Weight Gain with Insanity

Okay guys, I'm freaking out and I need some advice or motivation or whatever it is I need to get through this.

I started Insanity last week at 113lbs - I wasn't going to weigh in till next Monday when I have to go through the Fit Test again but I got curious. So, this morning I weighed in at 116.4 lbs; what's going on? It's been a week since I started - before Insanity my weight loss was going so well but now I'm gaining all this weight and it's so discouraging.

At times after or before Insanity I will do some kickboxing or go out for a jog or walk...

Can someone please tell me what I should do? or explain to me what's going on?

I was planning on starting Brazilian Butt Lift but now I'm not even sure.


I forgot to specify



  • nxd10
    nxd10 Posts: 4,570 Member
    If you've lost 46 pounds, you must know that weight goes up and down all the time for lots of random reasons. Like drinking lots of fluids cause you're exercising or eating too much salt or having your period or because it's hot out or for NO APPARENT REASON. Let it go.
  • Ride it out and drink more water even if you're already drinking a lot. As you change workout programs, something like Insanity can be a "shock" to your system. More than likely if your previous workout regimen was not as intense you are very likely retaining water. It's a natural reaction of your body to protect itself. If you continue to hydrate eventually your body will adapt and eliminate.

    Edited: Also, just looked at your diary. If you have MFP set to lose X lbs per week you really need to eat back the calories you burn with Insanity. Frankly, you are not eating enough to fuel your body for the workouts. Go back and review the Insanity Nutrition guide and reset your MFP settings. I've found it's easier with Insanity to set your goal as Maintain and your Exercise at Very Active. This (for me) corresponds closely with the Insanity Nutrition guide recommendations. This way you DO NOT have to eat back your exercise calories and use those for the deficit to lose weight. Lastly, aim for the 40% carbs/40% Protein/20% fat for all 5 meals.
  • rosalee87
    rosalee87 Posts: 221 Member
    during my weight loss journey my weight didn't really fluctuate much if it did it was only about 1lb

    But what worries me is continuing the weight gain.
  • rosalee87
    rosalee87 Posts: 221 Member
    Ride it out and drink more water even if you're already drinking a lot. As you change workout programs, something like Insanity can be a "shock" to your system. More than likely if your previous workout regimen was not as intense you are very likely retaining water. It's a natural reaction of your body to protect itself. If you continue to hydrate eventually your body will adapt and eliminate.

    you're right, before Insanity after I reached my goal weight I would just walk or do some kickboxing.
  • svfd235
    svfd235 Posts: 26
    My first two weeks of insanity I gained like 3 pounds, by the recovery week I had lost 4 but lost a ton of inches! The second month is where most people see the biggest amount of weight lost! Just make sure you are caculating your inches and fat percent
  • Kalraii
    Kalraii Posts: 89
    Muscle weighs more than fat!!! This is how you'll end up looking leaner but possibly weighing more xD Measure your INCHES, your neck, bust, waist, hips and thighs. Watch them AND scales at this point. Make sure you drink water - I gained 11 pounds in water weight after a massive hike the other day. It's only started to drop about two days after. Muscles hang onto water to help flush out toxins from your workout. You won't get a true reading unless your drinking loads (try meet your 8 a day) or until a few days after a major workout. Make sure you're eating enough - if you are eating the same before you started your workout regime your body probably thinks it's not getting enough energy to support basic bodily functions and will hoard everything in worry. Best of luck and GJ so far! :)
  • WEB3
    WEB3 Posts: 121 Member
    1- Its only been a week.

    2- With new excercise muscles will retain water.

    3- Measure yourself, don't weigh yourself.

    4- Its only been a week!
  • Pedal_Pusher
    Pedal_Pusher Posts: 1,166 Member
    I gained a few lbs doing insanity. no biggie.
  • tuffytuffy1
    tuffytuffy1 Posts: 920 Member
    It's probably water retention, I wouldn't worry about it.
  • jooordanleigh
    jooordanleigh Posts: 2 Member
    remember that muscle weighs more than fat!
  • alexis831
    alexis831 Posts: 469 Member
    Stop freaking out! I went up a couple of pounds but I dropped my body fat in the process! Throw the freakin scale out, get yourself a measuring tape, and a body fat tester. Those in my opinion are the real ways to measure success.
  • karen4801
    karen4801 Posts: 20
    They need a page that outlines terms. What is insanity and what is eating back calories?
  • BROscience_PHD
    BROscience_PHD Posts: 215 Member
    Its most likely water retention, along with your muscles engorged with glycogen, sugar, creatine, and your body holding on to some fat because your stressing your body out with all this high impact, you cant build 3 lbs of muscle in one week, its damn near impossible. the most you can build in one year is around 15lbs.naturally that is.
  • They need a page that outlines terms. What is insanity and what is eating back calories?

