts and still feeling like you have energy? I think you know the answer to this question.
  • theodus
    theodus Posts: 13 Member
    How many hours of uninterrupted sleep are you getting each night? Approximately how many grams of protein do you get each day? Generally, how active were you before you started?

    These should help to paint a picture.
  • bazfitness
    bazfitness Posts: 275 Member
    Without seeing your diary it's tough to give specific advice.

    Don't understand why people don't share their diaries tbh. If they are good they can help others, if they are bad, others can help! Sort of a win-win all round!

    Anyway on the protein shake - I usually have one post workout - pre-workout I've read it can fatigue the muscles (whether that's true or not is another matter)
  • missyjg99
    missyjg99 Posts: 246 Member
    Without seeing your diary it's tough to give specific advice.

    Don't understand why people don't share their diaries tbh. If they are good they can help others, if they are bad, others can help! Sort of a win-win all round!

    Anyway on the protein shake - I usually have one post workout - pre-workout I've read it can fatigue the muscles (whether that's true or not is another matter)

    I'm not sure how to fix it. Huh, I'll go to setting and try.