Any of you losers out there......

SueD66 Posts: 405 Member
and i say loser with respect
Have you struggled with staying on track? Mornings are super great for me...drink my water, work out eat right then 3:00 hits and i'm tredding, tredding, tredding ok someone is home and it's time to make a nice supper. then they all go to bed and i'm tredding and oh no under i go. I get so exited and i'm going to lose this 25 by my birthday (three months) and i so struggle every day. Just wondering if anyone went through this and if one day it just clicked for you and you made it. Thanks losers:)


  • kaydensmom12
    kaydensmom12 Posts: 338
    Yes, it takes time, and is a process. When you are changing your lifestyle you need to give yourself time to adjust. Make small changes, eat less at dinner, so if you want to eat after they go to sleep then you can. When you go grocery shopping, don't buy junk. That is the easiest thing, your family doesn't NEED it, and will be better off without it. That is the thing that has helped me out most, because if its not in the house you are most likely not going to go out and get it at 10pm:)

    With that being said, it is not easy. If it were, then everyone would be thin/healthy. You just need to make a plan for each day, and try your hardest to follow it through. Try making a plan for what meals you are going to eat/make, and for what times. Eat whenever you want, just try to make healthier choices. Bad days happen, you just need to learn from it and move on:)
  • SueD66
    SueD66 Posts: 405 Member
    thank you that helps:)
  • mazzasweet
    mazzasweet Posts: 266 Member
    I have a SUPER hard time staying on track between 9-12 PM. I do great all day - stick with my planned meals, drink tons of water, get my exercise in.. then at night, I fail miserably. I don't know what it is about after dinner and night time - I've done this since I was a child. I too hope that one day it will click and I will stop hurting myself.
    So, long story short - I feel your pain ;-) One day at a time I guess...