    Insanity is a home workout DVD program made by a company called Beachbody. They make a lot of different programs that you'll see referenced on the site including P90X, Chalean, Slim in 6, Power 90, etc.

    Eating back calories: The way that MFP works is you provide the setup with a few of your goals. For example, you can tell it that you want to lose 2 lbs per week. Based on your age, sex, height, current weight, MFP will provide a recommended number of calories for you to "NET" to achieve your 2 lbs per week. However, if you exercise you basically earn more calories to eat since MFP has already reduced your figures by 1,000 calories per day (this is what if would take for you to lose 2lbs per week). If you don't eat your exercise calories back then you are eating 1,000 + Exercise Calories less than you should be. It'll work for a while but eventually you can stall out losing weight and you'll start asking "how come I haven't lost any lbs in a month!?"

    Confusing I know but that's the general method behind the MFP calculations and why many people say to "eat back your exercise calories".
  • bgtorres
    bgtorres Posts: 186 Member
    That has happened to me before (it's muscle) that your gaining
  • BROscience_PHD
    BROscience_PHD Posts: 215 Member
    That has happened to me before (it's muscle) that your gaining
  • alexis831
    alexis831 Posts: 469 Member
    That has happened to me before (it's muscle) that your gaining
    Your false :)... could be muscle too could be water could be food, realistically its all three. If you deal in absolutes, usually means that your wrong since you don’t know for sure. The only way to tell is to have a body fat tester. You can gain about a pound of muscle a week from the start then it starts to dwindle from there after the first so on then it becomes harder.
  • morgansmom02
    morgansmom02 Posts: 1,131 Member
    I am guessing your muscles are retaining water to help them rebuild. Insanity does crazy stuff to your body!
  • stephvaile
    stephvaile Posts: 298
    looking at your food diary and you are no were near eating enough 800-1,000 cals aday is no good when u exercise plain and simple
  • hottottie11
    hottottie11 Posts: 907 Member
    No muscle gain here folks. You can't gain 3 lbs of muscles on a cardio based workout on a caloric deficit in ONE week.

    No "starvation mode". I doubt she her TDEE is so low that eating 800-1000 calories will cause her to gain 3 lbs in a week. (Although I do recommend an increase in calories to accommodate such a high activity level)

    It's water retention. Plain and Simple
  • knwitall
    knwitall Posts: 420 Member
    It's probably water or muscle. Don't let the scales mess with you. Give it another week and weight and measure again. I was the same way when i started the 30 day shred. I had gained around 4 lbs the first week and freaked out. But the next week i was all good. :)
  • itsDorian7
    itsDorian7 Posts: 105 Member
    No muscle gain here folks. You can't gain 3 lbs of muscles on a cardio based workout on a caloric deficit in ONE week.

    ^ This
  • sobriquet84
    sobriquet84 Posts: 607 Member
    i hate hearing "muscle weighs more than fat". a pound of muscle = a pound of fat. she has not gained INCHES/THREE POUNDS of muscle in ONE WEEK.

    she's retaining water.
  • ZarrX86
    ZarrX86 Posts: 38
    i hate hearing "muscle weighs more than fat". a pound of muscle = a pound of fat. she has not gained INCHES/THREE POUNDS of muscle in ONE WEEK.

    she's retaining water.

    yea, but when people say that they dont mean literally. a pound of muscle looks much different than a pound of fat, it is much denser so it looks smaller, so where 2 pounds of fat can take up you can fit like 5 pounds of muscle. thats not accurate whatsoever but it gets the point across.
  • BROscience_PHD
    BROscience_PHD Posts: 215 Member
    That has happened to me before (it's muscle) that your gaining
    Your false :)... could be muscle too could be water could be food, realistically its all three. If you deal in absolutes, usually means that your wrong since you don’t know for sure. The only way to tell is to have a body fat tester. You can gain about a pound of muscle a week from the start then it starts to dwindle from there after the first so on then it becomes harder.
    Read what everybody else wrote andhired that fur absolutes
  • lipsticknlattes
    lipsticknlattes Posts: 49 Member
    Looking at your diary, I would say that you aren't eating near enough to fuel your body for Insanity. I have done Insanity twice. Also, when you work muscles, you retain water, too. Just give it some time. And my honest opinion-eat at least 1500 calories a day to fuel those intense workouts. I had amazing results and got really cut with Insanity, and you will too!
  • tdelo7634
    tdelo7634 Posts: 40 Member
    That has happened to me before (it's muscle) that your gaining
    Your false :)... could be muscle too could be water could be food, realistically its all three. If you deal in absolutes, usually means that your wrong since you don’t know for sure. The only way to tell is to have a body fat tester. You can gain about a pound of muscle a week from the start then it starts to dwindle from there after the first so on then it becomes harder.
    Read what everybody else wrote andhired that fur absolutes
    Can not be muscle. No one can gain a pound of muscle a week naturally.