12 days New and scale obsessed


This is my first personal post. I am quite excited to have found MFP. It is really helping me be accountable to myself for my actions which is great! The main challenge that I am having is my obsession with the scale. I sometimes catch myself weighing 3+ times a day and through out the week. Now I know this is unrealistic! Bad part is I work at a doc office so avoiding the urge is quite difficult. Anyone else have this issue???

Feel free to friend I am looking for others to help me on my journey to loose 104.5 more lbs ( and 83 by March, which is my wedding).


  • bizorra
    bizorra Posts: 151 Member
    Hi! I went through a period like that.. I don't think the issue is weighing yourself but more being careful how you react to the scale. It can be a good education in how much your weight fluctuates in a day! I treated it a bit like a science experiment *lol* like hmmm I weight 1lb more after my shower than before.. I think my hair can hold 1lb of water! and so on and so forth. I now take my scale readings with a grain of salt, and focus on long-term trends vs individual weigh-ins.

    Just try to be consistent with the weigh-ins you track, so you can keep focus on the long term trends.
  • ifyouwanttosingout
    I agree with the reacting as well as understanding the fluctuation.

    Recently, this happened to me:

    I weighed in at 152. Then, I got my period, ate a bunch on vacation. I weighed in after my period stopped, at 160. I waited a few more days, and was at 153. A week later, 150. Our bodies are punks sometimes and it's good to keep stuff in perspective for sure.
  • KaidaKantri
    KaidaKantri Posts: 401
    I don't think it's a big deal as long as your not being obsessive over it, and realize that your weight is going to fluctuate throughout the day. To get an more accurate view, try to look at the weight at the same time every day. Or as some people tend to do, the same day same time once a week. I do it once a day early in the morning at 6am because that is when I normally get out of bed, and I do it before I get dressed. However, I also realize that weight fluctuates and if it shows a higher weight than the day before i don't freak out. Even if you have a bad day and weigh more, Then just remember what happened to gain that weight and do better that day.
  • Tropical_Turtle
    Tropical_Turtle Posts: 2,236 Member

    I know it is hard - but this says it all pretty well
  • ifyouwanttosingout

    I know it is hard - but this says it all pretty well

    Agreed. And you're absolutely gorgeous!
  • kerr2010
    kerr2010 Posts: 219 Member
    I do the same thing. I have become even more obsessed over the past three weeks because I have not lost a single pound and am slightly freaking out a bit because my goal was to lose 15 pounds before returning to work in September and another 10 by October so that my husband an I could start trying for our second baby.

    I am actually going to be giving my scale to my mother on Thursday and will be leaving it at her house until August 12. She lives 4 hours away so I figure that if the temptation is gone I can focus more on other health issue rather than just my weight.

    I also sent you a request because I am wanting to recruit some more motivational people.
  • strongnotskinny121
    strongnotskinny121 Posts: 329 Member
    I weigh myself all the time. But like everyone else said. It's your reaction to it. I also only log my weight once a week, Sunday morning, naked and after I went to the bathroom. :) Weigh yourself 20 times a day, who cares? But don't freak out when you just ate and your weight goes up 3 pounds.
  • AggieLu
    AggieLu Posts: 873 Member
    I personally challenge you to stay off the scale for a week. THERE I SAID IT!

    Put it away, lock it away, give it to someone to hold it for you. It sounds crazy, I know, but weighing yourself several times per day isn't good for you. It will drive you crazy seeing the number go up, even if it's just 0.1lb. I used to weigh daily. Once a friend challenged me to stay off the scale for a month. I didn't think I could do it. But I did. As a result, I lost more weight and more inches. Also, you shouldn't focus so much on the number. I'm in the mid 200's now, and no one believes what I weigh. I sure don't look it. Focus on the inches and how you feel as a result of the new lifestyle and exercise plan. The best of luck to you!
  • tarabatton
    tarabatton Posts: 47 Member
    Thanx so much for the tips!! I really am trying to keep more focused on the lifestyle change instead of the scale. Its great having all this support <3
  • Francesca3162
    Francesca3162 Posts: 520 Member
    Just remember .. it is either 3500 EXTRA calories consumed to gain or it is 3500 Calorie Deficit to lose.
    So the fluctuations can be water, clothing, placement of scale on floor etc etc.

    As long as you do not take that number and define your day by it, then you can weigh all day long!!
  • clutz15
    clutz15 Posts: 10 Member
    I'm new to MFP and have also found myself on the scale many times a day. I know in my head that my weight will go up and down but doesn't matter I still look. Doesn't help my scale is in the bathroom so everything I go I step on the scale!! BUT, with it only being my first couple days I am seeing very impressive results and that helps. Don't know how I will feel when I hit a flat spot for a couple days/weeks. Friend if you want I would love some motivational friends!