My week

Hello everyone. This is my first time posting on the forums, so we will see how this goes. First off, let me start off by saying that I am a nutritional nazi. I will never eat any junk food, and am very strict. By doing this, in combination of exercise, I have now lost a total of 58 pounds. I started at 238, and am now 180 even. I did this in around 4-5 months without 1 single free day. However, my birthday is coming up, and I will be going on vacation to the family cabin for a week. And I realize, I really want to enjoy some of my old favorite foods, and not make a chore to my relatives who are cooking to be forced to cook healthy. So I have decided I would like to take this week to celebrate and enjoy myself on a job well done, ironically by eating junk. I would not engorge myself, and would stay away from sugar pop and alcohol completely. Instead I will be drinking diet pop. My question to you guys is: Would it be okay if I took this week off, and went immediately back to my nutritional ways afterwards? Will I gain my 58 pounds back in this week? Let me know your opinions, and give me some assurance about it, and help take my future guilt away, if possible. Many thanks in advance everyone! Cheers!

I would also like to add in that during this week I will remain very active and on my feet, exercising every day, normally long walks, jogs, swimming, hiking, Frisbee, etc.


  • Any help would be appreciated!
  • Rmfowler1990
    Rmfowler1990 Posts: 83 Member
    I highly doubt it would do much harm. Sure you may gain a little weight but if you're staying active and not going overboard on the junk food I think you'll be fine.

    My suggestion would be to bring some healthier options still, so you have to option to eat something if you don't feel like eating something unhealthy.

    Good luck - have fun and happy birthday!!
  • sandrinamsilva
    sandrinamsilva Posts: 651 Member
    CONGRATS on 58lbs - I say go have fun, be mindful of calories in/out and when you get back get back to your same routine. Your not going to gain 58lbs. You would have to eat an insane amount of food to gain that much. HAVE FUN AND HAPPY BIRTHDAY :flowerforyou:
    ValRAAAAY Posts: 270 Member
    Take a week off. It'll trick your body. When you get back into the swing of things, you may find that it's helped a bit!

    No harm in eating what you want for a few harm at all.
  • dedraex
    dedraex Posts: 6 Member
    first off congratulations on your sucess! now to the main point.

    i have been in the same position as you where i was going on vacation. i travel on the road and am barely home. i went from huge to almost six pack in 6 months. now in doing this you have to realize that you should splurge ocassionally. now a week of splurging is far to much. what you need to do is figure out what meals are going to be splurge meals and plan to eat healthy in between. for instance on the first night go out. have a couple drinks and have a good time but wake up the next day with a normal healthy breakfast.

    at the same time remember that you earned it and you should have fun if you feel you can afford it. i would maybe take two days total and eat like a pig. remember. calories are calories. you wont gain 58 lbs back but expect to be a couple pounds heavier next time you step on the scale. if you occasionally food binge your body goes into panic mode and spikes your metabolism through the roof and burns it all off right away. if you eat like **** for a week straight. your metabolism will slow down and you will be square one again. keep active to like you said you would! and EAT breakfast no matter what!

    sorry for the rant i just feel like i should help! and dont drink soda! dont be stupid! diet is even worse. have a beer if you must
  • azure7
    azure7 Posts: 136 Member
    To gain back 58 pounds, it would require 203,000 kcal over your total daily energy expenditure. Please don't worry and enjoy your vacation and your birthday. Eat in moderation and stay active and you'll be fine!
  • verptwerp
    verptwerp Posts: 3,659 Member
    Hi, there !

    I wanted to say congrats on losing the 58# .....

    And happy birthDAY !

  • jimgatewood
    jimgatewood Posts: 86 Member
    Take a week off because it's your birthday or because it might be a chore for your host? Usually if it sounds like an excuse, it usually is. With that said, I believe the word is Moderation. I believe you can enjoy your birthday and eat well at the same time. You've done an excellent job to get where you are right now, why not keep it up. You are to be congratulated on your success so far. Good job...Keep it up.

  • bettertracie
    bettertracie Posts: 196 Member
    First off.. GREAT DILIGENCE!!

