starting over, I need friends!!

Hey guys, I am lacking in support for weight loss goals here at home, so I really want to start using the myfitness community to help stay motivated. I feel like I have such a huge task ahead of me... I gained a LOT of weight in college and I just cannot get it off. My friends do not help out...I receive constant pressure to eat unhealthily and drink alcohol and stop trying to diet. It makes me discouraged and that is very counterproductive. Please tell me your stories if anyone else has experienced this with their friends or family. I need to know that I can still do this.



  • I also have alot of external factors that keep me from reaching my goal. Feel free to add me as a friend.
  • begreenbe
    begreenbe Posts: 102 Member
    My husband bought me Rhubarb pie last weekend, b/c he knew how much I liked it. Feel free to add me!
  • Corina979
    Corina979 Posts: 1
    hi....good on you for trying to make a difference in your life and change your bad habits
    it's not gone be easy but every time you feel discouraged ask yourself why are you doing this?

    are you doing this because you want to loose weight and be healthier, and feel better and happier, have a better quality of life or are you doing this because everyone else said you should?

    good luck, stay focused and remember why are you doing this!
  • ferraroma
    ferraroma Posts: 13
    You can add me.... I have been on a 3 week vacation and need to regroup!
  • Mariefv
    Mariefv Posts: 3 Member
    Feel free to message me anytime, and add me as a friend. :)
  • Pat_7
    Pat_7 Posts: 3
    I'm right there with you...I've been on and off the wagon for a couple of years now! I'm looking for friends just to keep me accountable. I just sent you a friend request (along with the kind folks who responded). :)
  • incognitopotato
    incognitopotato Posts: 26 Member
    Hey, I'm in the same boat--trying to get the college weight off. It's definitely not easy! Feel free to add me, I'm trying to get back on the wagon and log my food every day again.
  • regecko
    regecko Posts: 5 Member
    You can add me, too! I'm also trying to get the college weight off... a LOT of college weight off!
  • I have been on here a few months and it is so difficult to get on track! My last 10 are not coming off at all, but I know I have not been pushing myself hard enough. My hubby thinks I am fine the way I am and the only other person who supports me besides my MFP friends is my sister who lives 8 hours away.... Feel free to add me, I try to support all my pals!!!
  • no1betta
    no1betta Posts: 11
    I have been out of school for 8 years now and really understand how hard it is to lose the freshman & senior 50 lol. I have been on this roller coaster for a long while but finally deciding to get off and just get it done. Feel free to add me and if you want some accountability I can surely help. I do check diaries and leave comments like "did u just eat a cheese burger" lol and i expect the same comments in return. Friends and family that are not into being healthy usually don't understand the struggle. I say healthy because it is more than just a diet or to be thin ...... you want to be around and in the best shape possible at 106. Stay encouraged!!!

  • thank you guys so much for your responses, I'm about to add each of you! As I am typing, my mother is pouring cheese all over my dinner, so it looks like I am in for another confrontation...... wish me luck. I wonder sometimes whether she does it on purpose or whether she really doesn't get it? How do you deal with constantly having to explain yourself to people? sheesh! well shoot me a message or an add if you have figured out how to do this without getting totally crazy all the time.
  • violabeatle
    violabeatle Posts: 87 Member
    We're in a similar boat, I'll add you! Gained about 40lbs my freshman year. My family is very supportive but my friends, while they verbally support me, do not actively show it and constantly shove food in my face.
  • Hang in there! I just started logging again, because a spring and summer of cookies, scotcharoos and Friday pizza day at work have caught up to me. Love that my boss is generous, hate that it's always such yummy/unhealthy food.

    Good luck finding a strategy that works for you in dealing with your friends and family.