    Secondly... Quite frankly, if you've been as strict as you say, it won't be a problem... you'll eat everything in site the first day then get sick... your body is used to foods that work WITH it, so you will most definitely shock your system (happens to me every time). Then, you'll finish out your birthday bash enjoying the foods you love in great moderation and try to flush it out with as much water as you can get..

    Thirdly... you'll come home missing your new routine of balancing fitness and nutrition and be ready to get back at it probably harder than you were before!! Don't be afraid to make adjustments at this point in the game, they will help keep you moving in the right direction!!
  • Fasbold
    Fasbold Posts: 29
    You may find that certain kinds of junk are too sweet and no longer pleasing to your palate. I doubt you will eat cake and candy 3 meals a day for a week. You can still make healthy choices, drink enough water, and get enough exercise that a week "off the wagon" won't be a train wreck. Enjoy yourself and try not to sweat the small stuff. Keep your eye on the goal!
  • RealWomenLovePitbulls
    RealWomenLovePitbulls Posts: 729 Member
    make sure u get back on it once ur back and don't binge or overeat, i think it will be fine.
  • KWake1
    KWake1 Posts: 148 Member
    For regular life and vacation life I say: EVERYTHING IN MODERATION.

    Beyond that, I've got nothing :)
  • Feisty_Red
    Feisty_Red Posts: 982 Member
    I'll tell you what... when I TRY to eat bad(yes..I said TRY) I feel very sick...I get headaches from too much sugar..etc. So..even though you think you will take a week off...I bet you will maybe splurge here and there..but will come back to healthy choices..even on vacation!

    You wont gain it all back..its impossible!.. actually(as much as I am not really understanding how it works) some experts say taking a week off...if you are plateaued...then hitting it hard the next week can help your weight loss journey.. keeps your body guessing..and not the same hr cardio...1700 cals a day thing...

    I'm still learning..nothing with weight loss is text book! Good luck and have a good time :)
  • quill16
    quill16 Posts: 373 Member
    I recently reached my goal wt and then went on vacation last week. I ate muffins, pie ,chips, ice cream, fried food and beer ( i sort of went overboard as I usually keep to a 1200-1400 cal diet). I gained back 12 lbs in 6 days! I have been home 3 days and back to a strict routine. I have lost 5 of those 12 lbs. Apparently it is mostly water weight. I'm am sure it will be all gone in 1-2 weeks. Enjoy yourself, but be prepared to get back on schedule when you get home. Sometimes it is hard to do this especially when your bodyand taste buds gets a whiff of the "bad stuff".
  • adonnelly13
    adonnelly13 Posts: 24 Member
    I am a huge believer in moderation. make smart choices when you can. I wouldn't eat anything you want for an entire week, but enjoy yourself!
  • wookiemouse
    wookiemouse Posts: 290 Member
    Congrats on the weight loss! Good job!

    I was in this exact situation in June (family trip to the beach). A candy shop there has the best pecan caramel in the world. And that lead to frozen yogurt with 3 lbs of sprinkles, gelato, fried shrimp, you get the idea. :)

    Was it fun? Heck yeah. Did it taste good? It was ok. Did I pay for it? YES.

    I didn't gain much (maybe 1-2 lbs over a week, since I stuck with my workouts), but the recoil was HORRIBLE. I didn't have any bad food in the house at home, so that was good, but it took about 2-3 weeks for my cravings to go away again. The detox was NOT fun. I think it was worth it, but just beware that the following weeks are not going to be pretty!
  • Thanks for the inputs everyone. I did forget to add a bit of info in. Firstly, most of my time is going to be spent out doors. My goal for this trip is to spend as little time inside as possible, and enjoy some fresh air. Secondly, All the snacks and stuff in between meals are going to be healthy choice (hummus, fruit, carrots, etc.).
  • also forgot to mention I probably won't be eating as much sugary food as I thought. Before my weight loss, when I was eating junk food daily, I have a cavity that always gives my a painful reminder that I'm eating sugary food. I forgot about it since I hadn't had sugar in so long. So I suppose I can use that to my advantage until I go to the dentist when I return! :)